My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1066 Extra chapter, serious consequences (2)

Chapter 1066: Extra chapter, serious consequences (2)

At the same time as she asked, Jirou's eyes caught sight of the tall man walking towards her.

He walked quickly and came to her side in a few steps. Jirou's eyes suddenly lit up: "Sure enough, there is a handsome guy, he is really handsome..."

"I saw it first, he is mine." Dai Li raised her wine glass and rushed towards the man, "Handsome guy, since you are so handsome, can I treat you to a drink?"

The man frowned gloomily, turned slightly to avoid Dai Li's outstretched hand, and shot Jirou coldly to see if she was going to make trouble.

It's a pity that Ji Rou is drunk and in a daze, she can't see the coldness in the man's eyes. She only knows that he is looking at her and looking at her steadily.

She was demeaned and unfeminine every day, disliked by her friends every day, and suddenly a handsome guy stared at her. Ji Rou felt that it was time for her to feel proud.

But just when she wanted to say something, Dai Li got in front of her and pounced on the handsome guy again: "Handsome guy, what's so interesting about her? Look at me."

The man avoided Dai Li again, with more cruelty in his gloomy eyes.

This scene clearly fell into Ji Rou's eyes, making her laugh: "Hahaha... Dai Li, he doesn't want you, he doesn't want you... Hahaha, he is looking at me, he is looking at me, You lose again. Who said that this lady is unfeminine and unattractive to men... Prince, monkey, you two, open your eyes and let me see clearly."

Dai Li glared at Ji Rou angrily: "Go away, don't cause trouble here."

"Dai Li, he came for me. Don't you want the guy named Qin? I'll find a way to send him to your bed another day. Don't argue with me about this." After comforting Dai Li, Ji Rou grabbed a With the wine bottle, he walked up to the man, suddenly reached out and hooked his chin, and breathed out the intoxicating smell of alcohol, "Handsome man, tell them yourself that you are here for me."

Of course he came here for her... he saw her drunken state, saw her teasing men, heard that she planned to send him to another woman's bed... there were probably many things he didn't know.

Jirou caressed his chiseled forehead: "handsome boy, please speak. You don't think I'm unfeminine like them, do you?"

"It's mine. I saw him first. You can't snatch it from me..." Dai Li rushed over again and was about to knock Jirou away. The man grabbed Jirou's waist and took her with him. He moved two steps to the side, avoiding Dai Li again, and the cruelty in his eyes became even more cruel.

"Handsome, you like me, right? Burp..." Jirou burped and sprayed the man's face with the smell of alcohol, "Thank you for liking me! Let me know that not all men are blind!"

"Boy, don't take advantage of our boss while she's drunk. Give her back to me." The prince sobered up a little and saw his boss being hugged by another man, trying to snatch her back.

"Shh, don't make any noise! ​​Let him hug me, I like his taste." Jirou stopped the prince, crawled into the man's arms, and stretched out her hands to hug his waist tightly.

"Boss..." The prince wanted to say something else, but was stopped by two sharp eyes.

Seeing this drunken man hugging and hugging a man he didn't know, anger burned completely in Qin Yinze's chest: "Ji Rou!"

"Eh... you know my name! You actually know my name. Then you must have secretly liked me for a long time." When she heard him calling her name, Ji Rou's heart was struck by something. The face in front of her Gradually it became clear, it was a young and handsome face, "Brother Feng, are you back?"

Brother Feng!

The moment he heard these three words, Qin Yinze exuded a terrifying coldness, making everyone around him shiver unconsciously.

At this moment, Jirou did another thing. She stood on tiptoes, put her pink lips together, and kissed him on the lips: "I like you, I like you very much..."

Fighting, drinking, getting drunk and going crazy, thinking he is another man... Qin Yinze's heart is not only filled with Jirou's ten sins, but he plans to give her a chance: "Jirou, do you know who you are kissing? "

"Who are you? Yes, who are you?" She blinked, scratched her head and thought about it seriously, "You are my brother Feng."

"Very good!" Sure enough, he thought he was another man.

"No, you are not my brother Feng. My brother Feng would not be so cruel to me." Jirou burped again and shook her head to look at him, "I see you look familiar. Who are you? ?Have we met before?"

"Who do you think I am?" Qin Yinze's eyes were sharp, making Ji Rou tremble slightly. "No more playing, no more playing, keep drinking."

"How can we not play? Let's go back and have fun." After that, Qin Yinze picked up Ji Rou and strode out.

She hung upside down on his shoulder and felt like the world was spinning: "My friends, I seem to be captured by bad guys, please save me!"

"Boss..." The prince and the monkey watched helplessly as Ji Rou was carried away, but no one dared to save her. The man just now had too much aura and they couldn't deal with it.

"Handsome, where are you taking me? Do you really like me? But, but I seem to..." The words "married" were not uttered. The alcohol made her feel very uncomfortable, and she vomited with a sound.

Qin Yinze was unprepared and was vomited all over by this woman. His face was livid with anger and he roared: "Ji Rou, you stupid woman, you did it on purpose!"

Wow, wow, wow... Jirou had no idea about Qin Yinze's anger. She felt much better after vomiting and hung it comfortably on Qin Yinze's shoulder: "Don't be fierce! Fierce men are not liked."

Qin Yinze threw her down, took off her shirt two or three times, and threw it into the trash can nearby. This woman disgusted him to death.

"Sir." The driver waiting outside for Qin Yinze quickly handed over a clean clothes and a bottle of water. "Do you want to rinse Miss Ji's mouth with this?"

Qin Yinze puts on his shirt, takes the mineral water bottle and hands it to Ji Rou: "Drink water and rinse your mouth."

Jirou couldn't stand still and poured into his arms: "Water? No, I don't drink water. Xingxing, mix me two more cups of Love You 520. Today I will not get drunk with Dai Li until we return."

"Jirou!" Qin Yinze had a dark face and wanted to strangle this drunken and crazy woman to death several times.

"Don't scream so loud, I heard you. I'm sleepy and want to sleep." She lay in his arms, nuzzled him, changed to a more comfortable position, and really fell asleep.

"Jirou, you are so good!" After being drunk, Qin Yinze was defenseless against "strangers". Looking at Jirou who was drunk in his arms, Qin Yinze made another mistake that she could never forgive.

Qin Yinze hugged Jirou and looked at the driver coldly: "Drive back."

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