My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1071: Extra chapter, it hurts so much, please be gentle!

Chapter 1071: Extra chapter, it hurts so much, please be gentle!

Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and tried to take Ji Rou away, but Ji Rou held his waist and refused to let go, her head still rubbing in his arms: "Young Master Qin, I'm really sleepy. Please let me go." Let me sleep!"

Her soft and fragrant body pressed tightly against his, allowing him to clearly feel every beautiful line of hers. Qin Yinze's body froze. After all, he was no match for her nonsense.

Tonight's confrontation ended with Ji Rou temporarily taking the lead.

Ji Rou felt a little proud in her heart, hum hum hum... No matter what kind of man he is, he can't beat the trick of a beautiful woman throwing herself into his arms.

It seems that, as Liu Diandian said, women still have to be weak at the right time and become coquettish from time to time, so that no man can resist it.

She originally thought that Qin Yinze, a perverted man, was different from other men. Now it seems that he still has the shortcomings of all men, but he is usually more ruthless than other men.

Jirou fell asleep in such pride. As for what else Qin Yinze did to her after falling asleep, she had no idea.

She didn't know how hot Qin Yinze's eyes were on her, nor did she know that Qin Yinze carefully kept the "letter of repentance" written by her.

After staring at Jirou's sleeping appearance for a long time, Qin Yinze reached out and picked up the ointment and cotton swabs that had been prepared for him to treat the injuries on Jirou's face: "Stupid woman, if you lose your appearance, I'm sure Lost you!"

Many times, Qin Yinze can't figure out what is going on in the mind of Jirou, a woman. Women don't really care about their face, but this woman ruins her own face at will.

There were several scars on her face. If they were not treated in time, they would probably leave scars, but she didn't mention them the whole night.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to look at an ugly face for the rest of his life, he didn't think he would meddle in his own business.

" hurts so much, please be gentle!" The ointment was somewhat irritating, and it hurt when it was applied to the wound on her face, which made Jirou hiss and scream in pain.

"You deserve the pain! Now you know how to scream when you're asleep, but you can't say it when you're awake?" With that said, Qin Yinze unconsciously relaxed his strength.

He treated her wounds with gentle movements, then tucked her into the bed, hugged her and entered the dreamland that belonged to him and her.

This time, Ji Rou slept deeply and soundly.

When she woke up, she thought it was still dark because the curtains in the room were thick and blocked the sunlight, giving her a reason to lie down in bed.

Until the prince's call came.

"Boss, where are you? Are you still alive? Did the person who kidnapped you do anything to you?"

When Ji Rou answered the phone, the prince talked a lot.

Ji Rou frowned: "If I were not alive, a ghost would have answered this call."

The prince said: "Boss, I am not worried that you will be confused by worry."

Jirou said: "I'm fine."

"As long as you're fine." The prince was obviously relieved, but suddenly he became nervous again, "How could you be fine?"

Jirou said angrily: "You hope something happens to me?"

The prince explained: "No. I vaguely remember that you were carried away, but nothing happened. I can't believe it."

Jirou doesn't want the prince and the others to know Qin Yinze's existence, let alone her relationship with Qin Yinze, so she doesn't want to mention what Qin Yinze brought back last night.

She said: "You are drunk and your eyesight is dazzled. Well, I still have things to do, so let's do this first."

The prince reminded: "Boss, we have classes today. If you don't go to school, you may be expelled."

This matter is indeed a big deal. Ji Rou scratched her head and said, "Okay, I'm going to school. I'll see you at school later."

Alas, school, school, was plagued by some messy things recently, and she almost forgot that she was still a student.

Jirou packs up and goes downstairs. Qin Yinze is eating in the restaurant.

She took a look at it from a distance and saw that it was all bland food. She didn't like it: "Young Master Qin, I have something to go to school for."

He didn't respond, not sure if he heard her.

Jirou had no choice but to walk into the restaurant and greet him seriously again: "Young Master Qin, I'm going to school."

He finally looked up at her: "Eat before you go."

Jirou shook her head: "I have no appetite."

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "In the next month, if you let me know that you have eaten the food that I forbid you to eat, Jirou will do it yourself."

Ji Rou: "By the way..." Hum, too lazy to argue with him, she ate quietly. She didn't believe that he would stay with her 24 hours a day.

But Ji Rou forgot that he couldn't be with her 24 hours a day, but he had so many people. If he randomly arranged two people, someone would watch her every move for him.

Ji Rou said she wouldn't eat, and Qin Yinze didn't force her to eat. He put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "Come here."

Ji Rou looked at him warily: "What do you want to do again?"

He raised his eyebrows at her: "What do you think?"

With this arrogant tone again, Ji Rou wanted to beat him, but she sat next to him obediently: "Just tell me if you have something to say. Don't let me guess."

Under her gaze, Qin Yinze slowly took out a box, and then took out a crystal clear jade bracelet from the box: "Stretch out your hand."

"Give it to me?" Jirou doesn't understand jade, but it's impossible for a rich man like Qin Yinze to buy a fake for her. If it is genuine, the price of this jade bracelet must not be cheap.

She didn't do him any favors. He must have had bad intentions when he suddenly gave her such a valuable thing. Maybe he would have installed a tracker or something in the jade bracelet.

Judging from the things he did to her in the past, Ji Rou definitely does not rule out the possibility that Qin Yinze will do such a perverted thing.

She hid her hands behind her back: "I don't want such an ugly thing."

Qin Yinze emphasized: "I asked you to stretch your hand over."

Even though she said she didn't want it, he still wanted to give it to her. Ji Rou was almost 100% sure that this jade bracelet must not be an ordinary jade bracelet.

She shook her head: "I don't want it."

This time, Qin Yinze stopped talking nonsense to her. He took her hand and forced her to wear it: "You'd better keep this thing safe. If it gets a little scratched, I'll settle the account with you."

"Qin, how perverted are you? I told you that I don't care about this thing of yours anymore, but you insist on giving it to me. I never wear jewelry, how can I guarantee that I won't let it wear off? Break some skin." Jirou raised her hand to take off the jade bracelet.

"If you don't want this jade bracelet, then I don't mind taking your hand off too." Qin Yinze looked at her and said slowly.

His tone was definitely not a threatening tone, and there was still a little bit of gentleness if you listened carefully, but Ji Rou felt anger from him.

It seemed like she really couldn't take off this jade bracelet.

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