My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1112 Extra chapter, because he was absent-minded

Chapter 1113: Extra chapter, because he was absent-minded

Although Dai Li usually has a sharp tongue, she is still a very sensible child in front of her elders. When Ji's mother looked at her, she let the elders look at her. After all, the other party did not mean any harm.

"Mom, how can you stare at others like this? Dai Li is also brave. If she is timid, you will see her run away." Ji Rou understands her mother and explains with a smile, "Dai Li and I We are very close to each other, and we naturally become friends after getting to know each other. In this world, fate is very important, and being friends also depends on fate.”

"Well, everything our Xiaorou said is right." Ji's mother rubbed Jirou's head and looked at the door again, "Xiaorou, do you have any new friends that you haven't brought to mom to see? ?”

"I just made a new friend in Dai Li." Ji Rou followed Ji's mother's gaze and looked out the door, suddenly thinking of someone.

There was no news from the person who left last night. I don’t know if he was having trouble with her or if he listened to her advice and let her go this time.

Ji Rou doesn't know what's wrong with her. When she usually looks at him, she wishes he would disappear completely from her eyes. Now that she hasn't seen him for only a few hours, she is missing him inexplicably.

"Oh, really?" Ji Rou didn't want to mention it. Ji Rou's mother still chose to believe Ji Rou. After all, she couldn't bear to force her child. When the time is right, the child will naturally bring that person back to see her.

Dai Li could see that Ji Rou didn't intend to mention Qin Yinze's matter to Ji's mother, so she hurriedly stood up and changed the subject: "Auntie, today's lunch will be left to us. You can go back to your room to rest or watch TV. You can also take a look at the flowers and plants you raise.”

"Okay, okay, I'm just waiting to eat today. With you here, I don't have to worry about anything." Although she doesn't know Dai Li well, Ji's mother likes her daughter's friends as long as they are friends.

A few young people had endless energy and endless topics to talk about together. The prince and the monkey were arranged by Dai Li to pick vegetables. The two got into an argument about a certain game and almost got into a fight.

Jirou really can't stand the two of them anymore: "Prince, monkey, if you two argue again, don't eat at noon today."

As soon as Ji Rou spoke, the prince and the monkey shut their mouths almost immediately.

The prince and the monkey couldn't even suppress their own father, but let Ji Rou, a little girl who was a few months younger than them, be oppressed so much that they never dared to resist. Maybe this is what the saying goes, one thing defeats another. Bar.

The prince and the monkey stopped arguing. Jirou returned to the kitchen, lowering her head and doing what she was doing in a dull manner. She usually talked a lot, but today she talked very little, which was abnormal at first glance.

Dai Li bumped into the absent-minded Ji Rou: "Little girl, did you have a fight with Qin?"

Ji Rou put the rice into the pot and turned on the power: "Today is such a happy day, can we not mention the spoilers?"

"Okay, if you don't mention it, don't mention it. Anyway, I don't have time to look at the door." Dai Li put on her apron, put down the cutting board, and picked up the sliced ​​pork belly that Ji Rou had washed.

Her movements were neat and it looked like she did this kind of thing often, which didn't match her appearance at all.

Jirou was very surprised: "Dai Li, I didn't know that your cutting skills are so good at cutting vegetables. Do you often cook by yourself?"

"I don't want to eat takeout, and there's no one at home to cook for me. If I don't cook by myself, I'll just be hungry." Dai Li glanced at Jirou and said with envy, "Unlike you, I have someone who loves you so much. My mother has spoiled you since you were a child. You can’t do anything that girls can do.”

"Hehe... That's because I am a talented person who wants to do big things." Jirou was extremely happy when she mentioned these things. "I don't have many brothers and sisters. My parents have high hopes for me and hope that I can manage when I grow up." company, not being a housewife.”

"Yes, yes... everything our Xiaorou says is right." Dai Li imitated Ji's mother's tone and teased Jirou.

"Thank you, Sister Dai Li, for the compliment!" Ji Rou answered with a smile.

Dai Li is the chef, and Ji Rou is responsible for the waiter. However, Ji Rou rarely goes into the kitchen, and even the waiter is clumsy. Dai Li really can't stand it: "Sister-in-law, you are not as quick as the prince and the monkey. You have to do it." "Why don't you go and accompany Ji's mother? The three of us can just prepare lunch."

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Ji Rou said embarrassed words and had already taken off her apron. "Dai Li, Prince, Monkey, I'll trouble you three."

Several people were used to Ji Rou's way of helping her as a matter of course. The three of them shook their heads and sighed: "Look, look, she knows how to bully the three of us."

The prince immediately snatched the job that Ji Rou had just left behind: "Sister Dai Li, if you need any help, just tell me and I will hit you."

Dai Li had cut the meat and needed to fry it. She found that there was missing salt: "Prince, I really need your help. Go to the convenience store in the community and buy a pack of salt."

Prince: "Sister Dai Li, I want to work with you. Can you change my job and let me do it so that I can stay by your side?"

Dai Li shrugged and spread her hands: "What I need most now is salt. It's up to you whether to go or not."

The prince was very reluctant to go, but he didn't want to leave a bad impression on Dai Li. No matter how reluctant he was, he came out of the kitchen and prepared to buy a pack of salt.

He was about to go out when he saw Jirou sitting in the living room staring at the TV in a daze. He immediately squeezed in beside Jirou: "Boss, can you go and buy a pack of salt for me?"

"No." Ji Rou refused.

"Boss, my good boss, I beg you, please help me." The prince held Jirou's arm and acted coquettishly, which made Jirou feel numb.

"Okay, okay, why don't I go?" Jirou was convinced that a grown man could pretend to have such a cooing voice, and she was embarrassed not to help him.

Jirou lives on the 21st floor, because the community is not bad and the elevators are many and fast. In less than two minutes, she has appeared at the elevator entrance downstairs.

There is a 24-hour convenience store when you turn left after exiting the elevator. Just as Ji Rou is about to go in, the cell phone in her pocket suddenly rings.

She took out her phone and looked at the three words displayed on the screen - Uncle Qin!

Don't ask who Uncle Qin is, he is the eldest young master of the Qin family. Ji Rou thought about this name for a long time, and finally felt that this was the most suitable one, so she has been using it until now.

Looking at the screen of her mobile phone, Ji Rou paused for a moment, and finally decided to hang up. This is her personality. If she wants to break the phone, she should break it cleanly, and don't let it get muddled.

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