My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1132 Extra chapter, not convinced? Kiss you!

Chapter 1133: Extra chapter, not convinced? Kiss you!

"Silly boy, as long as you are happy, your mother will be happy. As long as you are happy, your mother will be happy." Mother Ji brought another dish to Ji Rou, "Xiao Rou, you must be happy to show your parents."

"Mom, I will. I will try my best to live a good life so that you won't worry and my father who has gone to heaven will feel at ease." In recent days, she is working hard to manage Qianshui Company, study hard, and strive to make her If she has more funds, she will strive to climb up the social ladder, so that no matter who is standing next to her, she will have enough confidence and will no longer worry about not being worthy of the other person.

Mother Ji: "Eat quickly and go back early."

Jirou: "Mom, why don't you stay with me? I want to stay with you."

She said she wanted to stay with her mother, but all Ji Rou could think about was warming Qin Yinze's bed. She was willing to do him this favor, but he was not at home, so who could she warm him up for?

Mother Ji: "Keep you? I can keep your person, but I can't keep your heart."

Ji Rou: "Mom..."

Mother Ji: "Eat quickly, don't deny it."

Jirou really can't deny that she is her mother's child, and her mother can clearly see what she is thinking.

Jingle Bell……

Just after eating, Qin Yinze called again.

Ji Rou answered: "Master Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Yinze: "I'll give you five minutes. When five minutes are up, I'll see you at the gate of the community."

"Why?" Ji Rou was extremely dissatisfied, but she still picked up her bag and ran away, "Mom, I'm leaving first, and I'll be with you tomorrow."

Ji's mother chased her to the door. Jirou had already entered the elevator and ran away. She told the air: "Xiaorou, slow down, don't bump into each other."

Ji Rou ran to the gate of the community as fast as she could, but she was still nearly two minutes late. That didn't matter. The key was that Qin Yinze wasn't there at all.

"Ha, bastard!" Ji Rou sneered angrily, thinking that this man was teasing her. She was about to take out her mobile phone and call him to scold him. Qin Yinze drove up in his luxury car that could blind people's eyes. He braked suddenly and the car stopped steadily in front of her.

He pressed the window: "Get in the car!"

Seeing him acting like that, Jirou felt unhappy and unwilling to cooperate with him: "No."

"Not going?" Qin Yinze unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car. He came to Jirou in two steps, picked her up by the waist, stuffed her into his passenger seat, and buckled her seat belt.

Jirou starts to unbuckle her seat belt: "I said I don't want to take your car, so I don't want to take your car. If I don't go back with you, I don't want to go back. I said I want to stay with my mother, but you are deaf and can't hear. "?"

Qin Yinze held her hand to unbuckle her seat belt with one hand and her head with the other. He controlled her on the seat, lowered his head and kissed her hard.

"Well..." Jirou's eyes widened and she stared at him fiercely.

He pressed her into the passenger seat, with half of his body still outside the car, and kissed her forcefully and domineeringly. There were people coming and going at the entrance of the community. What would others think when they saw it?

Jirou pushed hard again, but still couldn't push. This man didn't care about other people's opinions at all. He just kissed her until her head was dizzy, and then he slowly let her go.

"Qin Yinze, you..." She waved her hand and wanted to hit him, but he held her hand, pressed her red lips, and whispered ambiguously, "You don't mean what you mean. You obviously like me to treat you like this, Why don't you admit it?"

When he said what was on his mind, Ji Rou felt ashamed. She raised her hand and punched him, "Who do you think is a little guy? Who do you think is different from what he means? I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will It will beat you to pieces."

"Don't you want to go back with me? Want to stay with your mother? Then why did you run so fast after receiving my call?" Qin Yinze looked at her. She wanted to escape his question, but he straightened her face again. , "Classmate Ji Xiaorou, answer me!"

"If I don't arrive on time, you have to skin me." Of course she couldn't tell him that running fast was just out of her instinct, and she didn't know why she ran so fast.

"I won't peel off your skin, I will only kiss you to convince you." Qin Yinze lowered his head again and kissed her domineeringly, as if he wanted to suck her soul away.

After kissing Ji Rou until she felt that her soul was about to come out of her shell, he finally let go of her and pinched her red lips again: "Classmate Ji Xiaorou, remember this feeling. If you don't obey me in the future, you will suffer like this." punish."

Ji Rou touched her red and hot face and thought to herself, if you have the ability to punish her like this every day, who is afraid of whom? !

On the way back, Qin Yinze suddenly made a suggestion: "Ji Rou, why not let aunt live next door to us? It will be more convenient for you to see her in the future."

The main reason why Qin Yinze raised this opinion was because he felt sorry for his wife and didn't want her to have to run both ways when she was so tired every day. Also, even if Ji Rou has a conflict with him in the future, she will not be able to escape from his territory.

Hearing his proposal, Ji Rou immediately went into alert mode: "Qin Yinze, what bad ideas are you thinking about again? Let me tell you, that's my mother. If you dare to think about her, I will fight with you. "

Qin Yinze: "..."

He was not convinced by this stupid woman's ideas. He offered to let her mother live next door to them so she could think of that much.

Seeing Qin Yinze's displeasure, Ji Rou knew that she might have thought too much, and explained: "Master Qin, haven't you heard that a golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse? Although our house is It’s not as luxurious as your villa, but it’s still my dad’s stay. It’s our own house, and my mom can live comfortably in it.”

Qin Yinze: "..."

Still don't want to pay attention to this woman.

Knowing that she had made him angry, Ji Rou moved closer to him and tried her best to find a topic: "By the way, Mr. Qin, there is something I want to ask you."

Qin Yinze: "..."

He didn't respond. Jirou knew that he was listening and continued: "Since I officially took over Qianshui Company, I found that I don't understand many things. I feel that the books I have read in the past few years have been in vain. What I learned from my father I learned everything in vain. I found myself to be a very useless person.”

When speaking, Jirou added a bit of crying. Sure enough, Qin Yinze couldn't sit still. He stretched out a hand to hold hers: "Don't worry, take your time. No one is born to do business, but we can Learn slowly and gain experience slowly. When you have enough experience, you will find that doing these things will be as easy as eating.”

The plot succeeded, and Ji Rou smiled quietly: "What you said is simple. You don't do anything all day long, you only know how to eat, drink and have fun, and you don't have to worry about money. How do you know how hard it is to be the leader of a company?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

He could tell her that if it weren't for him, her Qianshui Company would not come back. Can he tell her that without him, Ji Chendong would not be convicted?

Can he tell her that the legendary old man named Qin in Minluo City is him? Can he tell him that he has endless things to do every day?

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