My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1051: Extra Chapter, Escaped and Caught

Chapter 1051: Extra Chapter, Escaped and Caught

Qin Yinze reached out and rubbed her head and said, "The specific time has not been decided yet, but I won't leave for the next two days."

"Brother..." Qin lelan pursed his lips, looking like he was hesitating to speak, "brother, I know my request is too much for you, but I still have to say it. Can you come to join me and brother lie? A wedding?"

He is also a member of the family. Without his participation in the wedding, Qin lelan always felt that something would be missing, that is, his sincere blessing.

Qin leran's request should have been too much for him before, but now Qin Yinze doesn't think so at all.

He smiled and said: "I'm glad that you can personally invite me to your wedding. By the way, you invite me to attend. I am not alone. I may bring one more person to your wedding."

"Brother, have you got a girlfriend?" Qin lelan sincerely hopes that he can find the girl he likes and that he will be happy.

"No." Qin Yinze said. Under Qin leran's momentarily frustrated gaze, he replied, "she is already your sister-in-law."

That stupid woman is not his girlfriend, but her name is written in the spouse column of his marriage certificate. She is his Qin Yinze's legal wife.

"Brother... you, are you married?" Oh my god, this news is more exciting and more exciting than the news just now. Qin lelan jumped a few times in an incomprehensible manner, "Is it true? Is it true? ? Am I dreaming? Brother, tell me, do I really have a sister-in-law? "

"You're not dreaming, all this is real." Seeing her as happy as a child, Qin Yinze can't help being infected by her emotions and having fun with her, but it's different from the past Yes, he knew exactly what he wanted.

Qin lelan stepped forward and hugged him again: "brother, congratulations on finding your happiness! I'm so happy that you can find your happiness."

She had always been afraid that he would still be stuck in the past feelings that he shouldn't have and couldn't get out of it. Now that she heard him say that he was married, she couldn't wait to announce to the world that her brother had found his happiness.

The brother and sister reunited after a long separation, and suddenly heard such good news. Qin lelan was so excited that he danced with excitement: "Brother, I'm waiting for you to bring your sister-in-law to my wedding. But before the wedding, should I bring the new sister-in-law to the family to get to know each other?" .”

"Well, I'll go back and discuss this with her." This matter is actually a more difficult issue for Qin Yinze.

Ji Rou is not willing to admit that she is his wife at all. If he introduces her to his family at this time, with her personality, he thinks she will definitely make the family a mess, so he must think of someone The way is to make her cooperate with him obediently and absolutely nothing can go wrong.

As for what to do... Qin Yinze couldn't think of it for a while, but he didn't have the time to think about it, so he went back to explore her voice at night.

"Brother, what kind of person is your sister-in-law?" In Qin leran's view, the girl who can make such an outstanding brother like her and marry her home must be an extraordinary girl.

"She is a bit..." A bit stupid woman with persecution paranoia. This is Qin Yinze's truest opinion of Jirou, but it is not easy to tell others about her shortcomings, so he can Very politely, "She is a very cute girl."

"Brother, I can't wait to see her." She really couldn't wait to see who had conquered her brother.

"Tomorrow I will bring her to see grandma and introduce her to her family." It is said that an ugly daughter-in-law will meet her parents-in-law sooner or later. Besides, Ji Rou is not ugly, so let's take this opportunity to introduce her to her family.

Qin lelan said: "Brother, you must be happy. No matter where you go, don't forget that you still have our family members. We will always wait for you to come back."

Qin Yinze nodded: "We will all be happy."

Qin Yinze never expected that Ji Rou, who was in the hotel, had already run away and was not waiting for him to come back to take her to meet her family.

Two hours ago, Qin Yinze had just left the hotel, and Jirou got up from the bed.

Ji Rou stood at the window and watched Qin Yinze leave the hotel by car. She returned to the room and hurriedly changed her clothes. She had to escape.

If she stays here stupidly and doesn't leave, Qin Yinze, a pervert, will drive her crazy if she is not killed by Qin Yinze.

For her own personal safety, Ji Rou feels that she has no choice but to escape. It is best to escape back so that he can never find her again, then she will be safe.

To escape, the most important things are of course your cell phone and money. She had a mobile phone, but she had no money, so she took all the cash in Qin Yinze's wallet.

The prostitute had to pay for sex once with a woman outside. She let him ruin her twice in vain. Tens of thousands of dollars from him was not too much.

After getting the money, Jirou hurried to the airport with her passport and bought the fastest ticket to Minluo City. Before getting on the plane, she called the prince and the monkey and asked them to help her prepare something.

After everything was settled, Jirou also boarded the plane. When the news that the plane was about to take off was played in the cabin, she, who always liked challenges and excitement, picked up her mobile phone and sent Qin Yinze a text message with her selfie - Qin Qinshou, Auntie, I'm flying away, goodbye! Oh no, when you saw this text message from me, you must have gone crazy and wanted to take me back. But I'm ready to take off. If you have the ability, drag me off the plane.

When he received this text message, Qin Yinze could even imagine how proud Ji Rou was smiling, but she actually asked him to drag her off the plane. What reason did he have to disobey his wife?

The plane that had already started taxiing slid to the parking port. The crew explained that due to air traffic control, the plane could not take off temporarily.

When she heard that the plane couldn't take off on time, Ji Rou was the most anxious. Her heart thumped and she panicked: "Didn't that plane just take off on time? How could there be sudden air traffic control?"

At this time, the person who answered Ji Rou was not the flight attendant, but the police who came. They took out their IDs: "Ji Xiaojian, please cooperate with our investigation."

Ji Rou is unwilling to cooperate: "What did I do? Why do you want me to cooperate with you to check? Did you find the wrong person?"

The police said: "Miss Jirou, you are the person we are looking for. We don't know what you committed, but you can ask Mr. Qin!"

In an instant, Ji Rou only felt that there were a group of crows flying in the sky!

It's that Qin beast who suffered a thousand blows again!

He really wanted to kill her!

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