My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1068 Extra chapter, serious consequences (4)

Chapter 1068: Extra chapter, serious consequences (4)

But...but...Qin Yinze's eyes are not on Jirou's face at all, but on the place where her fingertips come into contact with his swimming trunks.

He looked at her, with a light that was difficult to detect for Ji Rou under his calm face, but he said indifferently: "Want it?"

"Think..." Ji Rou nodded hard. As she nodded, she suddenly realized that she was wrong. She shook her head hard, "Qin Yinze, don't think nonsense. I just want to go ashore. I have no other intentions for you."

It's so embarrassing that I don't even know where to put it. Ji Rou wants to let go, but this is her only point of strength. Obviously Qin Yinze has no intention of saving her. Once he lets go, she will definitely be drowned.

One side is life, the other side is face. Between life and face, Ji Rou realistically chooses to save her life. After all, if her life is gone, what's the use of having face.

"Am I just thinking wildly, or does Mrs. Qin's behavior make people think wildly?" He looked at her fingers hooking his swimming trunks and told a fact slowly and evilly.

"Yes. I admit that it was wrong for me to pull your swimming trunks, but you think I thought, I was forced by you to save my life." Jirou pulled a little harder, and the swimming trunks were very elastic. , "If you let me go ashore, I won't pull your swimming trunks."

Ji Rou wanted to act coquettishly with him, but Qin Yinze didn't agree with her and continued to look at her indifferently: "Let go of your hand."

Ji Rou shakes her head: "Not loose."

Qin Yinze: "Let go."

"Don't let go." Ji Rou bit her lip and blinked her big black eyes, "Young Master Qin, you are a big man, why are you so upset with me, a little girl?"

To be honest, Ji Rou didn't know where she offended him, how she ended up in his swimming pool and was tortured by him in perverted ways.

"Let go." Qin Yinze still said these two words.

She was so humble, but the man still refused to let her go ashore. Ji Rou cursed him viciously in her heart, but she still had to put on a flattering smile on her face: "Young Master Qin, didn't you say that you were going to Are you responsible for my life and have you never wanted to kill me? Now I will give you a chance to prove that what you said is true and you are not lying to me."

At this time, her mind could still move flexibly, and she thought of blocking his mouth with what he said, but he had no intention of letting her off lightly: "Since you don't believe it, just pretend I didn't say it."

"I believe it, I believe it now... Wuwuwu..." As long as he lets her go ashore, it will be fine. As for what he said, he didn't know whether she believed it or not.

"It's too late." Under Ji Rou's gaze, Qin Yinze simply took off his swimming trunks, the only covering on his body, turned over, swam to the edge of the pool and landed.

"You..." Jirou was still holding his black swimming trunks in her hand, but she still couldn't get rid of the nightmare of being flooded.

How could she have imagined that Qin Yinze, that bastard bitch, would take off his pants, swim naked to the edge of the pool... and even get ashore.

However, Jirou was floating in the water holding on to a pair of swimming trunks that could no longer save her, and had no time to admire the naked Young Master Qin's toned figure.

She waved her hands and grabbed around, grabbing and grabbing, and finally caught a pole. The pole took her to the shore, and she pulled the escalator up to the shore.

After landing, she was so tired that she collapsed by the swimming pool and breathed in the fresh air. She had never been so close to death, so she would not know the horror of death.

Today, Jirou really experienced the fear of death. If the pole was stretched out any later, her life would be lost.

After a long time, Jirou slowly opened her eyes and saw a man wearing a bath towel standing next to her: "Think carefully about what you have done these days."

She almost drowned just now, and he was still asking her what she had done wrong. Even if she ran back to Minluo City first, would he harm her like this?

Ji Rou turned over and sat up, pointed at him and scolded: "You bastard, it's none of your business what I did! Don't use my name in the spouse column on the marriage certificate as an excuse. Even if the marriage certificate is It is legal and valid. I am also an independent individual. I am free to do whatever I want and where I want to go. You have no control over it.”

"You're right." Qin Yinze didn't refute, but looked at her with a half-smile. On this hot day, Ji Rou was so impressed by him that she got goosebumps all over her body.

Ji Rou's momentum weakened a lot in an instant, and she suddenly stuttered: "It's difficult, isn't it? I tell you, you'd better send me wherever you brought me from, otherwise I will sue you Go bankrupt."

Qin Yinze squatted down, reached out and stroked her head gently: "Okay, then I'll wait for you to sue me. If necessary, I can help you find a lawyer, and I must let you win."

His voice was gentle, and even the movement of stroking Jirou's head was gentle, but Jirou was afraid: "Qin Yinze, what do you mean?"

Qin Yinze suddenly smiled and tapped her forehead lightly with his fingertips: "Mrs. Qin, isn't my meaning clear enough?"

The gentler he is and the more unconventional he is, the more uneasy Ji Rou feels: "You...what do you want to do? I'm telling you, don't be arrogant and talk about things when you have something to say."

Qin Yinze's slender fingers gently moved down to her pink and elastic face, and pinched lightly: "It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do."

Jirou: "..."

This man is so terrible! He was obviously so gentle to her, but she could feel murderous intent from him.

Jirou suddenly regretted running away and returning to Jiangbei. But there are all kinds of medicines for sale in the world, but there is no regret medicine that she wants to buy right now.

"Why don't you speak?" Qin Yinze's fingers continued to move down and rested on her pink lips, "Isn't this little mouth very talkative?"

Ji Rou trembled and said, "Qin Yinze, if you kill me, I will turn into a ghost and come to take revenge on you."

"You are so cute and loved, how could I be willing to kill you." He said this, but he suddenly grabbed the back of her head and pushed her towards him.

He lowered his head and bit her hard on the lip, breaking her lip and bright red blood slowly flowing out from her wound.

Jirou: "..."

She was petrified.

"If you don't sue me, then clean up and come to my study, and we can have a good talk." He still had many, many accounts that he had not settled with her.

After saying that, Qin Yinze pushed Jirou towards him again, kissed the blood on her lips gently, then stood up and left gracefully, leaving Jirou in a very embarrassed state.

After a long time, Ji Rou recovered from the threat: "Qin Yinze, you..."

She was so angry, but there was nothing she could do to him, and she had to send him to her door for him to bully, otherwise she would die even more miserably.

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