My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1140: Extra Chapter, Her Effect on Him

Chapter 1141: Extra Chapter, Her Effect on Him

Qin Yinze put Ji Rou into the car with a gloomy face, then got in the car and sat next to her, and told the driver to drive.

Looking at his face, Jirou knew that he was very angry. If she didn't calm him down in time, she would definitely be unable to eat and walk around.

Ji Rou tugged at the corner of his clothes and said softly: "Young Master Qin, don't be angry. In fact, I haven't drunk much. I have restrained myself very much."

She smelled of alcohol and dressed like that to dance. She had the nerve to say that she had restrained herself. Qin Yinze didn't know what would happen if she didn't restrain herself?

Will he lie drunk on the street?

Will you do a striptease for others to enjoy?

Whenever he thinks of this possibility, Qin Yinze wants to lock this woman up and prevent her from taking a step out of the house.

Qin Yinze clenched his fists again and again. He was the one who really tried to restrain himself. If he hadn't tried his best to restrain himself, he might have thrown this woman who always disobeyed discipline into the Minjiang River outside the bar street.

Qin Yinze had a sullen face and said nothing but did not calm down. Ji Rou wanted to get close to him, but was worried that he would push her away. After much hesitation, she chose to get close to him.

But just when she approached him, he stretched out his long arm to stop her from getting any closer: "Sit tight! Don't move!"

He didn't let her get close, which further proved that his anger was not so easy to dissipate. Jirou had to explain carefully: "In the past, I could drink at least two dozen beers and other random drinks by myself, but I really didn't drink it today." How much. Because I knew you would be unhappy if I drank, I drank a lot behind the back of the prince and the monkey."

At this point, Jirou felt a little aggrieved. After all, she was an independent individual. She was a living person, and she also needed her own space.

Yes, the two of them are together, and they should understand and tolerate each other, but he can't control everything and leave her without any freedom.

The prince and the monkey were her playmates since childhood. The two of them stood firmly by her side during her most difficult moments and gave her great support.

The two of them were so supportive of her, how could she not just have a few drinks with them after getting married?

We can't let them always say that she values ​​sex over friends.

After explaining for a long time, Qin Yinze still had a cold face. Jirou reached out and hugged his arm and said softly: "Master Qin, please don't be angry with me, okay? You don't look good at all when you are angry. It’s a bit scary.”

In fact, Qin Yinze's heart softened a little when he heard Ji Rou say that she had quietly poured out a lot of wine, but this girl kept telling lies, and sometimes he really couldn't tell which of her words were true and which were false.

When it was difficult to tell the truth from the false, Qin Yinze decided to continue to test this woman. She must not be lenient, otherwise she would make another mistake in a few days.

But Ji Rou grasped his weak spot and never confronted him head-on. She used coquettish and cute tricks to deal with him: "Young Master Qin, as long as you are not angry with me, I guarantee that you will not drink alcohol for the next month. If I become addicted to alcohol after a month, I will report it to you and I will drink as much as you want me to, not even a drop more."

"What about your dancing?" Qin Yinze told her about drinking first. What he cared about tonight was that she dressed like that and danced for other men.

"That Liu Diandian is also my friend. I am not going to dance to help the couple do business. I didn't know you would be unhappy before, but now that I know, I promise I will never dance again. In the future, as long as you feel unhappy I won't do any good things. Anyway, I will listen to what you say, and I will obey you in everything." Ji Rou said so confidently that she just raised her hand to swear.

But in Qin Yinze's opinion, the more seriously this girl speaks, the more likely she is having other evil ideas, so her words still need time to be tested.

Seeing that Qin Yinze still didn't let her go, Ji Rou said, "Young Master Qin, you should have friends too. You should understand this feeling of wanting to do something for your friends."

Qin Yinze: "I have no friends."

This is really not out of anger. Young Master Qin really doesn't have any friends with whom he can express his true feelings.

The friend he met before his parents' accident has gone to nowhere. After his parents' accident happened and he came to Qin's house, he has been trying to be a "good boy" and put all his focus and energy on his studies and business. He has no time at all. Go make friends.

At a young age, he knew very well that only by constantly learning, constantly moving forward, and constantly strengthening himself could he be able to gain a foothold in such an excellent Qin family. Otherwise, why would he feel at ease to stay in the Qin family and become a member of the Qin family?

no friend!

This doesn't sound like a lie. Ji Rou leans into Qin Yinze's arms and puts her arms around his waist: "Qin Yinze, it doesn't matter if you didn't have friends before. From now on, my friends will be your friends."

Such a simple word made Qin Yinze's heart, which had been immersed in the ice cellar for many years, feel warm and warm, and the expression on his face naturally softened a lot.

Jirou is obviously an extremely ordinary girl, but she has the magic power to warm his heart and make him feel at ease... She even makes him feel that as long as she is there, it doesn't matter if the world is gone.

Obviously he was warmed by her words, but Qin Yinze said: "I never care about your friends!"

As soon as Qin Yinze said these words, all Ji Rou's guilt tonight disappeared instantly. She pushed him away: "Oh... Qin Yinze, don't think that you are so great just because you have a few bad money... People like you can't make friends. Well deserved!”

"What are you doing with such useless friends?" Qin Yinze slightly curled his lips and said with a half-smile, "Ji Rou, I will teach you another lesson today. There are no permanent friends in this world." There are no eternal enemies, only relationships of interest can make people’s relationships harmonious for a long time!”

"So what benefits can you get from me?" This was Jirou's first reaction. He spent so much money to buy her, couldn't it just be because he was happy?

"What benefits can I get from you?" Qin Yinze looked at her from top to bottom. "It's been so long. Don't you still know what benefits I can get from you?"

"Bed warmer?" Is it just for this reason? If so, there were countless women who wanted to help him warm his bed, so he wouldn't necessarily want her.

If he said yes, he was either lying, or there was a hidden secret that she didn't know about... But they had never met before, what kind of hidden secret could there be between him and her?

"Not only can you warm the bed, you can also make me feel comfortable physically and mentally. You can also..." Qin Yinze suddenly leaned into Jirou's ear and whispered softly. Jirou waved her fist over, "You stinking gangster." !”

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