My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1131 Extra chapter, go home and warm my bed

Chapter 1132: Extra chapter, go home and warm my bed

Jingle Bell……

Ji Rou and Ji's mother had just sat down to eat when Qin Yinze called. Ji Rou glanced at her mother, and Ji's mother pursed her lips and smiled: "Look what I said."

Ji Rou: "Mom..."

Mother Ji: "Hurry up and pick up the phone! If you don't pick up the phone, he's going to come up and rob me."

Ji Rou then answered: "Are you done?"

"Not yet." Qin Yinze's deep voice came to Jirou's ears from the mobile phone receiver. It didn't sound as steady and powerful as usual, and seemed a little tired.

"Why are you calling me before you're done? Go get busy!" She was still waiting for him to pick her up and go home, so don't waste time on the phone.

Qin Yinze's voice came from the mobile phone receiver again: "Jirou, I'm calling to tell you that I won't be going back tonight. I'll arrange for the driver to pick you up."

"Oh..." Ji Rou let out a disappointed sound, and then said, "It's okay, you can go about your business first. I will stay at home with my mother tonight, and I won't go back."

During this period of time, I was used to him picking up and dropping off every day, but suddenly he couldn't tell. Ji Rou always felt that something was missing in her heart. She couldn't explain exactly what was missing, but she just felt very uncomfortable.

"Then take a rest early." Qin Yinze on the other end of the phone said this without saying anything more. The two were silent for a while, and Ji Rou hung up the phone first.

Seeing that Jirou was depressed, Ji's mother comforted her: "Xiaorou, it's normal for men to be busy at work and not go home. Your dad used to travel a lot on business."

"Mom, he is just a second-generation ancestor who eats and drinks. He has his father to take care of things at home, so he doesn't have any work to be busy with..." Jirou didn't want to think about bad things, but her brain was out of control, "Mom , do you think he went out to find the vixen behind my back?"

Ji's mother looked at her jealous daughter and couldn't help but laugh: "Ouch, the sourness in our house is almost breaking down the door."

Ji Rou waved her hands and denied repeatedly: "Mom, don't talk nonsense. How could I be jealous of him? Who does he think he is?"

Ji's mother served Ji Rou another bowl of soup and said with a smile, "Did I say you were jealous of him? Don't you have three hundred taels of silver here?"

Jirou stamped her feet anxiously: "Mom..."

Ji's mother placed the soup bowl in front of Ji Rou and patiently advised: "Xiaorou, we are jealous because we care about this person, but jealousy cannot be taken carelessly. You have to learn to trust him, do you understand?"

Jirou suddenly felt that her mother's old-fashioned soup was no longer fragrant, and said gloomily: "He has never been in such a situation before that he didn't come home... I, I'm just worried about him."

Mother Ji smiled knowingly: "Silly boy, if you are worried about him, tell him. How will he know that you are worried about him if you don't tell him?"

After listening to her mother's advice, Jirou hid in the room and called Qin Yinze, but no one answered after getting through. No one answered the first call, so Ji Rou made a second and third call...

It wasn't until the seventh call that the call was finally connected. Before the other party could speak, Ji Rou said hurriedly: "Qin Yinze, why are you going? Why don't you answer my call?"

"Busy!" Qin Yinze only replied with two simple words, and then didn't speak again.

Qin Yinze's attitude was so cold that Ji Rou couldn't say anything about caring about him: "I..."

"Sir..." Pengshan's voice suddenly came from the other side of the phone, but the sound soon disappeared. Ji Rou listened with her ears straight, but she didn't hear what he said, but she heard Qin Yinze say to her, "If nothing happens, I'll hang up. You should also go to bed early."

"What happened?" Ji Rou asked him. Before he could ask the question, the other party hung up the phone decisively, letting her hear the busy tone of the phone.

Jirou wanted to call and ask for details, but she was worried about disturbing him, so she thought about it and sent him a WeChat message: "Master Qin, what happened? Is there anything I can do to help you?" "

After receiving a WeChat message from Ji Rou, Qin Yinze was discussing with a group of people the response strategy to this emergency. He was already very busy and felt a lot warmer when he saw such a short two lines of text.

How can that silly girl who doesn't know anything help him?

There was nothing she could do to help him, but her concern alone was enough.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and he replied to her with one word: "Yes!"

Soon, Jirou texted back: "How can I help you?"

"Go home and warm my bed!" Qin Yinze quickly typed a few words with his slender fingertips. Just as he clicked the send button, someone suddenly rushed into the conference room, "Sir, the matter has been exposed."

A group fight broke out in a nightclub owned by Qin Yinze, leaving thirteen people dead and injured. If this emergency incident was exposed, it would bring immeasurable losses to him, so he called a meeting.

Now I heard that the incident has been exposed, but no one present was panicked. They were all people who had seen the scene with the big boss, so this incident did not scare them.

Someone immediately thought of a countermeasure: "Sir, I will go to the Internet Supervision Department and delete all posts about this incident. We must not let the incident expand its impact."

Someone responded and said: "This kind of post cannot be deleted. The more you delete it, the more people will make a fuss about it, and the consequences may be more serious."

Everyone present expressed their opinions, and finally Qin Yinze made a decision: "Take the initiative to hand over the evidence and fully cooperate with the relevant police in the investigation."

When Qin Yinze said this, someone immediately understood what he meant: "Sir, do you mean to make up for the mistake? Don't worry, we will definitely turn the tide of public opinion towards us, and we will become the biggest beneficiaries of this incident."

Qin Yinze nodded. No matter how serious something happened, his interests must not be violated.

Jirou's heart dropped slightly when she received Qin Yinze's inappropriate text message. He was still in the mood to say such things to her, which proved that it was nothing serious.

"Xiaorou...have you finished the phone call?" Ji's mother knocked on Jirou's door, "The food is almost cold. It won't taste good if you don't eat it."

Jirou opens the door and comes out: "Mom, I'll eat it right away."

Seeing that her daughter's mood had returned to normal, Ji's mother said, "Xiaorou, when will you bring Qin Yinze home for mom to see?"

Ji Rou just took a sip of soup and almost choked on her mother's words: "Mom, the time is not yet ripe. When the time is ripe, I will take him to see you officially."

Ji Rou's mother understands what Ji Rou is afraid of. She wants to have a good talk with her son-in-law, but she still has to worry about Ji Rou's thoughts: "It doesn't matter, Mom can wait."

"Mom, I'm sorry!" Ji Rou feels that she is really unfilial. She is the only child of her mother. She is already married, but she can't bring her husband back to show her mother properly. Although my mother hasn't said anything these days, my mother is definitely worried.

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