My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1072: Extra chapter, did I ask your opinion?

Chapter 1072: Extra chapter, did I ask your opinion?

Qin Yinze said again: "Eat."

Eat shit!

Eat, not what she likes.

Wear, you can't wear what she likes.

Even if you play, you can't play well.

Jewelry, she never wore these things, and she had to wear them now.

Is this day still a normal person’s life?

Ji Rou was holding back so much anger that she was about to explode. However, the man next to her was still calm and calm.

Seeing her angry look, Qin Yinze added: "As long as your performance satisfies me, you can live the life you want and eat the roast chicken you want."

Why should he be satisfied? Jirou gritted her teeth with hatred.

Qin Yinze selectively ignored her: "If you don't eat it, it will get cold. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I can ask the kitchen to prepare another one for you, and I'll watch you eat it."

"Okay, I'll eat. I'll listen to you. Whatever you say will be what you say." Ji Rou picked up a piece of green vegetables with her chopsticks and brought it to her mouth, biting it viciously as if she was biting him.

Stinky bastard! A heartless beast! Psychopathic pervert!

He remembered that one day, she would stand up and take charge, and he would definitely take care of him at that time. Even if he cried and called his mother, she would not let him go.

"Eat slowly, eating too fast will hurt your stomach and be bad for your health." While she was eating, Qin Yinze would give her instructions from time to time.

If someone who didn't know the cause and effect of the matter happened to see this scene, they would still think how good he was to her and how much he cared for her.

I bother!

Qin Qin is a beast who is good at disguise. Ji Rou really wants to spit on him and drown him.

"I'm done eating. Let's go to school now." After finally finishing her meal, Jirou put down her bowls and chopsticks, wiped her mouth and ran out.

She thought she could finally get rid of this big pervert temporarily, but Qin Yinze gave another order: "From today on, ask the driver to take you wherever you go."

Ji Rou has already stepped out with one foot and the other foot is still in the room. When she hears his words, she stops and looks back at him: "No need. I can take a taxi myself."

Asking his driver to take her off would not only make it inconvenient, but there would also be two more eyeliners watching her, asking her to do what she wanted to do.

Ji Rou made a decision silently. She couldn't agree, she definitely couldn't agree. This time she must resist tenaciously until the end and never compromise.

However, Qin Yinze said slowly: "Have I asked you for your opinion?"

Ji Rou went crazy: "What? Mr. Qin, shouldn't you ask me for my opinion?"

Damn it, this matter is related to her, to her vital interests, to whether she can eat meat well during this period, and whether she can play well with her friends. How could he not ask her? Opinions.

God, open your eyes and save her!

Qin Yinze, this beast, really didn't ask for her opinion. After leaving the words, he walked upstairs on his long legs without giving her a chance to persuade him.

Jirou looked at his back and was so anxious that she was wondering what to do...if she continued to endure it like this, she would definitely die suddenly and suddenly in advance.

"Madam, the car is ready and ready to go at any time." Qin Yinze's personal driver suddenly appeared at the door and said this, which undoubtedly added fuel to Ji Rou's fire.

Jirou is going crazy: "bastard, are you marrying a wife or raising a pet? Why don't you give me freedom? Why should you care about this and that?"

She wanted to rush upstairs to find Qin Yinze and hold him by the collar to speak clearly, but she was a little timid when she thought of what the man had done to her.

Jirou returned to the restaurant and overturned the table with all her strength. The dishes on the table fell to the floor and were broken into pieces. She finally let out a small breath of bad breath.

University A is one of the best universities in Minluo City. It has produced many celebrities, especially those in the financial circle. It was precisely because of this that Jirou's father sent her to this university.

Jirou personally doesn't like financial analysis and management, but in order to share the work for her father in the future, she accepts it honestly.

On the campus of University A, Jirou is also a popular figure, getting into fights and fights, and her temper is even more irritable than that of boys.

Especially some time ago, she fell in love with Xiang Lingfeng, a graduating class member. She was so high-profile that all the girls in the school wanted to tear her apart.

Xiang Lingfeng is a graduating class student and has been selected as the A-school varsity for several consecutive years from his freshman year to his senior year. Not only is he good-looking and well-born, he is also a top student.

He is a top student not only in studies, but also in everything from studies to sports.

He is good-looking, has a good family background, and is a top student. Such an outstanding boy who cannot find any faults has long been targeted by women in the school. No matter where he goes, he will always "accidentally meet" some girls. .

However, none of those girls, Xiang Lingfeng, looked down on him. He only saw one girl in his eyes, and it was Ji Rou who often fought and caused trouble and had no sense of femininity at all.

One day a few months ago, when Xiang Lingfeng appeared at the campus gate holding Jirou's hand, many girls' hearts were broken in an instant.

At that moment, Jirou became the public enemy of all women in the school. Anyone who saw her would have an expression like "You have taken over my male idol and I will fight for you."

The past is still vivid in my mind, but things have changed.

"Madam, we're here." The driver interrupted Jirou's thoughts.

Before going out, the driver also called Jirou "Mrs.", but Jirou was so angry at that time that she didn't notice his title.

When she heard the driver calling her wife, and she was in front of a busy school, Jirou glared at him and warned: "Don't call me wife. You can call me by my name or anything else."

"Madam, sir, I have given you an order. I'm sorry I can't listen to you." The driver answered honestly, not giving any face to Ji Rou.

Jirou: "He doesn't know you are outside."

Driver: "No."

Forget it, you can't rush this matter with him. He's just using people's money to do things for them. The key to the matter still lies with Qin Yinze, that bastard.

"Okay, okay, stop talking. You go and play with your car. Come back after I finish my class." Ji Rou picked up her bag and ran, for fear that the driver would follow her.

As soon as Jirou stepped into the campus gate, she saw several people pointing at her and whispering together.

One of them said: "Look, look quickly, Jirou is here! Jirou is here!"

Someone else said: "That car is a Bentley, it must cost at least five to six million."

Someone else said: "After her father died, their family went bankrupt. How could she still afford such an expensive car?"

Someone sneered: "Even if her father hadn't died, with their small company, they wouldn't be able to afford such an expensive car even if they worked for a lifetime."

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