My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1102: Extra chapter, one loves one and the other sleeps

Chapter 1103: Extra chapter, sleeping with each other

"You really don't care about anything." Dai Li was very upset. She glared at Jirou and said, "You are not a woman, you don't understand. Shopping can satisfy all the vanities of us women and can also heal all wounds. Shopping is The most enjoyable thing in a woman’s life.”

Ji Rou asked the waiter for the menu and handed it to Dai Li: "Before this, I have never heard that shopping can heal wounds."

"I haven't heard of it before. You can try it in the future." Dai Li picked up the menu and looked at it. "I'll just have a cup of honey grapefruit tea. What do you want to drink?"

Ji Rou beat her tired calves and said, "I want a cup of red dates and longan tea with some sugar."

Dai Li asked: "I heard from the prince that you like to eat chicken legs and so on. Would you like two more pairs of fried chicken legs?"

Jirou showed Dai Li the menu because she didn't want to drool over the meat on the menu, but Dai Li didn't understand and mentioned it specifically.

Ji Rou instinctively glanced around, wanting to ask the waiter to bring twenty pairs of chicken legs so that she could make up for all the regrets of the past few days, but she gave up in the end.

If that bastard Qin Yinze finds out about her secretly eating chicken legs, she will probably be deprived of her freedom to go shopping with her friends in the future.

Woo woo woo...

Think about it, how miserable her life was!

"Forget it, just drink something. Don't eat such greasy food at night. It will not digest well and affect your sleep." This was something Ji Rou could never say before, but now she is forced by the situation and has no choice.

Dai Li ordered the meal with the waiter, and then said: "It seems that the prince is quite loyal to you. I just want to know some news about you from him, and he lied to me. He said he only wanted to treat you to chicken legs. , you can call me mother.”

"You listen to his nonsense!" Jirou still felt a little sad when she thought that the chicken legs could not be eaten in front of her. She lay on the table and said dullly, "If you want to know about me, just ask me. Why go and ask the prince?"

Dai Li smiled evilly: "I want to know your secret, so that I can be sure of victory when I compete with you for a man. If I ask you about this kind of thing, can you tell me?"

Ji Rou said sadly: "I wish I could give Qin to you, but that bitch man doesn't know what the fault is, he just keeps pestering me every day." She was so tormented by him last night, and now she Still have back pain.

"Ji Rou, let me tell you, don't show off how loyal he is to you in front of me!" Dai Li became depressed when she mentioned this matter. The man named Qin was a major stain in her glorious life. Can't erase it.

Jirou lay on the table and sighed: "If you don't want to mention it, just don't mention it. I don't want to mention him anyway."

She just didn't want to mention him, but she thought of him when she did everything. She was really oppressed to the point of schizophrenia.

Dai Li approached Ji Rou and asked mysteriously: "Ji Rou, tell me honestly, what is your relationship with that person named Qin?"

What is the relationship between them?

Legal relationship between husband and wife!

But Jirou didn't want to admit it. She was looking forward to it every day, hoping that Qin Yinze would get mad again and call the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau to come to the door and go through the divorce procedures for them.

Obviously this dream is unlikely to happen based on the current situation. Qin Yinze is a very stubborn man. It seems that it is difficult to change things he has determined.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Rou gave Dai Li an answer that she thought was very accurate: "Bed partner relationship!"

Dai Li was not surprised by the answer, but she was a little disappointed and a little angry: "Jirou, you said you slept with him, and you promised to give him to me, you liar."

Ji Rou was wronged. When she promised Dai Li, she really wanted to give Qin Yinze to Dai Li, but this idea was difficult to realize.

Jirou felt uncomfortable thinking about sleeping with Qin Yinze: "Dai Li, let me ask you, do you think I am a very bad woman?"

Dai Li glanced at her: "Why do you ask so suddenly?"

Jirou took a few sips of the red date and longan tea handed to her by the waiter, and said with a gloomy expression: "I obviously have a man I like, but I went to bed with another man... The key is that I quite enjoyed it."

"It's not bad, it's carefree, it's eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot." Dai Li also has a vicious tongue, and she uses it on Ji Rou whenever she can think of harming others.

Ji Rou glared at her: "I'm so fucking blind, how can I be friends with a woman like you."

Dai Li said: "I'm also surprised how I became friends with a woman like you. Those women used to avoid me."

"Who told you to have such a vicious tongue? You deserve to have no friends." Ji Rou insulted Dai Li, but she was still depressed. "Waiter, do you have any wine here?"

Without waiting for the waiter to answer, Dai Li pulled Ji Rou: "What are you drinking? Let me, an emotional master, analyze your current psychological state for you."

Jirou glanced at Daili: "You? Emotional master? I don't think you look like it, otherwise you wouldn't have been complained by the man named Qin because of the card."

Dai Li was so angry that she yelled: "Jirou, what grudge do I have against you? Let's not mention this kind of thing again, okay?"

Seeing the good-looking looks from around her, Ji Rou quickly patted Dai Li's hand: "Oh, keep your voice down. Don't let the whole world know that you have been rejected by a man."

Dai Li: "..." I can no longer be friends with Ji Rou, a woman who always stabs her.

Dai Li took a deep breath and then another, and worked hard for a long time to calm down. She felt that she couldn't let Jirou, a little girl, be bullied. She wanted to know Jirou's weaknesses, and attack Jirou in the future, so that Jirou would know that someone had stabbed her in the chest. taste.

Dai Li added: "Then do you want me to analyze it with you?"

Jirou doesn't have any female friends. The only one who can analyze the problem for her is Dai Li, so whether she believes in Dai Li or not, Jirou still decides to listen to her: "Then you tell me."

Dai Li cleared her throat, sat up straight again, and put on a serious look: "I'm telling you, you should have a crush on the man named Qin. No, the crush may be too little. I think you should be I kind of like him.”

"Dai Li, don't talk nonsense. Even if I like a dog, it's impossible to like him." That's right, impossible. How could she like him? It was too late for her to dislike him, so how could she like him.

"No, no, why are you so panicked?" Dai Li smiled, with an expression that I could see through, "Ji Rou, the more you rush to deny it, it proves that you have feelings for him in your heart. "

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