My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1110: Extra chapter, the trajectory of life has changed

Chapter 1111: Extra chapter, the trajectory of life has changed

The night was getting deeper and deeper, but Ji Rou, who was hiding in the hospital bed, was not sleepy at all. Her stomach still seemed to hurt in a twisted way, and the pain caused cold sweat to break out on her forehead.

She thought that maybe this was the punishment given to her by God.

If so, she's willing to take it.

After all, she was the one who betrayed that relationship and failed the man who loved her so much.

Sometimes, Ji Rou wonders, if her father had not been killed, would Brother Feng not disappear, then she would not be sold on the black market by Ji Chendong, and then she would not meet Qin Yinze?

But there is no if, all this has happened, her life trajectory has gone to another road, and she can never look back.

No matter what Qin Yinze's status is, whether she can offend him or not, he has left indelible traces in her life.

Even though she didn't want to have anything to do with him at all, she couldn't change anything.

No matter what, he is her husband in name only.

Jirou couldn't sleep in the room and thought about it. Qin Yinze in the corridor finished smoking one cigarette after another. It didn't take long for him to leave a lot of cigarette butts beside him.

But he still didn't stop, and started smoking again. About an hour later, a passing nurse on duty saw him and said, "Sir, you are not allowed to smoke in the hospital. Don't you know?"

Before the reprimand was finished, the nurse was frightened by Qin Yinze's sharp eyes and turned around and ran away. But after running a few steps, I heard the man behind me say coldly: "Stop!"

The little nurse was so frightened that she almost cried: "Sir, I didn't see anything. You continue to smoke your cigarette and pretend that I didn't say what you just said."

Qin Yinze dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out with his foot: "Go and see the condition of the patient in room 901 and see if she needs anything?"

"Yes, I'll go right away." He just asked her to go for ward rounds. Why should he be so cold? It almost scared her to death.

The little nurse had just walked to the door. Before she could open the door, she heard the man speak: "Move quietly, don't disturb her sleep."

"Yes, yes..." the little nurse stammered. With such a cold master at the door, even if she had a hundred courages, she would not dare to make any big move.

When the little nurse entered the ward, Qin Yinze's eyes did not leave the door for half a second until the little nurse came out: "Is she asleep?"

The little nurse stammered: "Sleep, sleep. Her temperature is normal and her condition is stable. She should be fine."

Qin Yinze didn't speak anymore. The little nurse was trembling and didn't know if she could leave. After waiting for a long time, she had the courage to ask: "Sir, can I leave?"

Qin Yinze still didn't speak. The little nurse stood in front of him for a second like a year. She wanted to sneak away quietly, but she didn't dare. She waited for a long time and finally waited until the man spoke, "Let someone clean this place."

"Yes, yes..." After hearing the order, the little nurse turned around and ran as fast as a gust of wind, for fear of being caught again.

For a whole night, Qin Yinze, who left in anger, did not come back. Jirou also slept in a daze, having some messy dreams while sleeping.

At dawn, her dreams stopped disturbing her. She had just slept a little longer when she heard the chirping sounds of the prince and the monkey: "Boss, are you sick?"

"Can't you tell I'm sick?" Jirou slowly opened her eyes and gave the prince and the monkey a sharp look.

"It's not that I can't see it, I just can't believe it. Why did our boss, who is in excellent physical condition, suddenly become ill?" They are all friends who have known each other for many years. They all know how good the thin Ji Rou is. ah.

The prince and the others have not seen Jirou take medicine in these years, and they did not expect that she would be admitted to the hospital due to this illness. It seems that she must be seriously ill.

"Mild gastritis, nothing serious." Ji Rou sat up and looked at the door of the room instinctively. She didn't see Qin Yinze. She asked again, "How do you know I'm here?"

"The doctor informed us." The prince looked around, "Boss, aren't you dating Young Master Qin? You were sick and he didn't come to see you?"

"Who said we were dating?" Although they were allowed to see Qin Yinze picking her up every day, the ironclad fact was right in front of them. Ji Rou didn't want to admit it, so who could care about her?

"Okay, if you say you don't have a relationship, then you don't have a relationship." The monkey gestured to the prince and told him not to make the boss angry.

Their boss is usually a domineering dictator, but now that he is sick, he cannot be messed with, so it is better to just follow her.

"Hey, you are all here." Another person appeared at the door, it was Dai Li. She came over and said, "Don't ask me how I know. The prince informed me."

The prince scratched his head and giggled: "Boss, you should understand my intention. You should be more considerate and considerate of me."

The prince, a stinky boy, wants to pursue Dai Li. He always wants to create opportunities for himself and Dai Li, and he will not miss the opportunity when Ji Rou gets sick.

Dai Li said: "You brat, look at the buttery smell on your body. Let me tell you, when my sister came out to fool around, you were still sucking milk in your mother's arms. Don't be a toad who always thinks about eating swan meat. You are not my type. .”

Dai Li's venomous tongue is simply not something that ordinary people can bear. This is one of the reasons why she has not made a true friend in so many years.

"Sister Dai Li, sister-brother relationships are very popular now. I will work hard to grow into a mature man. I hope that when I stand by your side, I can be worthy of the glamorous you." The prince is usually with Ji Rou. , rarely come into contact with women, and Dai Li has something that women don't have. She is charming, enchanting, and pure. It is really easy to charm a young boy like the prince.

"Then keep working hard! When you can afford a few luxury villas in Minluo City and drive a limited-edition Ferrari sports car, you can come to me again." Dai Li smiled, "I am a person who only wants to see Money doesn’t matter, anyone can take me home as long as they have enough money.”

Several villas! Limited edition Ferrari sports car!

Based on his family background and his own abilities, the prince felt that these were heights that he would never be able to reach in his lifetime, but he was willing to fight for the goddess in his heart.

"Sister Dai Li, I will work hard. Just wait for me!" Who didn't say that? You still have to have dreams, just in case they come true.

Now to catch the beautiful Dai Li and marry her home is the prince's first big dream in his life.

"Boy, then go out and work hard first. I'll talk to your boss alone." These men dare to make any vows when they want to pursue a woman, but what next? Dai Li has seen too many people and things and can understand everything, so she only recognizes money.

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