My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1050: Extra chapter, brother and sister finally meet

Chapter 1050: Extra chapter, brother and sister finally meet

"Grandma, I..."

"Aze, if it's inconvenient, forget it... Grandma is very happy to see you." The old lady saw Qin Yinze's dilemma, but she was still so considerate and did not force him.

"Grandma, I'm not inconvenienced. I'll take her to see you tomorrow." Ji Rou can only be used. After all, besides her, Qin Yinze can't find a more suitable candidate.

"Okay, okay... grandma is waiting for you." After hearing her grandson's promise, the old lady smiled like a child and looked much better. "Child, when are you going to get married? If grandma can still see you start a family, How nice it would be.”

Life is coming to an end. Seeing that the days left are getting fewer and fewer, there are more and more things that I can't let go of. I always want to hold on for a few more days and watch my children get married. It would be even better if I could have my great-grandson. .

Qin Yinze was not impatient at all when the old man asked. He patiently accompanied her: "Grandma, we have received the certificate."

"Is it true?" The old lady was so excited that she burst into tears this time. Not only did her grandson come back, but she also brought her granddaughter-in-law with her. How could this make people unhappy?

Qin Yinze said: "Grandma, when did I lie to you?"

The old lady smiled happily: "Yes, Aze always keeps his word and has never deceived grandma. Grandma believes in you."

The old lady obviously had no strength, but she still held on. Qin Yinze felt sorry for her: "Grandma, close your eyes and rest for a while."

The old lady shook her head and said like a child: "Aze, grandma doesn't sleep. If you do, you run away. It will take a long, long time for grandma to see you."

Listening to the old lady's worries, Qin Yinze blamed himself: "Grandma, Aze will always be with you and will not leave quietly again."

"Let me just say, my eldest grandson loves grandma the most, and grandma wants to hug your great-grandson the most." The old lady closed her eyes, but she still held Qin Yinze tightly. She was afraid that she would let go. He ran away again.

"Grandma..." Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and gently touched the old lady's face, which was so thin that only wrinkles remained. "Grandma, I love you!"

"elder brother……"

Suddenly, a familiar and pleasant female voice sounded behind Qin Yinze, instantly making his body freeze and his heart pounding, as if it wanted to jump out of his mouth.

"elder brother……"

Qin Yinze didn't respond. The person behind him called him crisply, and from the sound, she was getting closer and closer to him.

She was already standing behind him. No matter what, he could not avoid meeting her. Qin Yinze let go of the old lady's hand and looked back.

Today she was wearing a floral sleeveless long skirt, which was no longer the casual style he was familiar with. She was already tall, and this dress made her figure slimmer and slender.

She looked better like this than in his memory. She was less immature when she was young and more mature and feminine. Even standing there, people could feel her elegance.

Of course, she is about to become a wife, and if the person she likes is with her every day, of course she will mature and become more feminine.

After not seeing her for three years, when he saw her again, he thought he would be crazy and would risk everything to have her, but he never expected that his heart would be much calmer than he imagined. There will still be fluctuations in his heart, but this fluctuation is still within the range that he can bear and control.

He admitted that she was more beautiful and outstanding, but his mood when he saw her was completely different from before, as if she was just his sister.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

"elder brother……"

She opened her mouth to call him again, and suddenly she shed tears. The crystal teardrops hung on her eyelashes, making her look pitiful.

He didn't respond, and looked at the tears rolling down the corners of her eyes. It was still the same as before, and it made him feel bad to see her cry. Regardless of whether she loves him or not, he still wishes her well.

He wanted to reach out to wipe away her tears, but this time he did not reach out.

"Brother, you are finally back." She came closer to him, threw herself into his arms, and stretched out her hands to hug him tightly, "You are finally back."

The fragrant and soft body fell into his arms. This was obviously the body he had longed for. He had thought about possessing her countless times before.

However, when he reached out to hold her, his thoughts were very simple. He finally figured out his identity. She was his sister and he was her brother.

His persistence for her is just what people often say, because he wants it more because he can't get it. Over the years, his feelings for her are not love, but unwillingness. In the final analysis, he just doesn't want to admit defeat.

After being adopted by the Qin family, his life changed drastically. He became the dazzling eldest young master of the Qin family. People who originally looked down on him became the ones who fawned over him, so he developed a bad feeling. Thoughts, he felt that everyone should obey him.

But she didn't. She was always indifferent to him and always attacked him. There was even a time when he even had the idea of ​​destroying her.

Fortunately, he always remembered the teachings of his grandparents and parents, so he stopped in time and did not make an irreparable mistake.

Finally clearing his mind, Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and hugged her back, hugging her as a brother for the first time: "I'm back to see grandma."

He spoke and was finally willing to talk to her. Qin lelan was so happy that she burst into tears: "Brother, I'm sorry! It's all my fault."

He stroked her head: "You don't have to tell me you're sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. It was always my fault, and I shouldn't let everyone worry about me."

He had been escaping and hiding. He had been running away for three years and couldn't figure out the things he had been hiding for three years. He suddenly figured it out when he saw her.

This incident also taught him that no matter what kind of things he encounters, escaping will never solve the problem, and he must face it head-on.

Just like the problem between him and Ji Rou, he must have a good talk with her, and he can no longer let her think that he is thinking about how to kill her every day.

With that stupid woman's IQ, it wouldn't be a matter of minutes before he killed her. He didn't take any serious action with her, so she thought she was very capable.

Suddenly, Qin Yinze felt a little funny, a stupid woman who was so stupid that she could touch an egg against a stone, but her courage was commendable.

Qin leran raised his head from his arms and looked at him expectantly: "Brother, will you... stay this time?"

Looking at Qin leran's expectant eyes, Qin Yinze couldn't bear to say no, but he had to say: "I'm afraid it won't work."

When Qin Yinze said no, Qin lelan's expression dimmed instantly. She swallowed the bitterness silently and asked, "Brother, how long do you plan to stay in Jiangbei?"

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