My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1126: Extra chapter, she began to be reluctant to let him go

Chapter 1127: Extra chapter, she began to be reluctant to let him go

Watching Ji Rou enter the community, Qin Yinze just picked up his mobile phone and called Zeng Yunwei: "How is the collection of Qianshui Company's scattered shares going?"

Qin Yinze leaves full responsibility for Qianshui Company's affairs to Zeng Yunwei and Gao Lanlan, but he gets the latest news about Qianshui Company from Zeng Yunwei every day.

Zeng Yunwei on the other end of the phone immediately replied: "Sir, don't worry, Kaicheng Food Company has taken back all about 40% of Qianshui Company's scattered shares. From now on, it will hold about 60% of Qianshui Company's shares." Ms. Ji is the largest shareholder of Qianshui Company, and you are the second largest shareholder of Qianshui Company. Qianshui Company is a food company. Some of the shares it sold will be taken back by Kaicheng Food Company, which also operates food. This is beneficial. For the future development of Qianshui Company, Miss Ji will not be aware that you are helping her behind the scenes."

Kaicheng Food Company is a subsidiary of Qin Sheng Group run by Qin Yinze. It mainly engages in the food business and is quite famous in Minluo City, but no one knows that it is also an industry under the name of Qin.

It was because no one knew that Kaicheng Food was owned by the Qin family that Qin Yinze asked Gao Lanlan, who was in charge of Kaicheng Food, to boldly acquire scattered shares of Qianshui Company.

For Qin Yinze, Qiansi Company is really a very small company. The money it makes in a year is far less than what his Kaicheng Food makes in a month. But Qin Yinze insists on investing money, just for Help Jirou keep the property and feelings left by her father, even if she doesn't make money, as long as Jirou can be happy, it doesn't matter.

Qin Yinze added: "Ji Rou is not very confident about you yet. You should perform well in the next two days and try to gain her trust completely so that she can trust you to take care of Qianshui Company."

Speaking of this, Zeng Yunwei was a little embarrassed: "Sir, Miss Ji was deceived by Ji Chendong and those old guys before. Now she is very wary of people. I am afraid that it will be difficult for her to trust her completely."

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "She doesn't believe in people, can't you find a way to make her believe in you? She is in urgent need of a talent who can help her make Qianshui Company develop well, and I am ready for this. No, you still can’t do it?”

Zeng Yunwei said: "Sir, I know what to do. I will take a closer look at Qianshui Company's future development plan tonight and hand it over to Miss Ji tomorrow."

Qin Yinze wanted to say something else. His cell phone prompted that a new call was coming in, and the call was still from Ji Rou. He immediately said: "Tell Gao Lanlan and do your best."

Without waiting for a response, Qin Yinze hung up the phone and answered Ji Rou's call. After the call was connected, his voice immediately became much gentler: "What's wrong?"

"Young Master Qin, have you gone back?" Ji's soft voice reached Qin Yinze's ears from the receiver of the mobile phone, which made Qin Yinze's heart soften. "How could I go back without waiting for my wife?" ”

Jirou gradually got used to him calling her wife: "Then where are you?"

Qin Yinze said: "Walking around outside"

When Qin Yinze said this, Ji Rou just walked out of the community. When she looked up, she saw his silver-gray super luxury car still parked at the gate of the community. The corners of her lips raised involuntarily: "Liar!"

Qin Yinze: "What?"

Jirou reminded him: "Look back to your right."

Qin Yinze turned around as he said and saw his little girl walking towards him with a smile. The setting sun shone on her body, but it warmed his heart.

Just at the moment when he saw her walking towards him, Qin Yinze understood something, and his heart seemed to be filled with continuous warmth.

After waiting for so many years and hoping for so many years, finally someone was willing to come to him and accompany him through the ups and downs of life in the future.

With her by his side from now on, his life will never be lonely again.

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Yinze immediately opened the car door and got out of the car. He hugged Jirou who was coming and asked her excitedly: "Why are you out in less than half an hour?"

"Well, I went home to stay with my mother, but she was busy playing mahjong with the aunties next door and didn't have time to pay attention to me. I was angry with her." She couldn't possibly tell him because she was absent-minded and chased away by her mother after returning home. Come out.

Qin Yinze hugged her and kissed her: "Isn't it because you couldn't bear to wait for me for too long, so you came out early?"

"How is it possible! Absolutely not!" She said exactly what she was thinking in one sentence. Can this man read minds? Ji Rou repeatedly denied, "Qin Yinze, who do you think you are? You are not RMB, how could I not let you go."

The more she denied it, the more she exposed the little thoughts she wanted to hide in front of Qin Yinze. He hugged her: "Really not?"

Ji Rou firmly denies: "Definitely not!"

But no matter what the reason is, Qin Yinze knows that this silly girl cares about him.

He hugged her hard: "Then get in the car and go home with me."

"Okay." Jirou was a little flustered because her thoughts were revealed. She quickly got into the passenger seat and sat down, as good as a child who had done something wrong. "You said you would treat me to delicious food, is that okay? ?”

"What do you want to eat?" Qin Yinze got in the car and held her hand. "I'm happy today. You can eat whatever you want."

Jirou glanced at him and smiled slyly: "I want to drink!"

Qin Yinze's face sank: "You are not allowed to touch alcohol in the future."

Jirou made a playful face at him: "I knew you wouldn't agree."

Qin Yinze said angrily: "You know I won't agree, but you still bring it up. Are you deliberately looking for a fight?"

Ji Rou smiled: "Then let's go home. Go home and eat the meal prepared by Aunt Qiao."

These days, she has been eating at home, and she is used to it. Jirou feels that although Aunt Qiao's cooking is light, it is more delicious than what she eats outside.

It's like she didn't have any good impressions of Qin Yinze at first, and wished he could disappear from the world every minute, but as she slowly got along with him, she felt that he was pretty good, and sometimes she even thought he was cute.

Sure enough, getting used to this kind of thing is scary, but once you get used to it, everything will be fine!

Qin Yinze started the car and said, "Okay. Go home."

Go home together, go back to the home that belongs to both of them.

In Minluo City at the end of September, the temperature difference between day and night is huge. The bright sun during the day can cause skin peeling, while the wind at night can cause people to catch a cold.

Jirou knew Qin Yinze's physical condition and was worried that he would catch a cold again due to the great climate change. After dinner, she gave him the Chinese medicine prepared by Dr. Tong.

Qin Yinze was in the study. She didn't knock on the door, but opened the door and walked in: "That young master Qin, it's time to take medicine!"

Qin Yinze was on the phone. When he saw Jirou pushing the door open and coming in, he immediately put down his phone: "What is this?"

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