My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1139: Extra chapter, Young Master Qin is angry

Chapter 1140: Extra chapter, Young Master Qin is angry

The program performed by Jirou and several others was deeply loved by the audience. After the program, in response to the warm invitation of wine fans, Jirou led the prince to perform a second program.

Just when Jirou let herself go and danced to her heart's content, she caught a glimpse of a figure standing at the door from the corner of her eye. That figure seemed to be her young master Qin.

Young Master Qin? Qin Yinze?

Thinking of this person, Ji Rou immediately woke up from her drunkenness. When she looked at the door, she saw Master Qin there.

Fortunately, fortunately, there was no Qin Yinze at all. She was just dazzled by the mistake.

Jirou breathed a sigh of relief and continued to dance with Prince Monkey. Of course, she didn't notice that the figure she just saw had already stood on her stage.

Qin Yinze just looked at Ji Rou, who was almost naked, watching her swing her body and shouting as much as she could, as if she didn't know that there were so many people in the audience looking at her... The more he looked at her, the more angry he became. By the end, Qin Yinze's eyes were filled with unspeakable turmoil.

Jirou was still singing and dancing crazily on the stage, not feeling at all that the "dangerous person" was approaching.

However, the audience in the bar smelled the danger. Everyone's eyes switched between Ji Rou and Qin Yinze on the stage. They didn't dare to applaud anymore. They didn't even dare to take a breath. Everyone looked at it with wide eyes. A man suddenly appeared on stage.

Among the audience, Dai Li was undoubtedly the most frightened person. She wanted to go up and remind Ji Rou, but she couldn't move at all. In the end, she simply slipped under the wine table and hid.

She had learned how scary this man named Qin was, and it was best not to let him know that she was the one accompanying Ji Rou to have fun, otherwise she might lose her current job again.

Thinking about it, she is really a coward. She has never been tough in her life. She has been bullied so much that she doesn't even dare to cry out.

"Let's all get excited together!" Jirou danced and shouted to her heart's content, but she couldn't get a response from the audience, and at this moment she suddenly felt like she was being shrouded in air-conditioning.

She stopped dancing and looked up to see an ice sculpture standing in front of her. Yes, it was an ice sculpture, a living ice sculpture that could vent its anger.

When she saw clearly who the ice sculpture was, Ji Rou was so frightened that she stepped back repeatedly. If her legs and feet were still agile, she would have run away long ago.

The prince and the monkey also discovered Qin Yinze. After drinking, their reaction was slower than usual: "Boss, Young Master Qin is here. Young Master Qin is also attracted by our wonderful performance."

The prince let out a wine burp and continued: "Master Qin, please go down to the stage and sit down, and we will continue to perform for you."

Qin Yinze's eyes never left Jirou for a second, but he heard the prince's words: "What show is this for you?"

The prince said: "Not much, here's the second one. Mr. Qin, you didn't see that the first show just now was even more exciting. It was the sexiest dance performed by our boss. It was so sexy that all the men in the audience were fascinated. Come don't know, our boss only looks like a woman when he dances like this."

"Really?" Qin Yinze asked nonchalantly, but his eyes looking at Ji Rou were a little colder.

Jirou raised her foot and kicked the prince on the butt: "I mean, prince, will you die if you don't say a few words? You know nonsense all day long. Do you believe that I will skin you?"

After being kicked, the prince felt extremely wronged: "Boss, what did I do wrong again?"

Ji Rou was about to scold the prince severely, but she received Qin Yinze's cold eyes. She no longer dared to be arrogant, swallowed everything she wanted to say, and then shrank her neck and hid behind the prince and the monkey.

Seeing that she was half-clothed, Qin Yinze wanted to break her neck. This woman, if you don't look at her for a night, she has the ability to poke a hole in the sky with a pole.

He took off his suit and wrapped it around her: "Put it on!"

Ji Rou was not very clear-headed after drinking. At this time, she didn't realize how miserable she would be if she offended Mr. Qin. She resisted without fear of death: "Qin Yinze, didn't you see that I was sweating profusely? You are so wrapped up It’s on me, it’s so hot that it kills me!”

She was so hot that she was too cheap. Qin Yinze wanted to break her neck.

Seeing his gloomy face, Ji Rou said again: "I knew you couldn't see me, and you think about how to kill me every day. Qin Yinze, let me tell you, I am very lucky, how can you easily It can kill you.”

"I want to kill you!" Qin Yinze gritted his teeth.

Ji Rou pointed at him: "Ha... if you kill me, you can find a woman younger and more beautiful than me."

Qin Yinze didn't want to deal with this drunken and crazy woman, so he picked her up by the waist and walked out in large strides.

Ji Rou doesn't want to go with him, but also wants to drink: "Qin Yinze, let me down, I still want to drink..."

Qin Yinze: "Shut up!"

How could Ji Rou listen to him: "Qin Yinze, you said you wouldn't pick me up today, how did you know I was here?"

Qin Yinze gritted his teeth and said harshly: "Ji Rou, your skin is itchy."

"My skin is not itchy!" Ji Rou scratched her head and said, "Master Qin, I've been tired for so long and haven't been out for entertainment for a long, long time. Can't you let me play once?"

Qin Yinze: "How are you going to play? Take off your clothes and let all men see how flat your figure is?"

What does it mean to see how flat her figure is? Ji Rou got angry: "Qin Yinze, be careful what you say!"

Qin Yinze: "Did I say something wrong?"

Jirou: "My figure is obviously very good, not as flat as you said. Many men at the scene were praising me just now... They praised me for my great figure."

"Those men praise you for your great figure?" Qin Yinze not only wanted to break Jirou's neck, but also gouged out the eyes of every man present.

Jirou nodded: "Yes, they are all discerning people, unlike you who can't see my beauty, so I will perform one more show for them to appreciate."

"So you took off your clothes and let them admire your figure?" What made Qin Yinze even more angry was that the focus of his words was the clothes she was wearing, and she only heard that she had a flat figure and that this woman had to clean up.

Ji Rou pouted: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not naked."

Qin Yinze said coldly: "Look at the clothes you are wearing. How far are you from being naked when you are dressed like this?"

Jirou said provocatively: "What I wear is my business, can you control it?"

It's so embarrassing. Her friends and so many customers are watching. Qin Yinze actually takes her away like this. Will she still have the nerve to come here to drink in the future?

Qin Yinze: "I am your man and I, I can't control it, who can?"

Ji Rou snorted coldly: "Qin Yinze, I haven't admitted that you are my man yet."

Qin Yinze: "Ji Rou!"

His eyes were so gloomy that Jirou was frightened. She shrank her neck and rubbed herself into his arms, trying to find a safe place to hide: "I'm just joking with you, do you need to be so cruel to me? "

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