My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1136: Extra Chapter: Cherish the people in front of you

Chapter 1137: Extra chapter, cherish the people in front of you

"Xiaorou, I'm not stopping you from liking him, but I want to tell you that if you like him, cherish it and cherish every day with him, otherwise you will regret it in the future. Some people miss out on certain things. If you miss it, he won't come back." Dai Li smiled bitterly, "Think about it, I'm going to work."

"Dai Li..." Ji Rou stopped Dai Li, "What about you? Every time you persuade me, have you ever thought about the person you want to cherish?"

"The person I want to cherish?" The sadness in Dai Li's eyes flashed away, and she smiled, "There are too many men I want to cherish, but it's a pity that they don't cherish me."

Ji Rou doesn't like Dai Li talking about herself like this: "Dai Li, can't you talk to me well? Others don't understand you, but I think you still understand a little bit."

Dai Li smiled indifferently: "Everything I said is from the bottom of my heart. For me, as long as he is a rich man, I want to cherish it. Including your young master Qin, I also want to I have to cherish him, but it’s a pity that he didn’t give me this chance.”

The more Dai Li shows that she doesn't care about her feelings, the more Ji Rou feels sorry for her: "Dai Li, I know you are not such a person, why do you torture yourself like this? You should know better than me, if that person He doesn’t care about you anymore, no matter how much you torture yourself, he can’t see it.”

"Ji Yatou, are you preaching to me? If so, I can only tell you that you are really too young. This girl has dated more men than you have ever seen. Take good care of your Qin Da Master, he is the richest man in Minluo City. I am not the only one who wants to have his ideas. There are women everywhere who want to have his ideas. You must be careful not to let other women sleep with him. "Dai Li. Smiling brightly, he said, "If that day comes, I will definitely laugh at you while eating melon seeds."

"He dares! If Qin Yinze dares to sleep with another woman, my aunt will make him a eunuch with her own hands." Ji Rou knew that there must be someone hidden in Dai Li's heart. Since Dai Li didn't want to mention it, she couldn't ask further.

Everyone in this world has their own past, some are beautiful, and some are bloody, but no matter what the past is, it is an indispensable part of life.

Dai Li added: "Since you don't want him to sleep with another woman, then cherish him and don't give others a chance."

Jirou: "..."

"Think about what I said." Dai Li patted Ji Rou on the shoulder, "Mr. Ji, I really have to go to work this time, otherwise my bonus will be deducted for being late."

After saying that, Dai Li stepped on her high heels and walked towards her public relations department.

To her, a man can never be reliable and practical with money. Men will run away, and as long as the money is yours, it is yours, and it can satisfy all your wishes.

Looking at Dai Li's graceful back, Ji Rou sighed a lot. She has come into contact with quite a few women, but Dai Li must be the most charming one among them.

If she hadn't deliberately acted greedy, there must have been many people who liked her.

Dai Li is also the one with the most stories among the women Ji Rou knows. She must have had a man she particularly cared about.

Dai Li was unwilling to mention the past, but she revealed the past because of enlightenment.

Ji Rou knows that Dai Li also regards her as a true friend.

As for her and Qin Yinze, they are already husband and wife, and they have done everything a couple should do.

Instead of thinking about how long she and him can go every day, it is better to live every day in a down-to-earth manner, cherish the people in front of you, and don't leave any regrets to yourself even if you are separated in the future.

After she figured it out, Jirou's mood suddenly brightened. Not only did she feel that the weather was better today, but she also felt that the company's employees were very cute, and her work went very smoothly.

So she came to the conclusion that personal mentality is very important whether life is good or not. Whatever mood you start your day with, you will receive the same energy.

More than half a month passed in a flash.

After this period of hard work, Ji Rou gradually got into working condition, and Qianshui Company was also developing in a good direction... Everything was developing in a good direction.

Because Qin Yinze said that Zeng Yunwei was a trustworthy person, after the company got on the right track, Ji Rou safely left the company's affairs to Zeng Yunwei to take care of it.

After finishing her work for the day, Ji Rou took time off. She still focused on studying, supplemented by matters at Qianshui Company.

Tomorrow is the weekend. Jirou doesn't have to go to work or go to school. It's hard for Jirou to relax. In the afternoon, the prince called her and suggested going out to have fun after get off work. Jirou happily agreed.

After get off work, the prince and the monkey were waiting for Ji Rou and Dai Li at the company gate.

Seeing Ji Rou come out but not Dai Li, the prince was a little disappointed: "Boss, where is Sister Dai Li?"

Jirou slapped him hard on the shoulder: "Sister Dai Li, sister Dai Li, you know you call her sister, but you still think about it."

"That's right!" Monkey took over, "Boss, you are not only busy with studies but also busy with work during this period. It's really hard. Today we will accompany you to go out and relax."

The prince suffered a loss and did not dare to complain. He immediately cooperated with the monkey: "Yes, yes, boss, you have worked hard. We will help you relax and relieve your boredom."

Jirou put one hand on the prince's shoulder and hooked the monkey's arm with the other, and said with a smile: "No one knows me better than you two. As soon as I had this idea in my mind, you called me."

The prince said: "Boss, we will be happy only if you are happy. Finding ways to make you happy is the most important responsibility for both of us."

Dai Li drove over and honked the horn twice: "I asked you three, do you want to go out?"

Ji Rou, Wang Zi and Hou Yigulu opened the door and got in the car, and all said in unison: "Of course I want to go."

Dai Li drove the three of them and glanced at Ji Rou who was sitting in the passenger seat from time to time: "Mr. Ji, you said that if we take you out to drink like this, will your young master Qin peel off our skins?"

Ji Rou said: "How could it be?"

Dai Li and the other three said at the same time: "Why not?"

Jirou smiled proudly: "I told him to go home to live with my mother tonight and not let him pick me up. He agreed. If he doesn't pick me up, he won't know that I drank. He doesn't How could I skin you if you knew I was drunk?"

The prince shook his head and sighed: "Is this still the boss we have known for more than ten years?"

The monkey also shook his head and sighed: "She is no longer the boss we know. In the past, our boss also liked someone's male lust, but at that time she still had principles and insisted on what she should insist on, and she would not drink a drop of wine when she should. There will be less.”

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