My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1070: Extra chapter, do you want to sleep with me?

Chapter 1070: Extra chapter, do you want to sleep with me?


Ji Rou wanted to slap the book of repentance in her hand onto Qin Yinze's face, but when she saw his half-smiling expression, she stopped her hand abruptly.

This man is more hateful than she thought!

"Don't want to write?" Qin Yinze looked at her, not only his eyes were gentle, but also his questioning voice was gentle, as if as long as she nodded and said no, he would agree to any of her requests.

Ji Rou wants to puff up her chest and answer "no", but she knows that Qin Yinze, a man, will never be gentle to her, and he must be thinking about how to plot against her.

She didn't know what he was planning, and she didn't know what to do.

Ji Rou clenched her fists, took a deep breath and then another, trying to adjust her breath. She was weaker than him and couldn't defeat him, so she could only endure it.

She put on a bright smile and said, "Young Master Qin, you misunderstood. In fact, I really want to write, but I'm not sure what I did wrong. Please give me some advice, Young Master Qin."

"I don't know what's wrong?" Qin Yinze asked with raised eyebrows.

She dared to tell him that she didn't know what she did wrong, that is, she hadn't realized where she was wrong. This was the key point that Qin Yinze must not forgive her easily.

Jirou smiled along with her: "I know, I may not satisfy you at any point, but I can't just write down my regrets for going to the toilet these days, so can you please help me draw the key points, so that I know where to start? Write."

"I'll give you another hour to think about it." Qin Yinze raised his wrist and looked at the time, "It's now 9:30 pm."

Jirou gritted her teeth: "Qin..."

Qin Yinze smiled: "Huh?"

"Okay, I'm going to think about it carefully until you are satisfied." Jirou glared at him fiercely, turned around and slammed the door.

She came to the study again and thought about what she had done in the past few days. After thinking about it, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

She felt that she was not wrong, but Qin Yinze, the big pervert, didn't think so. Maybe in his opinion, it was wrong for her to drink water.

So Jirou held her head and thought for a while, and decided to start writing from when she left Qin Yinze on the highway a few days ago.

She picked up the pen and wrote seriously.

First, I shouldn’t have used pee to escape on the highway.

Second, after returning to Jiangbeicheng, I shouldn't have gone to McDonald's and bought a box of ice cream.

Third, I shouldn't have disobeyed Young Master Qin's instructions and secretly ate chicken legs and pig knuckles.

Fourth, I should not spend his money when staying in a hotel, let alone squander all his money.

Fifth, I shouldn’t buy a plane ticket to go back to Minluo City first.

Sixth, when Young Master Qin returned to Minluo City, I shouldn't have failed to pick him up at the airport.

Seventh, I should not talk back to Young Master Qin.

Eighth, in the future, I will definitely obey his words in front of him. If he asks me to go east, I will never go west.

Ninth, from now on, his hobbies are my hobbies, he is my heaven, my earth, and three-quarters of my life.

Tenth, if he's not satisfied yet, it's my fault.

After spending nearly an hour, Ji Rou listed her "ten sins", admitting those that should be wrong and flattering those that should be flattered.

She wanted to see how Qin Yinze, that bitch, could make things difficult for her.

Ji Rou came to Qin Yinze's room again. The guy was still reading, very seriously. Just like last time, he still couldn't bear to give her the corner of his eye.

She walked to his bedside and tried her best to act like an obedient and sensible daughter-in-law: "Master Qin, I have written a letter of repentance, and I would like you to read it."

Qin Yinze didn't look at her, but raised his hand to check the time. It was now ten twenty. This time she spent fifty minutes writing this letter of repentance. He could see what she wrote.

Qin Yinze glanced at her, and then slowly reached out to take the letter of repentance she handed over. When he glanced away, his face became ugly.

Ji Rou was observing him. When she saw something wrong with his face, she wanted to run away: "Young Master Qin, please watch slowly. It's getting late. I'll go back to the room to rest first."

Watching her run, Qin Yinze said slowly and unhurriedly: "Before I let you walk out of this door, just go out and try."

Ji Rou really didn't dare to leave. She turned around and gritted her teeth and glared at him: "Master Qin, I have already written the letter of repentance you want. What else do you want?"

Not a single thing that should be mentioned was mentioned, but she had the nerve to say that she had already written it. Qin Yinze really doesn't know whether this woman really doesn't know what's wrong or is deliberately provoking him.

However, he can tell her with his actions that no matter whether she doesn't know or is provoking him, he will treat her as provoking him, and then he will stay with her until the end.

He smiled: "Need me to tell you, what did you do wrong?"

" need." Ji Rou nodded, then shook her head, "I have written it very clearly on the paper, and I believe you should be able to understand it too."

He said: "Yes. I know very well."

Jirou: "Then can I go back to the room and go to sleep?"

Qin Yinze: "What do you think?"

Ji Rou: "What do you want?"

Qin Yinze: "Continue to think about what you did wrong, write it down and send it to my room, otherwise..."

Jirou interrupts him: "It's almost eleven o'clock now, I'm sleepy."

Qin Yinze: "I'm sleepy too."

Jirou glared at him: "Then go to sleep, why are you holding on to me?"

Qin Yinze: "Do you think I'm happy?"

Sure enough, sure enough, she knew that it wasn't that she had done anything wrong, it was just because he was happy that he pervertedly thought of ways to punish her.

Really, she didn't let him torture him to death, that's because she was lucky.

Ji Rou stared at him angrily, wishing she could pounce on him and bite him a few times.

This time she couldn't restrain her anger, and she really pounced on him when she had this idea.

"You bastard, I'll bite you to death." She pressed on him and opened her mouth to bite him. It was a coincidence that she bit him on the chest. The atmosphere in the scene suddenly changed from tense to ambiguous.

"Mrs. Qin, do you want to sleep in the same room with me?" He smiled, his smile was evil and elegant, and there was a light in his eyes that even he didn't notice.

Ji Rou's face was hot with embarrassment. She wanted to refute but didn't know how. Since he already thought so, she didn't want to explain. She rolled over to his side and got into his bed: "Sleep."

"Don't forget, your letter of repentance has not been written yet." He said, but the smile in his eyes was slowly deepening. He did not expect that this trick would have such an effect.

"Bitch man, what do you want?" Ji Rou scolded silently and kicked him at the same time.

She was already sleeping next to him, and this man was still talking to her about the confession. Was he still a man?

Qin Yinze: "Before noon tomorrow at the latest..."

This man... Jirou simply rolled into his arms, put her face on his chest, stretched out her arms and hugged his naked waist: "Sleep."

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