My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1135: Extra chapter, use every means to keep her

Chapter 1136: Extra chapter, use every means to keep her

"Yes, it's just a dream, don't be afraid, I'm here." Qin Yinze patted her back and comforted her softly.

With him here and his warm chest watching, Jirou gradually calmed down a little. She leaned on his chest and asked: "Qin Yinze, do you know what I dreamed about?"

Qin Yinze lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Tell me."

Ji Rou nuzzled into his arms and then said slowly: "I dreamed about Ji Chendong..."

Qin Yinze interrupted her: "Ji Chendong is in prison. He will never get out in this life. If you dream about him, you might as well dream about me."

Jirou raised her head and blinked her beautiful eyes: "I dreamed of you too."

Qin Yinze picked up her silky long hair and smelled it: "What did you dream about me?"

"First, Ji Chendong pointed a gun at my head, but in the blink of an eye, the person holding the gun became you..." Even if it was just a dream, Ji Rou couldn't help but be afraid when she said this, and she leaned into his arms again. Depend on.

Qin Yinze hugged her: "That was just a dream. I will never point a gun at your head in this life!"

Jirou continued: "You also told me that you did everything... and you shot me."

As soon as Ji Rou said this, Qin Yinze's body stiffened, and an unnatural light flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it. He didn't speak, but only tightened his grip on Ji Rou.

Ji Rou took a deep breath and said: "Of course it was just a nightmare. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to bring Ji Chendong to justice. How could you collude with him?"

"Well, it's just a dream!" Qin Yinze didn't want to talk about this topic, so he patted her and said, "I'll stay with you, go to sleep!"

"Then I'm going to sleep." Jirou wanted to turn over, but just as she made a move, Qin Yinze held her tightly in her arms.

Jirou didn't struggle anymore. She would no longer have nightmares in his arms, and she was willing to hold her. What reason did she have not to lean on him.

Leaning on Qin Yinze's thick and warm chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, Jirou felt inexplicably relieved, and soon fell asleep again.

Qin Yinze held her in his arms, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and patted her back gently: "Silly girl, you have a shoulder to lean on when you are tired, why don't you lean on her?"

Jirou suddenly murmured: "Qin Yinze..."

Qin Yinze quickly lowered his head: "Huh?"

Ji Rou pursed her lips and said, "You can't..."

"What can't I do? Ji Xiaorou, what do you want to say to me?" Qin Yinze approached her, trying to hear clearly what she wanted to say, but she closed her mouth and said nothing.

What on earth did she want to say to him?

Why is this girl so tormenting?

Feeling quite dissatisfied with her, Qin Yinze lowered his head to kiss her. He kissed her very hard and bit her lip with force: "Stupid girl, I let you torture people."

"It hurts!" Jirou pushed him instinctively in her sleep, but Qin Yinze hugged her tighter. He held her in his arms and refused to let go. "No matter how much it hurts, don't think about it from me." Leave me alone. You will miss me all your life."

No matter how cruel the method is... just like that time, he will never let go of what he wants.

Ji Rou didn't do any exercise at all last night, but when Jirou woke up in the morning, her whole body hurt. It was because Qin Yinze held her tightly in his arms last night.

When Dai Li arrived at the company in the morning, she looked her up and down with ambiguous eyes: "Mr. Ji, young people have good physical strength!"

Ji Rou rolled her eyes angrily: "Manager Dai, are you laughing at me?"

Dai Li smiled and said, "What are you kidding me about? I really envy you. You are so tired from work during the day, but you still have the energy to do exercise at night."

Ji Rou wants to kick Dai Li, but this is a company, so you have to pay attention to your identity: "Dai Li, don't talk nonsense in the company. I went to bed early last night and didn't do what you wanted at all."

"No?" Dai Li looked at Ji Rou, obviously not believing it, "You didn't do any exercise, so what were you doing with your waist up so early in the morning? I'm telling you, if you look like this, you'd be worse off with the words "I exercised too much last night" written on your forehead. I’m tired of a few big words.”

Ji Rou glared at her fiercely: "Dai Li, can we stop being so gossipy? Look at you, really, you can make me a friend, it must be a blessing that you have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

Dai Li didn't take it seriously: "Gossip is the nature of us women. Besides, if I gossip about you, it's because I think I'm looking down on you. Do you think I have time to gossip about others?"

There is nothing wrong with Dai Li's words, and Ji Rou is also convinced: "Then let me tell you, you are really thinking too much. Don't talk nonsense in front of me, otherwise my fists may make you bleed."

"You're tired. Do you still have the strength to make me bleed?" Dai Li glanced at her and then looked back at the car parked outside that hadn't left yet. "It's true that Qin, you're so tired and you don't know. Be considerate of you. Ever since you two were together, has he only cared about his own pleasure and never cared about your feelings? "

Ji Rou said anxiously: "Stop, stop... Dai Li, we are in the company now. I am your boss and you are my employee. Let's all pay attention to our identities. OK?"

"I said, Mr. Ji, we have just arrived downstairs in the company. We haven't entered the office area yet, and it's not yet work time... You are just a little girl, you can just pretend to be you in front of others, what are you pretending to be in front of me? Pretending?" Dai Li glared at her, "You think I just want to gossip, but I do it for your own good. If you are just having fun with a man, you can just look at his appearance, or just look at him. Financial strength, but if you plan to live a good life with that man, don’t be deceived by the man’s good-looking skin. You must also see whether he loves you and respects you. "

Ji Rou instinctively wanted to explain for Qin Yinze: "He is very good to me."

She doesn't think Qin Yinze is very good, but now it has reached the point where others say he is not good, and she instinctively wants to defend him.

Dai Li grabbed Ji Rou: "Xiaorou, I think you really like Qin."

This time, Dai Li didn't use questions, but affirmations.

"No, could I like him? I have a man I like, and the prince should have told you." Jirou still denied it, but even she didn't believe her denial.

Many years ago, she felt that she would only like Xiang Lingfeng in her life, and if she wanted to get married, she would also marry Xiang Lingfeng.

However, Xiang Lingfeng disappeared in just a few months, and she became the wife of another man. Ji Rou could not accept this fact.

She didn't want to be a woman who changed her mind when she saw something different. She wanted to be loyal to a relationship, but the facts slapped her hard.

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