My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1128: Extra chapter, be careful I peel off your skin

Chapter 1129: Extra chapter, be careful I peel your skin off

The new top leader of Qianshui Company has taken office. All the department leaders who should be present today are here, and no one is left behind. At least this makes Ji Rou feel that everyone pays attention to it.

At the meeting, the first decision Ji Rou made was to resign the original public relations manager and then proposed that Dai Li be the public relations manager.

In order to convince everyone, Ji Rou worked hard. As early as Dai Li told her that there was a problem with the former public relations manager, she had someone go check it out, and it turned out that it was indeed the case.

So, she asked people to collect evidence about the former public relations manager's false pretense for personal gain, and the unspoken rules for his subordinates.

Once these evidences were revealed, Ji Rou ordered the resignation of the former public relations manager. The former public relations manager could not defend herself, and other department leaders were convinced.

Next, with Zeng Yunwei's help, Ji Rou also made some personnel changes and some future development plans for the company.

At first, Jirou was still trying to keep up with everyone, but as she listened, she became more and more confused, and sometimes she couldn't understand what everyone was saying.

However, the meeting lasted only two hours, and a few things had not been finalized yet, but it made Jirou feel like she had fought a big battle. When she returned to her office, she was exhausted and paralyzed.

"My mother, are these things really done by people?" In the past, she thought her father was very relaxed, and that the top leaders of all companies were the most relaxed ones. Now she realizes that their jobs look easy, but The pressure is huge.

As the top leader of the company, every decision she makes is related to the future development and survival of the company. This kind of pressure is like a mountain hanging above her head, which may come down and kill her at any time.

Before Jirou returned to the meeting room, she didn't have time to wait until Qin Yinze's call came. It was as if he had calculated the time exactly, so punctually that Jirou felt that he might have placed an eyeliner around her.

She swiped her phone and said feebly: "My dear Young Master Qin, what's wrong with you? Don't you know that I'm so tired that I don't even have the strength to connect to the phone?"

Qin Yinze's sexy and pleasant voice came to Ji Rou's ears from the mobile phone receiver: "It's lunch time. Eating alone is very boring. I would like to ask Mrs. Qin if you have time to have lunch with me?"

Ji Rou lay down on the table and raised her head slightly: "I'm too tired and don't want to move. If you're bored, then find someone else to eat with you."

Qin Yinze: "You mean to ask me to find another woman to have dinner with me?"

Ji Rou stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Qin Yinze, how dare you! If you date another woman again, be careful I'll skin you!"

This girl is really jealous. Qin Yinze raised his lips and chuckled: "Then I will go to your company to find you to have dinner with me."

Ji Rou refused: "You can't come!"

Qin Yinze: "I can't find another woman to have dinner with me, and I can't find you to have dinner with me... Then please tell me, Mrs. Qin, what should I do?"

Ji Rou thought about it for a while, she would never let him find another woman to have dinner with him. What would she do if her feelings started to show up while eating?

After thinking again and again, Jirou made a decision. It didn't matter if she was a little tired, but she couldn't let him be abducted by others: "Where are you? I'm going to eat with you now."

Qin Yinze's plan succeeded, and he felt happy, and his voice was also very happy: "It's on the 16th floor of your company's building, a Korean barbecue restaurant."

Because Jirou likes to eat meat, Qin Yinze doesn't like it anymore, but he still takes her out to eat some meat every now and then to feed her stomach, then everything will be easy.

When Ji Rou rushed to the roast pork restaurant, Qin Yinze had already ordered the dishes. Looking at the pork belly, beef, and chicken wings on the table, she was so greedy that she was drooling: "Master Qin, these are all specially made by you." Give me some?"

"No..." Seeing her expression change, Qin Yinze quickly changed his words, "I didn't order it for you, who else could I order it for?"

"Humph, you know what's going on!" Ji Rou sat down, and Qin Yinze pushed the kimchi soup in front of her. "Before eating meat, drink a small bowl of soup."

Jirou looked longingly at the sizzling pork belly in the baking pan. The smell was enough to make people go crazy for it: "But I want to eat pork belly."

"If you don't obey me, you won't get a piece of meat." Qin Yinze threatened, and Jirou drank the soup at the right temperature in the bowl. After she finished drinking, the pork belly was roasted, and Qin Yinze caught her bowl, "Eat slowly."

Jirou had meat in her mouth and said vaguely: "You can't wait until you see something delicious."

Qin Yinze reminded: "This is right downstairs of your company. Wouldn't it be bad if your company's employees saw their new boss eating?"

"Yes, you are right." Ji Rou nodded, and suddenly thought of something, "Then Mr. Qin, hide quickly, don't let them see you."

Qin Yinze: "I'm not the one who looks ugly. Why can't they see me?"

Jirou: "Anyway, we can't let them see you."

Qin Yinze put down his chopsticks and looked unhappy: "Am I so shameless?"

Ji Rou feels that she is going too far, but she still needs to explain clearly: "Actually... you know that I have just taken office, so I should devote myself to my work, and the employees should also pay attention to my work, rather than let me do it." They pay attention to my private life. Seeing that a rich and handsome guy like you is dining with me, I don’t want to be low-key at all.”

Ji Rou couldn't say the most important reason. She could say that there were too many beautiful girls in the company. What if he was attracted by someone else?

In order to prevent others from thinking wrongly about him, the best way is not to let those people see him, then she doesn't have to worry.

Jirou's words pleased Young Master Qin to a certain extent. He said: "You are sneaking around every day, just like a thief. Of course, others are interested in your private life. You openly exposed me and said you were married, and no one was curious." I will gossip about your private affairs again.”

"I think so too, but..." Ji Rou glanced at Qin Yinze, and her mood suddenly became a little lower: "What if someone asks how I met you? What do you want me to say? It was because of you Bought?”

How they met and how they got married are these two things that are a knot in Jirou's heart, a knot that she can't untie at least for now. It's also the reason why she can't take him back to see her mother.

In Ji Rou's view, if two people register for marriage, then the relationship is absolutely equal, but the relationship between her and Qin Yinze is not like this.

Between the two of them, she has always been in a weak and passive state. He has the final say in everything and she can't make the decision in anything.

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