My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1075 Extra Chapter, Game of Thrones

Chapter 1075: Extra Chapter, Game of Thrones

Monkey also had a puzzled look on his face: "Boss, we didn't take the Golden Retriever Lion King elective class. Why did he suddenly come to you?"

Jirou nodded and looked at Senior Zhu: "Yes, I forgot that I didn't take his class at all. What did he want from me?"

Senior Zhu said: "Professor Xie is famous for being strict in the school. No fewer than a hundred of the students he asked to talk to came out of his office crying. No matter what he is looking for you for, you'd better have A mental preparation.”

"Huh... I don't believe he can eat people." Ji Rou has heard a lot of rumors about Professor Xie, but she is not afraid of him. She didn't take his class anyway.

Jirou was not worried, she would go if she was asked, but the prince was worried and reached out to hold her: "Boss, the Golden Retriever Lion King himself will be more scary than the rumors. Don't worry, we still need to ask why he is looking for you, do it well Ready to go again.”

Ji Rou shook off the prince's hand: "I don't know if the Golden Retriever Lion King can scold others. I only know that if I am late, it must be wrong."

The prince ran up to stop Jirou again: "Boss, if you think about it again, could it be that you offended him at some point and you didn't know it yourself?"

When the word "offended" was mentioned, Monkey suddenly remembered something: "Boss, isn't that school beauty Xie the Golden Retriever Lion King's niece?"

"So what? University A is not run by their family, and I still don't believe he dares to expel me just because his niece doesn't like me." Ji Rou gave the two of them a reassuring smile, "Boy, Don’t worry, he won’t dare to eat mine.”

The prince and the monkey followed closely: "Boss, we are just worried. Although University A is not run by him, nor does he alone have the final say, he is a professor in the school. He wants to wear small shoes for you. You There is always a loss.”

"That's what I said." Ji Rou patted them again, "But I believe in our school more and believe that our professors are not people who pretend to be self-interested. Besides, this is a school. Even if he really wants to do something, he can't do it." Don’t dare.”

The prince and the monkey were still worried: "Boss..."

Jirou waved her hands: "Don't say anything, you two. You want to know why he is looking for me. You can't guess it here. I'll find out after I go see it."

The prince and the monkey couldn't persuade Ji Rou, so they had to watch her leave: "Boss, then you can just ask for your blessings!"

Ji Rou is a well-known problem student. She has been coming to the offices of teachers and professors for two years in college. She also found Professor Xie's office by familiar routes.

She knocked on the door and when she heard Professor Xie say "come in", she just pushed the door open and entered.

Jirou stood by the door and said respectfully: "Professor Xie, are you looking for me?"

It is true that she is a problem student, but she still respects her teachers, so she uses honorifics when talking to them.

Professor Xie was sitting at his desk, flipping through some documents and ignoring Ji Rou.

The professor was busy working, so Jirou waited quietly, and she would naturally talk to him when he was done.

After a while, Professor Xie just looked up from a pile of documents. He looked at Ji Rou, and his frown deepened as he looked at her: "Are you Ji Rou?"

Ji Rou nodded: "Professor, I am."

As soon as Ji Rou finished speaking, Professor Xie pointed at her and scolded her: "Who asked you to run into the professor's office dressed like this? Who asked you to talk to the professor in such a tone?"

What's wrong with her outfit?

Ji Rou looked down and saw that there was nothing wrong with the clothes except that they were pinker in color. She didn't know what Professor Xie was referring to.

And her tone of voice when talking to the professor was polite and respectful. She even used honorifics that she never used, and she didn't think there was any problem.

She was dissatisfied, but Ji Rou just raised her eyebrows and did not refute.

Jirou didn't speak, and Professor Xie yelled again: "Look at you, how do you look like a student? This is a school, not a place for you to play power games. The quality of our students in University A is getting lower and lower now. Because of you rabble."

Before coming, the prince and the monkey told Jirou a lot about how bad the Golden Retriever Lion King was, but Jirou still didn't expect that he would point at her and scold her as soon as they met.

Jirou doesn't have to worry about her being poorly dressed, having a bad attitude, or being rude. After all, many people have said this to her.

But as a professor, Xie Xun actually called her a rabble, and the verbal attack escalated to a personal attack, which Ji Rou couldn't bear.

When Jirou doesn't want to endure it, her temper is also hot: "Professor Xie, is there something wrong with my dress? Is there something wrong with the tone of my voice when I talk to you? What else do you call us a rabble?"

Ji Rou retorted loudly and with great momentum. Professor Xie did not expect it and was stunned: "You..."

Jirou interrupts him: "Even if we really have a problem, it's your problem. As a professor, you don't have the most basic respect for your students. Do you still expect your students to respect you?"

"You are really sharp-tongued! It seems that the rumors in the school that you have no teachers and exclude classmates are not groundless." Professor Xie looked at Ji Rou with a stern look, "What qualifications does a person like you have to be in our University A."

Ji Rou smiled and said: "Professor Xie, I'm so sorry! I am a student of University A. I have been in University A before graduation and will not go anywhere."

Professor Xie slapped his hand on the desk and said harshly: "Then let me tell you, I don't care what improper relationship you have, but my class is definitely not something that a student like you who doesn't seek to improve can take."

"What is an improper relationship? Who else wants to take your course? Please speak clearly." It's better to be famous than to meet. Jirou has really seen what unreasonableness is.

She used to often hear that when a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain it politely. Now she knows that it is even more difficult to explain it to a stinky professor like Professor Xie who thinks he is full of knowledge.

Professor Xie slapped the table hard again: "If you don't want to take my class, then go and make it clear to the principal and don't let me see you."

"Principal? You really think highly of me. The principal will take care of my business if he eats too much." Ji Rou sneered, turned and left, walked to the door, stopped, and turned around, "Professor Xie, you are a professor, not from outside "Reckless man,"


This word is tall and respectable in Jirou's heart, but this Professor Xie really opened her eyes.

It also made her understand that people in this world will not become taller just because of their profession. You won’t be inferior to others just because you don’t do a good job.

As she walked out of the office, there was the sound of a cup breaking behind her. It seemed that her words had made Professor Xie angry.

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