My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1127: Extra chapter, worried about wife being sold

Chapter 1128: Extra chapter, worried that my wife has been sold

"Something that will keep you from catching a cold." Ji Rou put the medicine on the desk and fluttered the candied dates in her hand. "Look, I prepared it specially for you. I promise you won't suffer."

"I'm not sick, why should I take medicine!" Does this girl treat him as a three-year-old child? Do you think taking a few candied dates will make her take medicine obediently? She thinks beautifully!

"Are you not sick?" Ji Rouhuo said, "Qin Yinze, let me tell you, if you don't cooperate with Dr. Tong to regulate your body, I will never care about you if you fall into a fever and coma again."

"Speak well..." Qin Yinze hates the smell of potion the most, can't she persuade him?

"The medicine is here, and the candied dates are also here..." Ji Rou looked at the time on her phone, "I'll give you a minute to think about it. If you don't think about it after one minute, I will take back the candied dates, and you still have to drink the medicine."

"I'll just drink it!" No matter how hard it is to drink, he will still drink it. After all, he still wants to save his life. Otherwise, who will take care of this stupid woman for such a long time in the future?

"That's right!" Ji Rou immediately put on a smile, handed the medicine bowl to his hand, and watched him drink a large bowl of Chinese medicine. "Come on, it won't be bitter after eating two candied dates."

Qin Yinze frowned in disgust: "How can a grown man eat this? Take it away, I don't want it!"

Ji Rou gave him a big white eye: "Aren't men human? Don't men get sick? I don't know who is the one who catches colds and fevers all the time."

As Ji Rou was talking, Qin Yinze suddenly pulled her into his arms. Before she could react, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." It was so painful that his lips were so bitter. He still kissed her, obviously wanting to pull her to suffer together. This man is so abominable that it is simply inexcusable.

Ji Rou wrinkled her little face after suffering, but Young Master Qin looked satisfied: "It smells so good! It's so sweet!"

Ji Rou wiped her lips in disgust: "It's obviously bitter, but your tongue is broken!"

"I am talking about you!"


Qin Yinze curled his lips and smiled, holding her in his arms again, doing whatever Yun wanted to do, and savoring the beauty that she only belonged to him.

After getting back the equity, Ji Rou realized how heavy the burden was on her shoulders as the absolute leader of the company.

Qianshui Company may not be big, but it still has hundreds of people. So many people are waiting for the company to make good achievements, and she is the core person who can feed this group of people.

Ji Rou's head is getting big at the thought of having to face so many people and have constant meetings.

She glanced at the man next to her who was pretending to read a book, and squeezed closer to him: "Young Master Qin, let me ask you something."

Qin Yinze didn't even raise his head: "Huh?"

Jirou reached out and snatched the book from his hand, asking him to listen to her attentively: "You said that I would fire the core managers of a department just after I took over the company. Wouldn't it be bad?"

Without waiting for his answer, Ji Rou put the book back into his hand: "Forget it, you don't understand either. I'd better go find someone who understands and ask."

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows. This little girl looked down on him again.

Ji Rou fell on the sofa and lay there without any image: "I didn't do things by myself before. I always felt that being the head of a company was a very pleasant thing. As long as you give orders, everyone below you must follow them. Who doesn't do it well?" Just kill whoever is doing the job, who knows that is not the case.”

Seeing her frowning, Qin Yinze closed the book and said slowly: "Firing the company's capable officers when the new leader takes office is likely to cause public outrage, and the new leader will also leave a bad impression on everyone. I'm afraid It will be difficult to re-establish the authority of the leadership. If the new leader takes office and fires managers who are acting for personal gain, it will greatly inspire people and make more outstanding employees see hope and be willing to stay and continue working.”

"Hmm..." Jirou nodded and expressed her appreciation for him, "I didn't expect that you, a kid, usually have nothing to do. This idea is the key."

Help Yinze: "..."

What does it mean that he usually does nothing? In her heart, how bad a person is he?

Jirou stood up and put her backpack on her back: "Young Master Qin, thank you for your opinion! I'm going to the company to host a meeting."

Qin Yinze: "Let the driver take you off."

Jirou said: "Taking a taxi is very convenient now, so don't bother the driver."

Qin Yinze: "You are also the big boss of the company now. You don't even have your own car. Don't you feel shabby? I am embarrassed for you."

Ji Rou: "Master Qin, can't we talk nicely? You'll only be happy if you insist on making me angry, right?"

Qin Yinze stood up: "Let's go."

Ji Rou: "Where to go?"

Qin Yinze: "I want to go out too and give you a ride."

He obviously made a special trip to see her off, but he was too embarrassed to say it directly, so he insisted on giving her a ride.

Jirou reluctantly agreed: "Okay."

After more than half an hour's drive, they arrived at the downstairs of Qianshui Company. Qin Yinze stopped the car and Ji Rou got out of the car: "Master Qin, thank you!"

Qin Yinze: "Yeah." He accepted her thanks.

Ji Rou waved to him: "Then I'm going in."

"Wait." Qin Yinze got out of the car, ignored the people coming and going around, and helped Ji Rou straighten the collar of her shirt. "Remember, you are the protagonist today. First of all, our aura cannot be inferior to others."

Ji Rou nodded obediently: "Aura is my strength. If I am not professional enough, I will overwhelm them with my aura. If any of them dare not listen to me, I will tell them that the person behind me is the eldest young master of the Qin family. I don’t think it will scare them to death.”

Qin Yinze hopes that Jirou will scare people in his name, but he knows that she won't do that.

Jirou was just joking with him when she said this. It was absolutely impossible for her to actually use this method.

She has a strong personality. She has been going crazy because of Qianshui Company's affairs in the past two days, and she has never thought of asking him for help.

Qin Yinze couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her head again: "Go ahead. If you behave well, there will be delicious food waiting for you when you go home at night."

Ji Rou said with a smile: "Master Qin, thank you!"

After saying that, she ran away. After just two steps, she felt something was wrong, so she changed to walking quickly.

It turns out that today she was wearing heeled leather shoes, paired with a white shirt and a black skirt, a very smart professional outfit.

Seeing her trying to adapt to this identity, Qin Yinze nodded with satisfaction, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Zeng Yunwei's phone number: "Today's meeting has been promised to me. It must go smoothly."

After giving the order, Qin Yinze was still a little worried and wanted to accompany her to host the meeting.

After all, Ji Rou, that silly girl, is too young. This shopping mall is like a battlefield. If you are not careful, you may fall to pieces.

If he doesn't help her keep an eye on it, this little girl will be sold quickly based on her strong stock. If she was sold, where would he find a wife?

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