My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1121 Extra chapter, bitch and vixen

Chapter 1122: Extra chapter, bitch and vixen

Something happened to Ji's father suddenly. Ji Rou was young and unfamiliar with the company's operations, so Uncle Yu offered to let Ji Chendong take over the work temporarily and lead everyone to continue to make Qianshui Company bigger and stronger.

After Uncle Yu put forward this opinion, he got the agreement of several elders. After a few people agreed, they went to Mother Ji to discuss it.

Ji's mother also thought this method would work, so she agreed to let Ji Chendong temporarily take charge of Qianshui Company. She hoped that Ji Chendong would lead everyone to work hard together and leave Qianshui Company to Ji Rou when she graduates in two years.

But none of them thought that Ji Chendong was such a ruthless person. After Qianshui Company was handed over to him, he immediately turned his back.

He fired them as veterans in the shortest possible time, and then placed his people in all important departments of the company. In just two or three months, he firmly controlled Qianshui Company in his hands.

"Uncle Yu, you are not wrong about this matter. The mistake is that we trust people too easily, but we have all learned from this incident and just don't make the same mistakes again in the future." Ji Rou knows that Uncle Yu has always been because of this I was blaming myself for this incident, but I really didn't blame him for this incident. He was doing it for Qianshui Company's benefit at that time, because none of them would have thought of Ji Chendong's wolfish ambitions.

Uncle Yu sighed: "Xiaorou, if I hadn't raised this opinion at that time, the Qianshui Company left by your father would not have been snatched away by Ji Chendong, and the Qianshui Company would not be as riddled with holes as it is now."

"Uncle Yu, we have all seen Ji Chendong's ambitions clearly. Do you think he wouldn't have used other methods if you didn't put forward that opinion?" Ji Rou knew very well that it was obviously impossible, because Ji Chendong was responsible for his father's car accident. As planned, Ji Chendong had long wanted to swallow up Qianshui Company.

"Xiaorou, I know you can get back your shares in Qianshui Company soon. Uncle also wants to go back to help, but..." Uncle Yu wiped his tears again, "I have no shame in going back. Besides, my age I can't help you anymore."

Before coming, Jirou had thought that Uncle Yu would reject her, and she was mentally prepared: "Uncle Yu, I'm here to see you today. Whether you are still in Qianshui Company or not, I hope you have a good life. Yes. I will give you a lot of the dividends that should be paid to you every year.”

Qianshui Company is also a place of hope in Uncle Yu's heart. He wants to go back and help, but he is worried that it will be more troublesome than last time: "Xiaorou, I can't go back, but I can recommend a management talent to you."

Uncle Yu is someone Ji Rou absolutely trusts. When she heard that Uncle Yu wanted to introduce talents to her, she was a little excited: "Uncle Yu, who is it?"

Uncle Yu said: "Zeng Yunwei!"

Zeng Yunwei!

Ji Rou thought about it carefully, but she didn't expect any information about this character: "Uncle Yu, is Zeng Yunwei from Qianshui Company?"

"He has been working in Qianshui Company for several years. I think he is a talent." Uncle Yu sent Zeng Yunwei's contact information to Jirou, "Of course I am just giving advice. It is up to you whether to use him or not." To observe and consider.”

Jirou is in particular need of management talents now, and the kind of management talents she can trust, so no matter what, she plans to meet Zeng Yunwei first.

After leaving the teahouse, Jirou contacted Zeng Yunwei immediately. Zeng Yunwei happened to be free, so they decided to meet at a coffee shop near Qianshui Company.

Ji Rou took a taxi and went straight to the agreed coffee shop. When she was almost at the destination, she received a call from Qin Yinze: "Where are you?"

Jirou said: "I made an appointment with someone to talk about something."

Qin Yinze emphasized: "I asked you where you were? I didn't ask you what you were doing."

This man just likes to mess around sometimes. What if she tells him her real address and he comes to mess with her again? So Ji Rou casually said a place name: "I'm at Pengcheng Building."

Then the person over there hung up the phone, and Jirou smiled proudly. If you have the ability to carry someone over there, I'll see if you can carry it.

However, Ji Rou was not proud for long because she met Qin Yinze in a formal suit at the coffee shop where she had arranged to meet someone.

There was a person sitting opposite Qin Yinze, a woman, a well-dressed and elegant woman. The two of them were talking about something, and they seemed to be having a good time.

Damn it, it turned out that calling her to ask where she was was not to find her, but to confirm her location. After confirming her location, he could boldly go on a date with the vixen outside.

Yesterday she was still thinking that although he had the same bad habits as all the second-generation ancestors, he at least kept himself clean and never engaged in male-female relations outside.

Now it seems that it's not that he doesn't engage in male-female relations, it's just that she didn't notice it. Look, look, he was chatting so happily with the woman opposite.

For a moment, Jirou forgot the real purpose of coming to this cafe. She stared hard at the doggy couple in the cafe and wanted to rush over, grab the doggy couple and beat them up. pause.

"Miss Ji? Are you Miss Ji?" It was a clean male voice that brought Ji Rou back to her senses. If this person had called her a little later, she might have rushed up to beat him.

"I am." Ji Rou retracted her gaze, tried hard to adjust her facial expression, and managed to squeeze out a smile that she thought was okay, "You are Mr. Zeng Yunwei, right?"

"Yes, I am." Zeng Yunwei was also wearing a formal suit and was neatly dressed. It was obvious that he took today's "interview" very seriously.

Regardless of whether Zeng Yunwei is the management talent she is looking for, Ji Rou has a good first impression of him. He has a clean image and speaks neither humble nor overbearing.

Zeng Yunwei added: "Miss Ji, let's find a seat and sit down first, and then we can have a good talk."

"Okay." Ji Rou nodded, but looked at Qin Yinze again. The bitch man and the vixen were chatting enthusiastically, and they didn't even notice her. "Mr. Zeng, please find a location first. I saw an acquaintance. , I went over to say hello."

She is a genuine "Empress of the East Palace" here, and there is no room for those vixens to act arrogantly in front of her. Once Ji Rou gets angry, she can't control it herself.

She came to Qin Yinze's table and greeted him with a smile: "Hi! Mr. Qin, chat with the beauty!"

Qin Yinze was not surprised at all when Ji Rou suddenly appeared. What surprised him was that she came to say hello to him... Next, she did something that surprised him even more.

Ji Rou picks up his coffee cup and pours a cup of warm coffee from Qin Yinze's head: "Qin, let me tell you, what I hate most is the bitch who eats in the bowl and thinks about the pot."

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