My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1111: Extra chapter, come to work in our company

Chapter 1112: Extra chapter, come to work in our company

Before the prince took the monkey out, he whispered a few words in Dai Li's ear: "Sister Dai Li, then you can talk to our boss and comfort her. After all, a woman is quite pitiful for her."

"Prince, come here!" Ji Rou waved, thinking that she couldn't deal with them while lying on the bed, so she dared to bury her like this in front of her.

The prince and the monkey were often bullied by Jirou. With one look from her, they could tell what she wanted to do. The two of them turned around and ran away. Who would be stupid enough to come to the door and let her beat them.

After the prince and the monkey left, Ji Rou and Dai Li were left in the room. It became much quieter in an instant. Ji Rou said, "I have a minor problem and I will be discharged from the hospital soon. Why are you all here?"

Dai Li said, "I'll accompany you to the hospital."

Jirou said: "Then please help me go through the discharge procedures. I will take my mother home later."

Dai Li answered: "I came here just because I knew you were going to take your aunt home today. You are very strong, so we are not worried."

Jirou snorted and said, "You have a free day to mind my business. What about you? Have you found a job?"

When it came to work, Dai Li's eyes darkened and she sighed: "I'm still looking, I will always find it."

Ji Rou feels a little suspicious: "Dai Li, you said you are not ugly and have a high degree of education. Why is it that no company is willing to accept you after searching for so long?"

Dai Li shrugged: "Does this need to be said? Because the person I offended was the most awesome person in Minluo City. The airline made an announcement when they fired me. Most companies don't want to cause trouble, so who would want me? .”

If it weren't for her different feelings towards this city, she thought, she might have left this city long before she was fired from the airline company.

Dai Li usually mentions money at all times, saying that she only cares about money and not people, and she has a very venomous tongue. But after getting along with Ji Rou, she became more and more in tune with her. People, you can't always be fooled by appearances. Dai Li actually has her too. The kind side that you don't want to show.

Ji Rou doesn't make many friends, but every time she makes friends, she tries to make friends with them. When Dai Li is in trouble, she wants to help: "Dai Li, why don't you come to my company and help me."

Dai Li smiled and said, "Your company?"

Ji Rou said: "It's the company my father left me. It was robbed, but it will be returned to my hands soon. I also need manpower. Why don't you come and make up the number, and I will open it for you. The salary is not high, but it won’t make you hungry.”

Dai Li knocked on Jirou's head: "Little girl, don't look down on me. Do you really think I'm useless? Let me tell you, my sister also graduated from a prestigious university back then."

Dai Li is a few years older than Ji Rou. She calls Ji Rou little girl. Ji Rou doesn't care about her: "Okay, if you are so awesome, then you can choose a department and you will have three months to make results." Show it to my boss, or he will fire you."

"Public Relations Department!" Dai Li announced the name of the department in one breath. It seemed that she had paid attention to Qianshui Company. "The Public Relations Department comes into contact with many people. The key is that the Public Relations Department needs beautiful beauties like me to support the scene. As long as I am there, Now, I promise to do a good job in the public relations work of Qianshui Company in the future, and I will never be worthless like last time."

Dai Li worked as a flight attendant and had a good image. After dating Yue Jirou, she also found that she was capable, so she answered readily: "Then it's settled. When I officially get my equity back, Appoint you as an employee of the public relations department. Everyone will give you face as the airborne trooper arranged by the female boss."

"I'm talking about Jirou, you want me to work hard for you as a small employee. If I want to do it, I want to be the manager of the public relations department." Dai Li said in a serious tone. She thought she was capable of being the manager of the public relations department. After all, It's not like I haven't done it before.

Ji Rou is slightly embarrassed: "But there is a manager in the public relations department. He is not from Ji Chendong, so it is difficult to remove him."

Dai Li continued: "You see, the image of your public relations manager is not good. He is fat and fat, and it makes people tired just to look at him. When he comes out, there are a few people who are willing to calm down and listen to him. Listen to me, Fire him and let me take over."

Ji Rou said with a smile: "Why do I feel that our Qianshui company will collapse in my hands before I officially take over?"

Dai Li rarely got serious: "I'm not joking with you, I'm serious. I've also been paying attention to your Qianshui company these days. The manager of your public relations department is also stalking female employees. You really can't keep such people. "

Hearing what Dai Li said, Ji Rou thought about it seriously: "Give me a few days and I'll investigate the situation. If the facts are as you said, this kind of bitchy man will never be allowed to stay."

Ji Rou is the rarest person to use the little power in her hands to seduce female subordinates. If it was true, she would definitely expose that man's dirty laundry.

Dai Li clapped her hands: "OK, then I'll wait for your answer."

In fact, Dai Li knew very well that the reason why she couldn't find a job was not because she offended the Qin family, a prominent figure in Minluo City. There was also someone who was watching her jokes and waiting for her to beg him.

He knew her so well, but how could he forget that she could do any shameless thing, and was even willing to sell her body to others, but she didn't learn how to please him.

Jirou's gastritis was not a big problem, Dai Li helped her get discharged smoothly, and they went to the eighth floor of the hospital to pick up her mother who had been in the hospital for several months and took her home.

Mother Ji knew she was going to be discharged from the hospital today, so she packed her luggage early and waited peacefully for her daughter to pick her up.

Not only did Jirou come today, Jirou also brought a few friends to take Ji's mother home in a lively manner, which also made the home that had been empty for several months more popular.

The house is clean and spotless, as if the owner has never left. The credit must go to the prince and the monkey. They took the initiative to do the cleaning a few days ago, so the house is like this. Clean and bright.

Mother Ji looked at the sensible children and felt happy from the bottom of her heart: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Lu, thanks to you for accompanying our Xiaorou these days."

"Auntie, Monkey and I are both your biological sons. Why are you so polite to the two of us?" The prince was sweet-tongued and especially good at making the elders happy. Mother Ji was also very happy, "Yeah, it's great to have you. !”

These two children had always played well with Jirou before. This time something happened to Ji's family, they were the only two who never left Jirou. How could people not be moved?

After greeting the two young men, Ji's mother took a serious look at Ji Rou's new friend Dai Li.

No girl was willing to play with Ji Rou before. This was the first female friend Ji Rou brought home. Ji's mother couldn't help but look at Dai Li with a somewhat appraising look.

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