My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1092: Extra chapter, it’s the teacher’s fault that you don’t study well

Chapter 1093: Extra chapter, it’s the teacher’s fault if you don’t study well

Qin Yinze closed his eyes slightly and said, "Mr. Principal, I believe you will give us a fair and just result."

The principal nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, we will handle this matter fairly and justly."

It was said to be fair and just, but everyone present knew that the principal would help Jirou today. Others were dissatisfied but had no choice but to do anything. After all, they were the ones who started the trouble today. What Jirou did was called "legitimate defense."

Qin Yinze shook Jirou's hand and said, "Let's not discuss this matter today. Let's discuss my Xiaorou's study situation first."

The principal didn't want this gentleman to stop mentioning this matter. He quickly waved his hand: "Xie Meimei, you guys go to my office and wait for me first."

Xie, the school beauty, was very reluctant and wanted to find a glimmer of hope: "Principal, I..."

The principal waved his hand impatiently: "Go, go, don't cause trouble, otherwise... no one can save you!" The principal did not say the last few words, but he knew Xie Meimei could understand.

After driving away Xie Meimei and others, the principal immediately put on a flattering smile and said, "Mr. Qin, I understand the situation regarding Ji Rou's academic performance, and I am just looking to report to you."

Qin Yinze said: "It's not that my Xiaorou can't learn well, but she hasn't found the right teacher and the right method. Principal, as long as she finds the right learning method, she will be the best student in the school."

Damn, Qin Yinze's words made Ji Rou's blood boil. She just liked people who could protect their shortcomings unconditionally.

She thought that in his eyes she was the kind of bad student who was worthless, but she didn't expect that in his eyes, not only was she not a stupid child but a bad student, she was also a very smart child.

She has lived for twenty years. Apart from her father and mother, only Qin Yinze, a cheap man, is so sure of her learning ability.

Even if he was just showing off to others, Ji Rou felt that this man was no longer so annoying! If he let her eat meat, maybe she would still find him a little cute.

The principal hunched over and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, that's what I learned. Ji Rou is talented, smart, and studious. If her grades are not improving, it must be because our teacher's teaching methods are wrong."

Oh shit! If she continues to be praised without any bottom line by the two of them, Ji Rou is sure that she will be so proud that she can fly to the sky.

"Principal Tang, Mr. Qin, why don't you guys talk, I want to go back to the classroom first." In order not to be praised by these two people so much that she no longer recognizes herself, Ji Rou felt that she had to leave the scene and find a place to calm down.

"Well, okay." Qin Yinze responded to her, but grabbed her again when she left. He rubbed her head, lowered his head and kissed her gently, "Have a good class. I'll pick you up after class." .”

Kiss her in front of the principal!

This man is so bold.

Ji Rou blushed and was too embarrassed to raise her head: "No need."

"Be good and be obedient!" he said, looking at her dumbfounded look. He couldn't hide the smile in his eyes. She had long forgotten what she said to make him angry in the morning. .

Feeling that he was laughing at her, Ji Rou glared at him and turned around to run away. She felt that after meeting him, she had really lost all her face in her life.

When Jirou walked out of the office area, she met the prince and the monkey who had heard the news a long time ago. They looked at her like they were looking at strange animals: "Boss, you are famous again!"

"It's not the first time I've become famous. What's the fuss?" Ji Rou didn't want to mention Qin Yinze to the two of them, so she missed them and tried to escape.

"Boss, in the past, you were famous for fighting, academic performance, etc., but this time is different." Because of the different way of becoming famous, the prince and the monkey were not willing to let Jirou go easily, and they followed closely behind her. , one after another, "Boss, we really didn't expect you to lie to us. This man is the man who took you away drunk last time. Liu Diandian took pictures of him. Don't deny it."

Well, now that they all know, Jirou has nothing to hide. She shrugged: "So what? Does this mean there is an ulterior relationship between me and him?"

"We hope you have a secret relationship with him, but we're afraid you don't." The prince and the monkey blurted out these words at the same time, word by word, as if they had made an appointment in advance.

Ji Rou really has nothing to do with these two bad friends: "You..."

The prince and the monkey squeezed Ji Rou in the middle. They sandwiched her on her left and right sides: "Boss, we just want to know who that man is? How can he be so awesome? He can actually let our Principal Tang treat him Nodding and bowing, is that something ordinary people can do?”

Monkey tried his best to nod in agreement: "Yes, boss. We are really happy for you that you can win such an awesome person. But, who is he?"

The characters of the prince and the monkey are sometimes more gossipy than women. If they don't get the news they want to know from her, they will definitely pester her and make her restless.

After thinking about it, Ji Rou probably couldn't hide this matter anymore, so she gave them a three-word answer: "His surname is Qin!"

"Huh?" The prince and the monkey nodded. They both craned their necks to look at Jirou, waiting for her to say more. However, after waiting for a long time, Jirou didn't speak. It seemed that she didn't intend to say anything to them. .

The prince was so anxious that he almost went crazy: "Boss, you are deliberately trying to whet our appetite. You have experienced this feeling of being whetted, and you know how uncomfortable it is."

The monkey continued to nod in agreement: "Boss, the prince is right. You should be able to understand how eager we are to know the news about that man. In fact, we want to know the news about him, not because we are curious, but because we care about you."

In the past, they thought that Senior Feng was a fighter among men, and he would actually like their boss, who was not feminine at all. Now that a man who is not afraid of death has appeared, you can imagine how curious they are.

Ji Rou smiled: "I said it."

The prince and the monkey wailed: "What did you say?"

Ji Rou said again: "I said his surname is Qin."

"Just say his surname is Qin. There are so many people surnamed Qin in the world. How do we know who he is?" As he said this, the prince suddenly thought of something, "The surname Qin is so awesome, could he be... …No, no, no, it’s absolutely impossible, it can’t be that Mr. Qin, it can’t be.”

The monkey knew who the prince was talking about: "Yes, yes, I don't think it is possible. I heard that Mr. Qin is an old man. This man named Qin must not be more than thirty years old. It is definitely not him, no."

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