My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1067 Extra chapter, serious consequences (3)

Chapter 1067: Extra chapter, serious consequences (3)


The sound of falling water.

In her drunken dream, Ji Rou was having a beautiful dream. She dreamed that her brother Feng was back, and that brother Feng personally took her home.

But just when Brother Feng was about to hug her, the world suddenly spun around and she fell into the cold water.

The water was very deep and cold. She kept sinking and sinking, and the cold water poured from her mouth into her stomach one after another.

She splashed hard against the water, trying to surface, but as she didn't understand the nature of water at all, she couldn't float no matter how hard she struggled, and she drank more and more water.

"Help..." She wanted to call for help, but not only did she not make a sound, she drank a few more water.

It's over, it's over, she screamed silently, hoping someone could grab her and save her.

It was as if her prayer was heard immediately by God. Suddenly a big hand lifted her up from the water, and she breathed fresh air.

"Ahem, cough...thank you!" She opened her eyes and wanted to thank the person who saved her, but she saw a familiar and livid face.

She looked at him and shrank in fear when she saw his angry eyes.

"Why am I in the water?" she asked, but he didn't answer her.

He didn't speak and just stared at her coldly. Could she be dreaming?


She vaguely remembered that she had a date with the prince and the others for a drink, and vaguely remembered that she met Dai Li again. They were drinking at Liu Diandian's bar, and then she appeared here.

She and the prince drank well, and they would never fall into the swimming pool while drinking, so Ji Rou decided that this was a dream, a terrible nightmare!

Since she was dreaming, she didn't have to be afraid of the man in front of her. In her own dream, she would never let him bully her.

She raised her head and said arrogantly: "Qin, you'd better get out of the way and stay out of the way, otherwise you'll be in trouble. I dreamed of my brother Feng, why are you here to interrupt me?"

Mentioning that damn man in front of him without any secret, Qin Yinze's eyes darkened and he looked at her coldly: "It seems that Miss Ji didn't drink enough water and is not awake yet."

Ji Rou straightened her chest and shouted: "Yes, I didn't wake up. This is my dream. I can dream for as long as I want. How can I let you, a bastard, bully me in my dream?"

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Isn't it?" Jirou always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was.

She looked around and found that it was the swimming pool of his villa, with a water depth of 2.5 meters written on the side.

The water was 2.5 meters deep, and Jirou was a little scared. After all, she couldn't swim. Fortunately, it was in her dream and she couldn't drown.

It's strange to say that she obviously hates Qin Yinze so much, hates the place where she was detained for many days, and hates everything related to him. Why does she still dream of coming here?

Jirou doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand. She has to wake up quickly and escape from this terrible man.

Jirou immediately reached out and pinched her thigh, trying to wake herself up from her sleep.

"Ouch, why does it hurt?" She thought she was dreaming and pinched herself hard. Unexpectedly, this pinch not only failed to wake her up from her dream, but instead caused her to grit her teeth in pain.

Qin Yinze didn't say much. No matter what she did, he looked at her like a clown performing.

Jirou didn't pay attention to him. What she was thinking about was why she didn't wake up from her dream.

Does it hurt if you pinch yourself?

It's possible that she wasn't dreaming, and everything that was happening at this moment was real.

Qin Yinze stood beside her, and she was indeed in his swimming pool.

No, he was not standing in front of him. He was holding her in the water. As long as he let go of his hand, she, who could not swim, would be submerged again.

After seeing the situation clearly, Ji Rou was so frightened that she stammered: "Qin, Mr. Qin, were I joking with you just now? In fact, I woke up... I woke up a long time ago..."

"Are you sober a long time ago?" She scolded him when she was sober, and mentioned other men in front of him. This was even more unforgivable and unforgivable.

Ji Rou nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes... let's go ashore first and then talk about other things."

"But you're not awake enough!" Qin Yinze suddenly raised the corners of his lips, smiled evilly, and let her fall into the water as soon as he let go.

"Ah... don't let me go!" She can't swim, she will drown, she is afraid... Gulu Gulu drank a few more water.

This feeling was terrible, as if she could drown at any time and at any time, making her feel that death was coming to her again, and getting closer and closer.

Just when she thought she was about to drown, he grabbed her again and asked in a cold voice: "Are you awake?"

"Wake up! Wake up!" Ji Rou was already afraid of drinking water. She didn't want to drink any more, so she instinctively entangled herself with him.

She put her arms around his neck, wrapped her legs around his waist, and hung on him like a koala: "Don't leave me again, I'm afraid of water!"

She thought that Qin Yinze couldn't do anything to her, but Qin Yinze wanted to scare her.

He smiled evilly and suddenly sank into the water, letting her sink into the water with him.

He has good water properties and can hold his breath and breathe easily. However, Jirou doesn't understand water properties and doesn't know how to hold her breath. She drinks a few more water.

She wanted to push him away and escape to the water in her own way. Unexpectedly, he moved faster, and his hand stretched out to wrap around her waist.

He held her waist and hugged her hard, making her whole body stick to him tightly. He led her to sink to the bottom of the water.

"I'm dying... I'm dying..." Just when Ji Rou felt like she was drowning again, Qin Yinze suddenly hugged her head, kissed her mouth, and breathed into her mouth-to-mouth.

Ji Rou originally wanted to hide away, but her life was more important than anything else. In order to save her life, she gave up her struggle and breathed in the air he gave her.

She was so focused and serious that she didn't even know when he brought her to the surface. She was still breathing the "air" he gave her passionately.

Until... the air he gave her was not enough, her tongue was numb, and when she was about to suffocate, he let her go.

"Help!" Ji Rou instinctively called for help, only to realize that he had already brought her to the swimming pool.

He said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

She shook her head and nodded heavily again when she met his sharp eyes.

"Then tell me what you did wrong."

"I...I was wrong everywhere." Anyway, admit your mistake first.

It seems that she still needs to deal with the unrepentant guy.

Qin Yinze's hand around her waist loosened, and Ji Rou quickly sank into the water. She was afraid and reached out to grab her in a hurry.

With this grab, I accidentally caught Qin Yinze's swimming trunks...

Ji Rou discovered this bad thing and wanted to let go, but she would be flooded again after letting go, so she pretended not to see it and looked at him pitifully.

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