My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1120 Extra chapter, I can’t bear to care about him

Chapter 1121: Extra chapter, I have no choice but to care about him

Physical fitness?

Hearing these four words, Qin Yinze frowned and felt unhappy: "Jirou, do you think that time this morning was not enough?"

Ji Rou was stunned: "What?"

Just when she asked, Ji Rou understood the implicit meaning of Qin Yinze's words. She immediately glared at him: "Dirty! Can't you think of anything else except that for a day?"

Seeing her flushed face, Qin Yinze looked at her with pride and evil: "Isn't that what you meant?"

Ji Rou really wanted to spit at him and say Xingzi: "Doctor Tong said that your old diseases need to be treated well, otherwise you will die sooner or later. This is the medicine she prepared for you."

Mentioning the old illness of the body, Qin Yinze's face darkened: "I know my body very well and don't need them to bother."

"Okay, you don't need them to be nosy, then do you need me to be nosy?" Ji Rou put her hands on her waist, and she looked very strong, "Master Qin, you just need to say that you don't need me to do your business. No matter, I won’t care whether you live or die from now on.”

He doesn't want others to care about his affairs, but Qin Yinze really hopes that this woman will care more about his affairs and that she will focus on him, but he doesn't want to cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

Just when Qin Yinze was silent, Ji Rou spoke again: "If you don't speak, then you want me to take care of it. If you want me to take care of it, just drink the medicine."

Looking at the large bowl of dark potion on the table, Qin Yinze frowned even more: "Go and ask Tong, is this medicine for people to drink?"

Ji Rou didn't want to be fooled by him: "Young Master Qin, you are resisting because you don't want to drink. You said you are a grown man, are you embarrassed? I tell you, I limit you to drink it within three minutes, otherwise you will look good. "

This woman, if he gives her some paint, she can open a dyeing room. He gave her a little bit, and she thought she could climb on his head to poop and pee.

He didn't want to comply with her wishes: "I don't want to drink."

Ji Rou is anxious: "Your body is your own. If you don't drink it, do you want me to drink it for you?"

Qin Yinze suddenly thought of something in his mind and smiled evilly: "I don't mind if you feed me in person."

Seeing his evil smile, Ji Rou knew that he had no good intentions. She really wanted to leave him alone and let him fend for himself, but there was a voice in her heart that whispered to her that she couldn't let anything happen to him. He lives well, otherwise...

Qin Yinze said again: "If you don't feed me, I won't drink. It's up to you."

"Son of a bitch, if I hadn't seen you dead, I would have taken on the title of a little widow. Do you think I would care about you?" Ji Rou glared at him fiercely, picked up the medicine bowl, and Gulu took a big sip. Before Qin Yinze could react, she held his head and kissed him.

She fed him the medicine mouth-to-mouth. After all the medicine was put into his mouth, Jirou let him go in time, raised her hand and wiped her mouth: "Damn, it's so painful!"

After Qin Yinze drank the medicine, he licked his lips evilly, as if he was savoring her taste: "I didn't ask you to feed me like this."

He obviously enjoyed her feeding him like this, but afterwards he showed the expression that she had bullied him, which made Ji Rou want to hit someone: "Qin Yinze, believe it or not, I will hit you!"

Of course Qin Yinze believed it, so before she had an attack, he wisely picked up the remaining potion and drank it within the time specified by her.

Seeing Qin Yinze drinking the medicine obediently, Ji Rou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "From now on, you have to cooperate with Dr. Tong to regulate your body. You are not allowed to be willful and you have to cherish your body. Do you understand?"

Jirou said it seriously and was really worried about him, but the man replied lazily to her: "I don't know."

Jirou: "..."

Forget it, he just wanted to make her angry on purpose, he just wanted to make her angry to death. She was so quick to talk to him. From now on, she just had to watch him and drink the medicine on time.

After coming out of Qin Yinze's villa, Ji Rou took out her mobile phone and called one by one to meet with the old employees who used to work with her father.

Jirou felt that Uncle Yu, who worked with her father, was indispensable for Qianshui Company's success, so the first person she made an appointment with was Uncle Yu.

Uncle Yu didn't seem surprised when he received the call from her, and he quickly agreed to her request to meet. The meeting place was a teahouse very close to Uncle Yu.

As the elderly get older, they don’t like to drink coffee or desserts. They just like to drink a cup of tea in a familiar teahouse and chat with familiar old friends.

When Jirou arrived at the agreed place, Uncle Yu had already arrived before her. When he saw her, Uncle Yu waved: "Xiaorou, you're here."

Jirou hurried over and greeted Uncle Yu with a smile: "Hello, Uncle Yu! I haven't seen you for several months. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but you..." Uncle Yu is the one who accompanies Ji's father to conquer the country. He watched Ji Rou come into the world, and he also watched Ji Rou grow from a little kid to the big girl she is now. , he treats Jirou like his own child, "Little girl, you seem to have lost a lot of weight."

Ji Rou first poured tea for Uncle Yu and said with a smile: "Uncle Yu, have you ever seen me fat? I have been this skinny type since I was a child. I look thin, but I am not really thin."

Ji Rou's tone was exaggerated, and she made a few exaggerated movements when speaking, which made Uncle Yu laugh heartily: "Yes, yes, how could I forget it? Because you were very thin when you were a child, your father thought you had What disease do you have? I took you to various major hospitals for examination, and the doctor’s examination showed that you are healthy.”

Speaking of the past, Jirou felt a lot: "Yes, my dad cared about me and was very nervous about me for fear that I would make the slightest mistake. And Uncle Yu, you often secretly stuff candies for me when you go to work."

Speaking of the past, Uncle Yu was more emotional than Ji Rou. He wiped the tears flashing from the corners of his eyes: "Decades ago, we accompanied your father to start a business together. Although life was hard at that time, we had no grudges in our hearts. I just want to make the company bigger and stronger, and I am happy every day.”

"A few months ago, when Qianshui Company was expanding, your father suddenly died in a car accident. At that time, several of us who followed him to make a fortune were confused. But everyone realized that we cannot continue to be confused, and we must cheer up. Continue to build Qianshui Company...who knew we would let Ji Chendong's bunch of idiots trick us."

Speaking of Ji Chendong's gang, Uncle Yu was gnashing his teeth with hatred. If he could, he really wanted to use a knife to cut off pieces of Ji Chendong's body and feed them to the dogs.

In the past, when Dad Ji was still here, Ji Chendong's group worked very hard and acted honestly. Everyone still trusted their group.

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