My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1141 Extra chapter, the person hiding behind

Chapter 1142: Extra chapter, the person hiding behind

Ji Rou was taken away by Young Master Qin, and Dai Li, who was hiding under the table, came out. She straightened her slightly messy clothes and took out a mirror to touch up her makeup.

Dai Li always remembers that no matter how embarrassed she is, she must still maintain the elegance and calmness that a woman should have, and she must not miss any opportunity to meet Wang Laowang and be chosen by him.

There are very few opportunities for a woman to meet a real diamond king in her life. If she finally does meet him and misses the opportunity because of her own image, it will be the biggest loss in life.

"Sister Dai Li, the boss left us and ran away again." The prince and the monkey were really drunk, and they were both really drunk. When they saw Ji Rou being taken away by Qin Yinze, they had no sense of crisis at all. They didn't know that Qin Da The young master could make them never drink again with just a finger. Now he went back to the wine table to complain to Dai Li.

"Since Ji Rou is gone and you two are so drunk, why don't we go home and come out to drink next time." Looking at these two drunkards, Dai Li was also worried.

The prince and the monkey hadn't finished drinking yet, so they shouted that they would continue drinking: "Sister Dai Li, our eldest son left early because she had someone to accompany her when she went home. The three of us are singles, and there is no one to accompany us when we go home alone. Go back." What are you doing so early?”

Dai Li had nothing to do with these two people: "Okay, okay, since you still want to drink, then I will drink with you... Boss lady, give us another dozen beers."

Liu Diandian personally served the wine and asked with a gossipy face: "The man who took Xiaorou away just now is the same man who Xiaorou vomited all over last time."

Dai Li nodded: "Yes, that's right."

Liu Diandian couldn't extinguish the fire of gossip in his heart, so he asked again: "Who is that man?"

Dai Li shook her head: "I don't know either. You can ask her another day."

Liu Diandian could see that it was not that Dai Li didn't know, but he just didn't want to say it, and he couldn't bring himself to make trouble anymore. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I won't disturb you anymore. You can drink as you like. I will take charge of today's account."

"Thank you!" The three of them were not polite to Liu Diandian. Each of them took a bottle of wine and drank directly from the bottle.

While drinking, the prince complained: "After the boss got close to Young Master Qin, she spent less and less time with us. Do you think she will forget us in the future?"

Hearing what the prince said, the monkey understood deeply: "Well, I also feel that the boss spends less and less time with us. I am worried that one day she will suddenly disappear from us and we will never find her again."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Dai Li found it funny: "You two are so worried. You and Jirou have such a good relationship, how could she forget you."

The prince said: "Sister Dai Li, you don't know."

Dai Li said: "Whatever I don't know, tell me."

In order to please Dai Li, the prince still remembered that Ji Rou warned him not to mention Senior Feng to others. He talked endlessly: "Before falling in love with Young Master Qin, our boss had a relationship. That one She is still the senior Feng whom she has liked since she was a child."

Dai Li nodded. She knew this. She was also a key figure in Ji Rou's heart who clearly had feelings for Qin Yinze but did not dare to admit it.

The prince added: "In the past, when the boss was in love with Senior Feng, even though they were in a passionate relationship, the boss never left us alone. We asked her to go out for a drink, and she was never absent. Sometimes the two of them were dating, and she would still call us. I'm with the prince."

Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are in love, they want to stay with each other every day and never separate.

In this "love period", Jirou not only never misses dates with ordinary friends, she even brings ordinary friends with her when going on dates with her boyfriend.

Dai Li had to doubt that Ji Rou and Xiang Lingfeng were really in love?

Maybe not.

The man Ji Rou grew up with. He was good to her and she was moved. She thought there was love between them. In fact, the relationship between them was just a little more friendship than ordinary friends.

Of course, this is Ji Rou's feelings. Dai Li is just hearsay. She can't figure out the true psychology of the two parties, and she can't know what kind of feelings Ji Rou feels for the man named Xiang Lingfeng.

The prince said a lot, but did not get any feedback from Dai Li, so he urged: "Sister Dai Li, please tell me your opinion quickly."

Dai Li threw away the thoughts in her mind and said with a smile: "If Ji Rou goes on a date with Young Master Qin and the two of you are asked to be light bulbs, do you dare to go?"

The silence of the prince and the monkey gave Dai Li the answer. Not only did they dare not follow, but she also did not dare to follow, unless she wanted to be forced into desperation again.

After being silent for a while, the monkey said: "Sometimes I wish it would be better if Senior Feng were still here. Then not only would he not stop the boss from interacting with us, but he would also play with us. But whenever I have this idea "

The prince nodded: "Monkey, I sometimes miss Senior Feng, but I don't know whether he is alive or dead... Let the boss and Young Master Qin live a good life."

"What are you two thinking?" Dai Li picked up the wine bottle, knocked them on the head, and said seriously, "I don't know how good Senior Feng is in your mouth. I only know that he is He abandoned Jirou when she was in the most critical moment. Just for this reason, he is not worthy of our Xiaorou's love. I tell you two, whoever dares to mention Xiang Lingfeng in front of Xiaorou in the future. , I will not spare you first.”

The prince said: "Sister Dai Li, we are just talking casually, and we are not really going to do anything. In fact, we are still very optimistic about Young Master Qin, even though he is so much older than the eldest brother, he is a bit like an old cow eating young grass. Suspicious, but fortunately he is good-looking, which makes up for the age difference.”

The monkey nodded: "Our eldest is in his twenties and a few months old. Young Master Qin is about to run into his third year of life. There is indeed a suspicion of old cows eating young grass."

Dai Li said: "What do you know? Men only know how to care for others when they are older. Boys like you two in your early twenties, to be honest, women really don't like them."

The prince and the monkey: "..."

Dai Li, Wang Zi and Hou Hou were drinking wine and chatting passionately about Ji Rou, but they didn't know that there were two eyes in the corner behind them, observing their every move.

When they heard that Young Master Qin was in love with Ji Rou, the man held the wine glass in his hand so hard that he crushed it.

The broken glass pierced the man's palm, and blood slid down his palm. One drop or two dripped more and more, but he seemed to be unaware of the pain and did not care about the wound at all. His eyes were still fixed on it. Watching them.

But upon closer inspection, his eyes were unfocused. It seemed that he was staring at Dai Li and the three of them, but in fact, he was seeing others through them.

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