My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1125: Extra chapter, he has experienced her pain

Chapter 1126: Extra chapter, he has experienced her pain

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense, then I'll do it." This stupid woman's jealous look is so cute, and her panicked look of hurried denial is also cute. Looking at her, Qin Yinze can't help but want to bully her She, so he held her head again, lowered his head and kissed her.

"Qin Yinze, don't mess around! This is still on the street, people will see it!" Ji Rou pushed him, but couldn't push him away, so she was forced to accept his kiss.

His kiss was very gentle, as gentle as if he wanted to sink her into his world and not allow her to escape. As they kissed, his kiss became overbearing again, so overbearing that she could only accept it passively. It was as if he was telling her that if he wanted to keep her by his side, she would not be able to escape.

The lingering and domineering kiss ended after a long time.

At the end, Qin Yinze looked at Jirou's red and swollen lips from his kiss, licked her lips reluctantly, and smiled evilly: "We can see people outside in our car, but people outside can't. us."

He was busy kissing her just now and had no time to explain. Now that he was free, Master Qin said this as the first sentence, which made Jirou feel a little sweet in her heart: "But, but this is after all It’s always bad to do that on the street.”

"What's wrong with me kissing my wife?" This stupid woman looked more and more beautiful. She looked at him and wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her.

Jirou understood his eyes and quickly moved to the side: "Qin Yinze, please pay attention to the occasion. You are a human being, not an animal. You cannot be in estrus anytime and anywhere."

Qin Yinze: "..."

This woman just owes it!

Ji Rou pushed the car door, but it couldn't be opened. She looked back at him: "Qin Yinze, please open the car door and I'll take a taxi home."

Qin Yinze: "Who allowed you to go home?"

Can this man stop being so overbearing? Ji Rou sniffed: "My father just left not long ago. I don't worry about leaving my mother at home alone. I want to go home to be with her at night."

Qin Yinze said: "Jirou, your father has been gone for several months. He can no longer take care of you mother and daughter, so no matter who you mother and daughter are, you must learn to be independent and take care of yourself." Myself, no one in this world can accompany you for the rest of your life.”

He can't stay with her forever? Will he suddenly disappear from her life one day like his father and Brother Feng?

After listening to Qin Yinze's words, this was the first thought that came to Ji Rou's mind, but why did she have such an idea?

It shouldn’t be!

Jirou immediately shook her head and got rid of this inappropriate thought from her mind: "Your parents are still alive, of course you can say it easily. You will never understand how painful the things I have experienced are. "

What she had experienced, he had experienced more than ten years ago, when he watched his biological parents die tragically under the wheel of a car.

If his mother hadn't protected him with her body, he would have been killed in the car accident at a young age. His first life was given to him by his parents, and his second life was bought by his mother.

After his parents had a car accident, the person responsible for the car accident paid him a sum of compensation. The compensation for two lives was only a mere 300,000 yuan, and these 300,000 yuan were also taken away by some unscrupulous relatives of his family.

At first, no one was willing to adopt him. After receiving the compensation, a group of people rushed to adopt him... In the end, those people were bastards who didn't care about money. Compared with Ji Chendong, they were inferior. How many did you get?

Those people only saw money, and no one cared about him. No one knew the psychological shadow he felt at a young age after seeing his parents killed by a car. No one knew that he would be so scared that he couldn't sleep every night.

Later, when he arrived at the Qin family, entered the big Qin family, and received everyone's care and love, his condition gradually improved. After coming to the Qin family, his life also underwent major changes, and he became the Qin Yinze he is today.

The crushed car, the mutilated corpse... Now more than ten years have passed since the car accident, and occasionally recalling the bloody scenes made him feel like he had gone to hell again.

Qin Yinze didn't speak anymore. Ji Rou found that his expression was not normal, so she quickly reached out and pulled him: "Young Master Qin, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." He smiled. The past things are in the past. From now on, he will have her. With such a girl who is noisier than a sparrow by his side, at least he won't be bored anymore.

He didn't look like someone who was fine. There must be something wrong, but he didn't want to tell her. Ji Rou suddenly felt a little distressed again: "Qin Yinze, then you drive and let's go home. I'll call my mother later. I won’t go back to accompany her today.”

Qin Yinze: "Aren't you going back?"

Ji Rou didn't want to say that it was because she wanted to accompany him, so she found a reason: "I will always do what I promised you. I can't let you say that I don't keep my word. I will never do it in front of you in the future." There is no integrity.”

Qin Yinze was very satisfied with her intention, so he drove her to the downstairs of his house: "Don't worry about the company's affairs. There will always be a way to solve it." He raised his wrist and looked at the time. , "It's fifty-twenty now. I'll pick you up in two hours."

He didn't go up to see his mother-in-law because he was waiting for her to accept him, for her to happily take him home and introduce him to her mother.

Ji Rou didn't even say she wouldn't go home, so he sent her home, which was a surprise. She didn't think there was anything wrong with the two-hour time limit: "Then you go back first. I'll chat with my mother for a while. I’ll take a taxi back in a while.”

Two hours was not a long time, but it made her feel uncomfortable to have him wait for her outside. She was a conscientious person.

Qin Yinze reached out and pinched her rosy cheeks, and said with a smile: "Classmate Ji Xiaorou, there are only one hour and fifty minutes left."

Ji Rou pouted: "How can this be the case?"

Qin Yinze: "That's how I am. It's not like you don't know."

Jirou: "..."

Well, she was speechless. He was still the overbearing and unreasonable man, but as she got along slowly, she found that he was not so annoying, and even a little bit likeable.

Before getting out of the car, Ji Rou suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the face, then opened the car door and jumped out of the car, standing outside the car and waving to her: "Young Master Qin, see you later!"

"Yes." Qin Yinze nodded and watched her leave, but he slowly raised his hand and placed his fingertips on the place where she had just kissed him.

Her lips were soft and felt good. He had to taste them tonight.

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