My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1129: Extra chapter, she is multi-functional

Chapter 1130: Extra chapter, she is multifunctional

Strictly speaking, she is not like his wife, but a toy he bought with money.

It’s just that her toy has many more functions than other toys.

For example, when he is bored, she can chat with him on any topic he chooses.

For example, when he is unhappy, she can find ways to make him happy until he is happy.

For example, when he has physical needs, she can also accompany him to do exercises, and anytime, anywhere, she can cooperate as long as he needs her.

Some people may say that inflatable dolls also have this function, but inflatable dolls have no emotions, and they cannot cooperate with them to perform various difficult actions.

Hearing what Ji Rou said, Qin Yinze frowned and wanted to tell her that he had actually known her since he first came to Minluo City, but he couldn't explain it. She didn't know many things, and he couldn't let her know. : "What did I buy? You will be the wife I take home. How can there be so many like this and that?"

Jirou eats meat in large gulps, using the method of eating meat to relieve the sadness in her heart: "The fact is that you bought me home with money... and we didn't agree with each other the first time."

She was also concerned about this matter. What was even more hateful was that he asked someone to force her to drink emergency contraceptive pills afterwards. It was not like he didn't know how much harm it would do to a girl's body. In her opinion, this man could be as hateful as he wanted. hateful.

Qin Yinze: "But I am willing now, and I am willing to be with you..."

Ji Rou waved her hand and interrupted him: "Let's not talk about this and have a good meal. You don't have to comfort me. I am heartless and don't care about anything."

She doesn't care about anything she says, but Qin Yinze knows that she cares very much, but currently he can't think of a way to untie the knot in her heart.

The only thing to blame is that he used such a stupid method to get her around. He obviously could have had many methods, but none of them worked... So he had to accept the consequences of the cause he planted.

Jirou is very busy with the company's affairs. Fortunately, she has a right-hand assistant beside her to help her. He gives her ideas and advice on many things.

However, while focusing on Zeng Yunwei, Ji Rou still felt a little uneasy.

Ji Rou has more or less contact with all the qualified and capable employees of Qianshui Company. But this capable Zeng Yunwei, Ji Rou has no impression of him at all. If not for Uncle Yu’s recommendation, she might Still couldn't find him.

She raised her head and looked through the blinds at the office area outside. Zeng Yunwei was busy organizing documents. He looked very skilled and seemed to do this work often.

Can you trust this person? Can he be reused?

Just as Ji Rou was thinking, Zeng Yunwei knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Ji, these are the materials that will be used in the meeting later. I have prepared them all. You can take a look in advance."

Ji Rou sees Zeng Yunwei's intentions for Qianshui Company, but because of her past experience, she worries about others' ulterior motives: "Zeng Yunwei, when did you come to Qianshui Company?"

This is the fifth or sixth time Ji Rou has asked Zeng Yunwei this question. It's not that she doesn't want to believe him, but that she has really been hurt by the people around her and it's not so easy to trust people.

Especially this Zeng Yunwei was so capable. Her father was also a man who cherished talents. Logically speaking, his father should have discovered this character, but in fact he did not.

Zeng Yunwei knew that Ji Rou was testing him, but he pretended not to know and said the line he had said several times: "Back to Mr. Ji, I have been with Qianshui Company for five years and five months."

This answer is the standard answer, and it was also done by Qin Yinze in advance. Jirou can't find any flaws if she checks it.

But Zeng Yunwei never expected that Ji Rou was more suspicious than they thought, and it was not easy for her to completely hand over the company to him.

Jirou looked at him: "Why are you, such a talented and capable person, willing to stay in a Qianshui company for so many years without being able to put your talents to use?"

Zeng Yunwei smiled and said, "Mr. Ji thinks Qianshui Company is not good?"

Jirou was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "I didn't mean that."

But their Qianshui company is indeed not big. It is really puzzling that a capable person is willing to work here for five or six years without getting promoted.

Zeng Yunwei added: "Because I want to repay the favor."

Ji Rou is even more confused: "What kind of favor can I repay?"

"Qianji always supported me in school since I was in high school. He paid for all my tuition and living expenses until I was in college. So after I graduated, I came to Qianshui Company. Of course, I didn't tell anyone about this. As the former season president, I want to work my way up step by step with my own efforts. When I am good enough, someone will always discover me..." At this point, Zeng Yunwei shed a tear naturally, "I It’s a pity that I didn’t catch up with President Ji who discovered me, but fortunately, President Ji, you reused me.”

Ji Rou knows that her father often did some charity work and helped many children who had no money to study.

My father used to say that you can’t make enough money. Don’t just spend the money you earn on yourself, but use part of it to do things that contribute to society.

Ji Rou still believed in Zeng Yunwei's words, but she did not stop testing Zeng Yunwei: "Mr. Zeng, you have been with Qianshui Company for five or six years. Regarding what happened before Qianshui Company, You must have a clear understanding of that matter.”

Zeng Yunwei was not polite and said directly: "Yes, I know a lot about the Qianshui Company incident, even more than you do, Mr. Ji."

Jirou: "..."

After all, she is also the leader of the company now. Should this person speak so directly? At least give her some face, otherwise she will not be able to get around in the future.

She is slightly dissatisfied with Zeng Yunwei's directness, but Ji Rou is thirsty for talents. As long as they are excellent talents who can help her get Qianshui Company back on track, Ji Rou is willing to tolerate it.

Zeng Yunwei added: "Mr. Ji, I won't hide it from you. I collected a lot of Ji Chendong's criminal information and handed it over to the police. Because I have been in the company for a long time, but my position is relatively low, and I have never interacted with Lao Ji before. Whenever he gets close, Ji Chendong ignores my existence. It’s just because he doesn’t take me seriously that it’s easier for me to do things.”

Ji Rou always thought that Ji Chendong's criminal information was collected by Qin Yinze. Today she found out that it was also related to Zeng Yunwei, which really surprised her.

After seeing Zeng Yunwei's work ability with her own eyes and having an in-depth conversation with him, Ji Rou felt more reassured about Zeng Yunwei.

However, she was still a little unsure in her heart. She needed to find her behind-the-scenes strategist, Mr. Qin, to analyze the situation with her before she could finally confirm whether to reuse Zeng Yunwei.

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