My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1101 Extra chapter, I am the man who possesses her

Chapter 1102: Extra chapter, I am the man who possesses her

As expected by Young Master Qin, Ji Rou got up late again the next day and was going to be late for school again.

She looked at the well-dressed and handsome man in front of her with sad little eyes: "Young Master Qin, do I owe you?"

He woke up early, so he didn't wake her up. He also quietly turned off her alarm clock and let her sleep until midnight. Going to school at this hour would make people laugh.

Young Master Qin, however, looked relaxed and at ease, with a faint smile on his face: "After breakfast, I will drive you to school."

"Is this breakfast for humans?" There were still a few snacks and light side dishes on the table, but there was no meat she wanted to eat.

Qin Yinze looked at her: "Don't eat?"

"Eat." If she doesn't eat, she will starve to death. No matter how delicious it is, she will save her life. Besides, the food actually tastes quite good, especially the snacks. After eating, her mouth will be full of fragrance. She still wants to eat it, but It's hard to speak because of face.

On the way to school after breakfast, Ji Rou kept mumbling: "Master Qin, let me tell you, I was late today and you have to take full responsibility."

Qin Yinze glanced at her sideways: "We'll be at school soon."

It's not like she's never been late before, but the reason for being late today has something to do with him. From the moment she got up in the morning to now, she looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been bullied, which makes people really want to bully her.

Jirou let out a long sigh: "I can't eat well these days, nor can I sleep well. I feel like my life is coming to an end."

Didn't he still let her eat light breakfast? She nagged him for almost half an hour, and Qin Yinze almost collapsed.

Finally, the car arrived at its destination. He got out of the car as quickly as possible and opened the door for her: "Go to school quickly. You are allowed to come home late tonight." He didn't want to hear her nagging in his ear anymore.

"Really?" Ji Rou was on guard, "Young Master Qin, are you planning any bad ideas again?"

Qin Yinze: "If you don't leave, what I just said will be cancelled."

Ji Rou turns around and runs away: "Young Master Qin, keep your word, otherwise I will curse you not to have a son in the future."

Seeing her running away, Qin Yinze's ears finally became quiet, but his heart suddenly felt empty. He even thought of catching her back.

Watching her run into the campus and disappear, Qin Yinze immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call: "What happened last night?"

That's what he asked, but the person on the other end of the phone also knew what he wanted to ask and hurriedly replied: "Last night, Mother Ji mentioned the matter of Xiang Lingfeng to Miss Ji. There were slight differences in opinions between the two of them. , but there was no quarrel.”

When he heard the words "Xiang Lingfeng", Qin Yinze knew the reason why Ji Rou was upset when she visited her mother last night.


That person named Xiang is really lingering. He has disappeared for so long, but he can still affect the mood of Jirou, a stupid girl, so strongly.

But so what?

Xiang Lingfeng can affect Ji Rou's mood, but he can't get her.

Now, she is his Qin Yinze's woman. He was the one who was with Jirou last night. He was the one who fiercely took possession of her and held her in his arms and loved her.

No one can snatch her away from him!

As soon as Ji Rou arrived in the classroom, the prince and the monkey came over and looked her up and down, left and right: "Boss, it's amazing! It's really amazing! We just talked about it casually yesterday, but I didn't expect you to actually do it."

Jirou pushed the two of them away and warned: "Are you two sick? Stand still and talk properly!"

The prince said: "Boss, did you and Young Master Qin have sex last night?"

Jirou picked up the book and patted it: "What are you talking about?"

The monkey pointed at Jirou's neck: "Don't tell us that these marks on your neck are from mosquito bites."

"What traces?" Ji Rou immediately took out her phone and took a look. Her neck was full of traces left by that bastard Qin Yinze. When she got up to wash up, she was still in a daze and didn't pay much attention. Now when she saw... …It’s so embarrassing.

Qin Yinze, that bastard, didn't even remind her. Doesn't he feel happy to see her embarrassed?

The prince said: "Boss, last night you were just doing firewood and encountering a fierce fire. Seeing that Young Master Qin has planted so many strawberries, he must be a powerful master."

Jirou reaches out and twists the prince's ears: "I was bitten by a dog. Try saying another nonsense word."

The prince and the monkey looked at each other. The eldest son of their family clearly had a guilty conscience. If they didn't tell me, didn't it happen?

"What are you looking at? Sit down each other, read well and go to class. Don't hang around me all day." Because it is a fact, Jirou doesn't want to mention it because she feels guilty.

The prince sat down and said: "Boss, it's hard to find a man as good as Mr. Qin. You have to take good care of him."

Ji Roubai glanced at the prince and said angrily: "Which of your eyes can see him?"

Prince: "The monkey and I saw it with all four eyes."

Jirou: "..."

The prince added: "Let's not talk about anything else. He is willing to do things like asking Xie to drop out of school. Isn't it good enough?"

"Xie the school beauty dropped out of school?" Even though Ji Rou knew that the Qin family was powerful, she really didn't expect that Qin Yinze would force Xie the school beauty to leave the school because of her.

"It is said that she went to the principal last night and took the initiative to explain her mistakes..." The prince nodded, and suddenly found that Jirou looked wrong, "Boss, Xie, the school belle, has been full and full in the past two years, and she always troubles you no matter what. Are you not happy that she is gone?"

"There's no such thing as happiness or displeasure. What does it have to do with me if she goes her own way?" Jirou waved her hand, "Class is about to start. Please pay attention to the class and stop pestering me."

Just leave like this, without opponents, campus life will be much boring in the future.

In the afternoon, Ji Rou didn't have to go home so early because of Master Qin's approval. Dai Li happened to call and ask her to go shopping, so she agreed.

Jirou is the kind of person who likes shopping and just buys what she wants. She will never waste time on shopping. However, Dai Li is the best among women who can go shopping. She has to go in to any store. Try it.

After two hours of walking, Ji Rou, who had not bought anything, was very tired, but Dai Li, who was carrying large and small bags, was still in high spirits.

Ji Rou said: "Dai Li, let's find a place to have a drink and rest."

Dai Li said: "I have never seen a woman shopping like you, not buying anything. Isn't it interesting?"

Ji Rou said: "Then just treat me as a man."

Dai Li glanced at Jirou, and although she was reluctant, she and Jirou found a snack bar to sit down and rest.

As soon as she sat down, Ji Rou added salt to Dai Li's wounds: "You are not unemployed and have no job, but you are spending money so lavishly that you can't even afford to eat."

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