My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1076: Extra chapter, the cafeteria also becomes vegetarian

Chapter 1076: Extra chapter, the cafeteria also becomes vegetarian

Because they were worried about Jirou, the prince and the lion were waiting outside the office. When they saw Jirou coming out, they both greeted her: "Boss, the Golden Retriever Lion King didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

"How can he embarrass me?" Not wanting the prince and the monkey to worry about herself, Jirou chose to lie, but accidentally turned around and met their principal.

"Principal Tang..." Ji Rou and the other three shouted in unison.

The principal's surname is Tang, and everyone calls him Principal Tang. Some naughty students also call him Donald Duck behind his back.

Regarding nicknames, many teachers in the school have them, but Principal Tang is the only one who doesn't argue with the students. Sometimes he even jokes that the name Donald Duck sounds very friendly.

In the eyes of his classmates, Principal Tang is a very kind principal. He is diligent in teaching and treats every student like his own child, so he is deeply respected by his classmates.

"Ji Rou, please come to my office." Principal Tang said with a smile, his tone was gentle and kind, just like an elder in the family.

Having just come out of the Golden Monkey King's office, and now being personally invited by the principal, Jirou felt for the first time that she was considered a "celebrity" in the school.

"Principal, what do you want from me?" Could it be that he found her in the office again and then scolded her for no apparent reason?

Ji Rou admits that she used to get into fights a lot, but they were all outside school and had nothing to do with school. More importantly, her grades were not bad.

The principal smiled: "Nothing special, I just want to talk to you and learn about your campus life."

"Is it really that simple?" Jirou didn't believe it. She had never been a key student in the school. The principal asked her to talk to her about campus life. How could he be so free?

"Ji Rou, are you inconvenienced by anything?" the principal asked politely, with a smile that made it impossible for anyone to refuse him.

"I'm not inconvenienced." So Jirou followed the principal to the principal's office.

She originally thought that the principal might be like Professor Xie and scolded her for no reason. Unexpectedly, the principal treated her like a distinguished guest.

Entering the office, the principal first asked politely: "Student Ji, do you want coffee, milk tea, or something else?"

"Principal, I'm not thirsty. Just tell me if you have anything." The principal's attitude towards her was extremely good, which made Ji Rou panic.

"Although it's not good to drink too much coffee, you young people like to drink it, so the principal will treat you to coffee." The principal personally gave Jirou a cup of coffee.

"Principal, did I do something wrong again?" Ji Rou, a student who had never said a word to the principal before, was suddenly invited to the office by the principal and treated like this. Ji Rou was a little scared.

"Ji Rou, how can you think so?" The principal asked Ji Rou to sit down, and he said earnestly, "I checked your grades. Although they are not very good, you are such a smart child, and there is a lot of room for improvement. Big, as long as you work hard, you will be the future pillar of the country."

"Principal, are you sure you are praising me?" About ten minutes ago, she was scolded by a famous professor as a rabble and worthless. Now the principal said that as long as she works hard, she will be the future of the country. A pillar of talent.

Jirou felt that she could hardly tell which of them was telling the truth and who was telling a lie. Why did they suddenly say this?

"Ji Rou, as long as you work hard, your future is limitless." The principal looked at her encouragingly, "In the future, if you have any requests or opinions, you can come to me and talk to me personally."

Ji Rou said in surprise: "Principal Tang, are you sure you are right?"

Principal Tang smiled and said, "Jirou, every word the principal said to you is serious. Don't doubt it."

Just because she was serious, Ji Rou couldn't believe it: "Principal Tang, you are not wrong. Maybe I heard wrong."

Principal Tang smiled kindly: "Jirou, you are so humorous. Our students should be like you, serious when they should be serious, and humorous when they should be humorous. This way our campus life will not be boring."

Jirou: "..."

Ji Rou walked out of the principal's office, feeling dizzy. This time she was not scolded, but praised.

The principal kept praising her in every possible way, making her think that students as outstanding as her should only exist in the sky and not only rarely in life.

"Boss, you said that Principal Tang has been praising you?" Not to mention that Jirou didn't believe it, neither did the prince nor the monkey. There were so many outstanding and smart students in A University, but it was Jirou's turn.

"You also find it strange, right?" Without the prince and the others answering, Ji Rou knew from their expressions that they had the same idea as her.

The prince said: "We didn't find it strange, we just found it incredible."

Ji Rou finished the morning class with such doubts, but thinking that she could eat her favorite meat at noon, she forgot about the school leader talking to her in the morning.

Roasted chicken legs, braised pig's feet, red meat... Thinking of these delicious dishes, Ji Rou whistled excitedly and took Prince Monkey to the school cafeteria.

But after we went to the cafeteria, a big announcement was displayed on the electronic screen in the cafeteria. Because the Vegetarian Festival was coming, the school responded to the festival and became vegetarian for a month.

Roasted chicken legs, braised pig's feet, and red pork were all mentioned, and Ji Rou didn't even see a bit of meat foam.

Qin Yinze's diet outside is tightly controlled. She can't even drink a sip of oil soup. Now she even eats vegetarian food in the school cafeteria, which is her last way.

Suddenly, Jirou felt that her whole life was not good.

People live not only to eat well, drink well, and wear good clothing, but now that she can't even eat the meat she wants, what's the point of living for this person?

The prince comforted her: "Boss, the school has suddenly changed its taste. These dishes are quite good and they look good."

"What's so good? Where's the good?" Ji Rou glanced at the green vegetables and tofu. She was not a vegetarian. How could she survive eating this every day?

The prince asked: "Boss, what do you want to eat? I will buy it for you."

"I want to eat chicken legs, braised pork knuckles, and braised pork..." Ji Rou said a long list of what she wanted to eat, but unfortunately there was none in the canteen.

Because she didn't have anything delicious to eat at noon, Ji Rou was listless during class in the afternoon.

After class, she was still thinking about going out to eat something delicious. Unexpectedly, the driver Qin Yinze arranged for her was waiting for her at the school gate and took her directly back to Qin Yinze's residence.

Jirou was carrying a backpack and her head was drooped. She took off her shoes as soon as she entered the house and lazily fell on the sofa.

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