My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1109 My and my husband’s children

Chapter 1110: My and my husband’s children

"You are talking nonsense, he is not a bastard...he is..."

"What is he?"

"He is the child of me and my husband. He came into this world legally and reasonably. He should be blessed instead of criticized and abused by others." Ji Rou said these words confidently. She was protecting her child. , in fact, she indirectly acknowledged her identity as Qin Yinze's wife.

"You and your husband's child?" Upon hearing this, Xiang Lingfeng's expression changed again, so ferocious that Ji Rou thought she had never really known him. He grabbed her wrist and asked sternly: "Little Rou, where did you get your husband?”

Ji Rou answered him loudly: "If you leave, I will get married and I will have a husband..."

Xiang Lingfeng squeezed her shoulders and shook her hard: "Xiaorou, the one who wants to marry can only be me, only me! Why did you betray me and marry someone else? Why did you betray our relationship? Do you know You know, I've been waiting for you."

His hand held her shoulder so tightly that it hurt her. She wanted to shake it off, but couldn't. She could only apologize to him: "I'm sorry! Brother Feng, I'm sorry..."

Yes, she was the one who was sorry for him. She had a relationship with another man when he left, and now she even has a child.

But, unfortunately...

Jirou doesn't want to think about it deeply. The thoughts hidden deep in her heart are too terrible and she can't bear it. She would rather live stupidly like she is now.

"Xiaorou, you promised me, you said you would be my bride, how can you break your promise." Xiang Lingfeng's voice rang in Jirou's ears again, and she no longer had the gentleness before. With deep blame and heartache.

"Brother Feng, please forget Xiaorou. Xiaorou is not a good girl and does not deserve your sincere treatment. You should find a better girl to accompany you." Jirou said these words with heartache. She had never It never occurred to me that they couldn't be together.

Jirou understands better that this is just an excuse she made for herself, because she betrayed their relationship, she is ashamed, and she is looking for excuses to relieve herself.

He smiled so wildly: "Forgot you? Do you think I am you and you can forget me if you just forget me?"

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." She did not ask him to forgive him, she only hoped that he could live well and that he could find a girl worthy of his true love and care.

Qin Yinze, who was sitting next to Ji Rou, found that Ji Rou was sleeping uneasily, as if she was having a nightmare. Qin Yinze tried to wake her up: "Ji Rou, wake up! Wake up quickly!"

Not only did she not wake up, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes inadvertently: "Brother Feng, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it, I couldn't help myself..."

Her ravings made Qin Yinze's body feel cold from head to toe. This damn woman, the man beside her was him, but she was blatantly calling another man's name.

Qin Yinze clenched his fist tightly, wishing to strangle her to death, but when he saw her tears, his heart seemed to be grabbed by someone, and he was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

He shook her again: "Wake up!"

Finally, with Qin Yinze's insistence on shaking, Ji Rou opened her eyes in a daze. When she saw that the person in front of her was him, her eyes were surprised, disappointed, and finally calm, as if nothing happened just now. happened before.

"What did you dream about?" He asked clearly knowing what she dreamed about, obviously looking for trouble for himself, but he just couldn't control it for a moment. Maybe he was hoping that she would tell him the truth.

"It's nothing." Ji Rou responded softly and slowly closed her eyes so that he could not see what she was thinking.

"Nothing?" Qin Yinze asked gloomily.

From what she just said, he read a very cruel message to him, that is, Jirou, a woman, still misses her brother Feng, and she does not want to have his child.

This realization made Qin Yinze very angry: "Are you really not going to tell me?"

He no longer wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything, he wanted to completely remove that man from her heart, not even a hair could be left.

"It's just a nightmare, there's nothing to say." Jirou turned sideways again and turned her back to him, which meant she didn't want to have a good chat with him.

"Ji Rou, who do you think I am to you?" Qin Yinze asked through gritted teeth, even clenching his fists.

"Who are you to me?" She smiled and said feebly, "Who can you be to me? Speaking of which, you should be my big benefactor."

Ji Rou kept telling herself in her heart that she was bought by Qin Yinze with money, and he should be her big benefactor. This should be the relationship between the two of them. There can be no more... and absolutely no more. too much.

"You..." Every word she said was like a sharp knife, stabbing his heart hard again and again, causing him to bleed.

"Young Master Qin, I have been by your side for more than a month. I practice with you on the bed every day. Is the money I owe you enough to pay back?" These words were cruel, but she had to say that she You need to make yourself aware of your identity, and don't let her forget about everything just because he treats her better.

"Ji Rou, you are looking for death!" His eyes were stained with scarlet bloodshot eyes, and veins appeared on his forehead, like a wild beast about to go crazy.

In normal times, Ji Rou would definitely compromise in order to save her life, but today she didn't look at him, and she didn't want to leave herself with any illusions: "Sometimes, if I think about it, I would be happy to die in the hands of Young Master Qin."

"Okay, okay..." Qin Yinze said hello three times. If he stayed any longer, he might pinch him to death. He got up and left before he did something irreversible.

As soon as Qin Yinze left, the sense of oppression in the room disappeared instantly. Ji Rou slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the door in the direction where he left: "Qin Yinze, I have a man I like, and it was love between us from the beginning. If you make a mistake, it should end early. Why should you persist? "

Jirou never seems to understand what the uncertain man is thinking? Maybe it's because he once said that he is happy as long as he is happy and does not need any reason.

Qin Yinze is that kind of person. He only depends on his mood when doing things. As long as he is happy, he does not need reasonable logic or reasons.

Thinking of this, Jirou smiled softly. In fact, it was good to be like him, to live the way she wanted to live regardless of worldly opinions.

She was like this before, because she had two big backers behind her, so she did everything based on her own mood and never cared about what others thought of her.

But things are different now. The two mountains behind her are gone. She has to shoulder everything by herself, and she can no longer live so casually.

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