My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1130: Extra Chapter: I dislike her underdevelopment

Chapter 1131: Extra Chapter: I dislike her underdevelopment

After a busy day, when she was about to get off work, Ji Rou received a call from Qin Yinze. He said that he was busy and couldn't come to pick her up, and arranged a driver for her.

Jirou didn't know what else he, a young man who had nothing to do all day long, could do besides spending money to pick up girls, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Because she understands very well that when two people get together, no matter how close the relationship is, even if they are husband and wife, they still need their own private space.

With appropriate space for each other to breathe free air, the relationship between each other can be better maintained and harmonious for a longer time.

For example, she is the one who really needs private space. She wants to sleep in her own room at night and doesn't want to be held by him to sleep every day. He is very strong and she feels like he can break her at any time.

The most important thing is that there is still someone hidden in her heart. Before she is ready to confess to him, she needs a small space to hide her thoughts, somewhere where he can't see her.

When Jirou came out of the company, the driver Fan Qitian was already waiting at the gate. When he saw Jirou coming out, he hurriedly greeted her: "Too..."

Before she finished saying the word "Mrs.", Ji Rou immediately gave him a warning look: "Uncle Fan, I've told you many times that you can call me a cat or a dog outside, but you can't call me Mrs."

She is not allowed to call her Mrs., firstly, because she has not yet figured out the relationship between her and Qin Yinze, and secondly, she is too young. She has assumed the identity of someone else's wife at such a young age. Jirou has some Some are unwilling to do so.

She was only twenty years old, twenty years old, in her prime of youth, and she was really unwilling to be marked by a man so early.

Fan Qitian: "Okay, madam!"

Jirou: "..."

Qin Yinze's people are really loyal to him. They do whatever he asks them to do. They never say a word in front of her.

Think about it, in order for his subordinates to be so loyal and tight-lipped, the leader must have extraordinary abilities and make everyone believe in him... But Ji Rou has not yet discovered what Qin Yinze's excellence is.

No, she discovered what was special about him, and what was special about him was his particularly long-lasting fighting power. Damn, it's like he won't get tired. Even someone as strong as her can be tortured to death by him.

Thinking of Qin Yinze's fighting power, Ji Rou's fair face was stained with a layer of crimson. She quickly got into the car: "Uncle Fan, I'm sorry to bother you!"

As in recent times, after get off work, Jirou went back to her home to talk to her mother.

Qin Yinze only gave her two hours, not more than a minute, so she cherished the time when she went home every day and told her mother what happened in the company as soon as possible.

Ji Rou was very satisfied with Zeng Yunwei's performance at the meeting. When she got home, she was busy reporting to her mother: "Mom, I think my father did a lot of good things before, and now we are starting to have good luck."

Seeing Ji Rou's excitement, Ji's mother was also happy: "Baby, tell mom, what good things happened to you today?"

Ji Rou took the scented tea from her mother, took a big sip, and said, "Mom, I feel that I have been very lucky recently, and I really met a noble person."

Mother Ji said, "Did Uncle Yu promise to come back to help?"

"It's not Uncle Yu." Ji Rou shook her head and said happily, "Mom, I'll give you two more chances, and you can guess again."

Ji's mother thought for a while and then said: "Baby, mommy really can't guess it, so don't be so pretentious and come and tell me."

Ji Rou put down the cup, cleared her throat and said: "Mom, when I encountered difficulties, Uncle Yu didn't come out to help me, but he introduced me to a person. That person was originally an inconspicuous employee of the company. If it hadn't been for Uncle Yu's introduction, I would never have discovered him. After getting to know him more deeply, I found that he was indeed a talented person. He knew the company more clearly than I did. With his help these days, My work has gone smoothly.”

It's a good thing for someone to help her daughter, but Ji's mother is a little worried: "Xiaorou, can you trust this person?"

Because there is a precedent of Ji Chendong, that person is still a relative of their Ji family, and relatives can do things to rob their company, let alone other people, it is not surprising that Ji's mother has this worry.

Ji Rou said: "Mom, don't worry. Although I appreciate his talent, I won't get carried away because of this and believe him without finding out anything. Ji Chendong's matter is not over yet, how can I Can make the same mistake a second time.”

"Well, as long as you believe it, mommy also believes it." Ji's mother rubbed Jirou's head and felt extremely distressed when she saw that her daughter had lost a lot of weight in just a few days. "Xiaorou, since we are back from get off work, let's Don’t mention work. I’ll prepare something delicious for you.”

"Going home and eating the food cooked by my mother every day is the happiest moment of my day." Ji Rou made an exaggerated expression and followed her mother to the kitchen. Unexpectedly, what her mother said was delicious was green vegetables, tofu, and a little minced meat. None.

"Mom, are you sure this is the delicious food you cooked for me?" Ji Rou was wondering if the person in front of her was her biological mother. Why did she suddenly change the recipe?

Mother Ji smiled softly and said: "When I was in the hospital, Aunt Wang, who lived next door to me, was a nutrition expert. She told me that the human body needs different nutrients every day, such as meat, vegetables, soy products, fruits, etc. You must have a balanced intake, and you can’t be picky, otherwise it will affect your development.”

"Affects development? Mom, I'm an adult now, why do I need to grow..." After saying this, Ji Rou looked down at herself.

It's strange to say that she eats a lot in a day, but her figure is shriveled and has no fleshiness. Last night, Qin Yinze, that bastard, thought she was too small.

Ji Rou feels angry just thinking about it. After taking advantage of her, she despises her for being young. Why? She didn't dislike him for being short, so why should she dislike her for being small?

"Of course it's not enough for my daughter to just eat vegetables and soy products." Ji's mother opened the lid of the stew pot, and the aroma of the old fire soup came to her nostrils, "These are the main meals I have prepared for you."

Looking at the stew in the pot, Ji Rou hugged Ji's mother and said with a smile: "Mom, you are still my biological mother. You didn't pick me up."

"If I don't give you meat, you will just pick it up, you kid..." Ji's mother poked Ji Rou's forehead: "Eat quickly, don't let him take you home if you are not full for a while."

Ji's mother is reluctant to let go of her daughter, but since her daughter is married, she can't always keep her daughter by her side. She is very satisfied that her daughter can go home and have meals with her every day.

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