My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1119 Extra chapter, there is a way to deal with him

Chapter 1120: Extra chapter, there is a way to deal with him

Qin Yinze pulled her hand away hard, pushed her away, and said coldly: "Get out! Don't let me see you again! Don't even look at it!"

After being rejected once, Jirou can still pretend that nothing is wrong. After being rejected for the second time, Jirou trembled a little inside, but she still couldn't back down.

She bit her lip and hugged him again: "You asked me to come to you. I came to you specially. If you don't talk to me, I will never go out."

"I asked you to get out! Don't you understand?" Qin Yinze said gloomily, as if he was going to throw her out if she didn't get out on her own.

Jirou didn't know what she did wrong and made this uncertain man angry. He was clearly "eating" happily just now and was in a good mood.

"I just don't understand. If you have the guts, throw me out!" Anyway, she was going to stalk him, and she had to make him promise to return the shares of Qianshui Company to her, otherwise she would never leave.

Qin Yinze: "Get out!"

Ji Rou hugs him hard: "I don't!"

Qin Yinze opened her hand and pointed at the door: "I'll say it one last time. Get out now!"

She was begging him with such humility, what else did he want?

Jirou has never been a person who wants to give in. After being rejected repeatedly by him, her temper also rose. She pounced on him regardless of the situation.

Her strength was not small at first, but now she used all her strength to rush towards Qin Yinze, causing Qin Yinze to take two or three steps back, and finally fell on the big bed.

Ji Rou immediately pounced on him, pressed him tightly under her, lowered her head and bit him hard on the face: "Qin Yinze, what the hell do you want?"

This woman is so savage and lawless. The key is that Qin Yinze likes her savage and unreasonable look.

"You clearly promised not to bully me. I haven't recovered from my illness yet, but you treat me like this. Do you think you are still a human being?" Ji Rou sniffed, and tears fell one after another. The corners of her eyes fell down, and she cried so hard that she looked pitiful.

My mother once said that when my mother made my father angry, as long as she pretended to be pitiful in front of his father, my father would be soft-hearted no matter how angry he was. Today she will also try Qin Yinze's place to see if he will be soft-hearted towards her.

Jirou continued crying while crying: " drank wine last night and caused a high fever. In order to take care of you, I was busy for most of the night. I was as tired as a dog. Don't you thank me." I don’t care, you still want to drive me away, what did I do wrong?”

He had a high fever last night and he took care of him for most of the night?

This alone can completely soften Qin Yinze's heart.

Qin Yinze raised his hand and wanted to pat her on the back, but hesitated. The feeling of being controlled by her in the palm of his hand was really not good.

In this life, his destiny has always been in his own hands, and he has never felt like this before. He really wanted to continue ignoring her, but he couldn't bear it.

His warm palm finally landed gently on her back, stroking her gently: "I told you, you have to be obedient and everything will be easy to talk about."

Jirou wiped away her tears: "Didn't I listen to you? I obviously listen to you in everything. You told me not to eat meat for a month, so I stopped eating meat for a month. You told me not to go out drinking with the prince and the others. , I didn’t go out to drink. You asked me not to fight with others, so I listened to whatever you asked me to do. But what about you? You are always angry with me and don’t care about me. Feelings. Don’t forget, I am still a patient, and the patient’s mood is very unstable.”

"Your stomach needs to be adjusted slowly. You can't overeat in the future." Qin Yinze gently stroked her back and started to care about this and that.

"You're right, I listen to you..." Jirou wiped away her tears again and pretended to be more pitiful, "But you have to listen to my voice occasionally. You can't act like an emperor. arbitrary."

Qin Yinze: "..."

When did he become as arbitrary as an emperor?

Jirou sniffed and said: "Qianshui Company was left to me by my father. It is something that I regard as important as my own life. If you threaten me with Qianshui Company's shares, isn't that just a threat to me?" My life."

Who asked her to make him angry? He was so angry that he thought of using that method to keep her by his side.

Jirou wiped her tears and continued to count: "In front of you, I lose my face and self-esteem...but, but you still bully me."

In her ears, Jirou kept chattering, and her tongue was so dry that people wanted to cut her tongue off, but Qin Yinze was used to having her noisy around him.

Without her by his side yesterday, nothing he did went smoothly, as if the whole world had lost its color.

"Qin Yinze, you are a man, why do you have to give in to me?" After saying that, she started crying again, the more she cried, the sadder she became, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered in her life on him.

Ji Rou is not an ordinary person who can cry, nor does she shed a lot of tears. After crying for a long time, her tears are still flowing. Qin Yinze can't bear it anymore and says repeatedly: "I won't cry if I don't want to... Qianshui Company's shares, I I will give it back to you, and I won’t owe you a share.”

Hearing what Qin Yinze said, Ji Rou's crying stopped suddenly, and she changed into a bright smile almost instantly: "Young Master Qin, I knew that you are actually a good person."

"I hope you always feel that way." Jirou's face changed so quickly. Qin Yinze felt that Oscar owed Jirou a golden man.

Just pretending to be pitiful and pitiful, Young Master Qin softened his heart. Ji Rou felt that he should feel sorry for her, otherwise he would not compromise so easily.

For those who care about her and take care of her, Ji Rou will also be kind to him: "Young Master Qin, I will take good care of you in the future and will not make you unhappy again."

Qin Yinze glanced at her and felt that what this woman said was unbelievable. She could change many ideas in one day, and he couldn't keep up with her young pace.

After Ji Rou messed around a lot, Young Master Qin was defeated as expected, and Young Master Qin personally promised to return the equity to her.

The equity issue has been solved, but there is still one very important thing that Jirou needs, which is to let Qin Yinze cooperate with Dr. Tong to regulate his body.

Jirou knows that Qin Yinze is very stubborn, and it is not easy to change his mind and cooperate with Dr. Tong to regulate his body.

If it's not easy, why don't you work hard for it?

of course not!

She, Ji Rou, has never been a person who retreats when encountering difficulties, but she is a person who likes to rush forward in the face of difficulties.

After breakfast, Ji Rou brought a bowl of cooked Chinese medicine to Qin Yinze: "Young Master Qin, this medicine is for physical fitness. Drink it."

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