My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1093 Extra chapter, let Qin be your backer

Chapter 1094: Extra chapter, let Qin be your backer

The two of them looked at Ji Rou at the same time, and said pitifully: "Boss, please take pity on us and tell us who he is."

Ji Rou added: "Yes, judging from his age, he cannot be the legendary Mr. Qin in Minluo City, but have you ever thought about it, does the legendary Mr. Qin have no descendants?"

Hearing what Ji Rou said, the prince and the monkey suddenly realized: "Boss, that man is Mr. Qin's son? Is he really the son of Mr. Qin, a famous figure in Minluo City?"

Ji Rou thought for a while: "I'm not sure, but I think it's almost the same."

The prince and the monkey exclaimed: "Boss, you finally got lucky. We told you that you found a treasure. Do you know it?"

Ji Roubai glanced at them: "Speak nicely, what kind of bullshit luck! Besides, I don't think he is a treasure at all. To me, he is just a piece of shit that I can't get rid of."

The prince and the monkey looked at Jirou with contempt: "We are men, don't use such low-level tricks to show off in front of us, we won't envy you."

Ji Rou is innocent. She is just telling the truth. When did she show off in front of them?

The prince added: "Boss, when you meet such a high-quality man, you should seize it carefully and stop thinking about it. I tell you, as long as he is your backer in the future, you can walk sideways in Minluo City. ”

With Qin Yinze as her backer, she can walk sideways in Minluo City in the future. Jirou feels very happy just thinking about it.

However, that was only the superficial scenery that others saw. In front of Qin Yinze, she had no freedom at all. She couldn't even eat the roast chicken she wanted to eat, so how could she walk sideways in Minluo City.

Jirou sighed: "Things are not as good as you imagined. Stop talking, and no one will mention this man in front of me in the future."

Jirou didn't want to mention it, but the prince and the monkey were in high spirits, and no one paid attention to her.

The monkey said: "Actually, I still have some doubts. Boss, how did you catch such a powerful person? In terms of appearance, you are good, but you have no femininity. Generally, men with good taste will not like you too much. One of a kind.”

For example, he and the prince have never seen Ji Rou as a woman. She is their brother.

The prince nodded vigorously in agreement.

Jirou waved her hand and gave each of them a fist: "You two should be careful what you say. Do you need to criticize me for being unfeminine every day?"

She is very self-aware and knows exactly what her personality is like. They don't like her, but it would be nice if someone likes her and appreciates her.

Isn't her brother Feng the man who knows how to appreciate her strengths and her beauty?

Brother Feng told her personally that as long as she was herself, no matter what she looked like, she would be the best and he would like her.

Thinking of Brother Feng who has disappeared for a long time, Ji Rou's mood becomes even lower. Can she wait for him to come back in this life? Even if they can't be together anymore, she will be satisfied if she can see him return safely.

"Boss, tell us, how did you and Qin meet? Why did he fall in love with you?" The prince and the monkey continued to gossip.

How she met Qin Yinze is a thorn in Ji Rou's heart. Can she tell them that she was schemed by Ji Chendong and then bought home by Qin Yinze with money?

Of course not. She couldn't say such embarrassing things, so she still wanted to have some dignity: "I told you not to ask, but you still ask, do you want to be beaten?"

The prince and the monkey also risked their lives: "Boss, even if you threaten us, we still want to know. Please tell us quickly. We promise not to tell others."

There was really nothing she could do about these two people, so Ji Rou made up a story: "One day it rained heavily, and the young master didn't bring an umbrella, so he asked me to borrow one, and that's how we got to know each other."

The prince and the monkey rolled their eyes at her: "If you don't want to share the story of how you know each other, then just tell us directly and make up false stories for us. Do you think we are stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid?" Jirou shrugged and smiled, "You two, stop gossiping. Let's go back to the classroom."

"It's lunch break now, what are you doing back in the classroom?" Without asking how they met, the prince and the monkey were not in high spirits, and neither wanted to talk to Jirou.

"Then let's go eat outside the school." Ji Rou looked at the prince and the monkey, "You two treat me to roast chicken."

"Of course there is no problem in treating you to roast chicken, but boss, we have a condition." This was what the life-threatening monkey said with courage.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, Ji Rou punched her on the shoulder: "You two dare to negotiate terms with me, you two are really itchy."

"Boss, it's not that our skin is itchy, our hearts are itching." I don't know how they met. It's so sad. This is the only way, even if I get punched a few times by her.

"Okay. I agree to your terms." First, she tricked him into eating the roasted chicken. As for how they met, she just made up some random stories, so the two of them wouldn't know.

"Okay! Boss, you can eat as much as you want." The prince patted the monkey's wallet, "The monkey has brought enough money, and I guarantee that you will eat enough."

The gossip about how they met was revealed right away. The monkey didn’t care that the prince was photographing his wallet, and it was just a few roast chickens that he could afford.

The three of them walked happily outside the campus, talking as they walked, and sometimes laughing heartily because of funny things.

Jirou's hearty laughter stopped suddenly when she saw a man. Wasn't that bitchy man Qin Yinze discussing her study plan with the principal? Why did he appear at the school gate? When did he come out?

Jirou hurriedly hid behind the prince and the monkey, trying to avoid his sight. Who knew that he would see her at a glance: "Where do you want to hide? Come here!"

Caught by Qin Yinze, Ji Rou had to walk to him obediently, as timid as a child who had done something wrong, not daring to say a word.

At this time, Jirou just hopes that the prince and the monkey will be smarter and never tell them about their appointment to eat roast chicken together.

"Hello, Young Master Qin! We are the boss... Oh no, we are Ji Rou's best classmates. My name is Prince, and his name is Lu Jinhou. Please take good care of me in the future!" Finally saw this legend. The big shots in the movie, the prince and the monkey, were even more unreserved than the girls. They both wanted to carry Qin Yinze's shoes.

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