My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1157 Extra Chapter, Blood Jade in the Grocery Store

Chapter 1158: Extra Chapter, Blood Jade in the Grocery Store


It was such a shameless answer, but he could still put on an extremely serious look. Ji Rou was so angry that she raised her foot and stepped on his instep: "How shameless!"

Qin Yinze added: "Well, I once heard that women seem to like shameless men. What's that saying... It seems that men are not bad, but women don't love them?"

It’s really impossible to communicate with such a self-righteous man!

Jirou was so angry that she turned around and wanted to leave, but he pulled her back again. She couldn't struggle, so she yelled at him angrily: "Just be your bad man, and wait for the woman who likes bad men to love you."

"I don't want other women, I only want you." Qin Yinze hugged Jirou and suddenly said seriously, but when he met Jirou's shocked eyes, he changed his words again, "Do women still like to say A sweet-talking man?”

He was afraid, he was actually afraid, he was afraid that his seriousness and sincerity would not receive a corresponding response, and he was even afraid of provoking her disdainful ridicule.

Qin Yinze's sudden seriousness just now really scared Ji Rou. She was stunned for a long time. For a long time, all she saw was Qin Yinze's particularly serious eyes.

His eyes were deep and deep, like an unfathomable pool, as if she could be sucked in at any time and never be able to escape.

After a brief silence, Qin Yinze was the first to speak: "Tell me, what kind of man is most popular with women in your heart?"

Ji Rou shakes her head and throws away the things in her mind: "If a man wants to attract a woman, he only needs to remember three words - buy, buy, buy!"

Qin Yinze nodded: "That seems to be the case."

Ji Rou asked again: "Qin Yinze, you just said that I would buy me whatever I like. Are you serious?"

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "Jirou, when did I never get serious with you?"

Yes, he was quite serious. For example, when he said that she would not be able to eat meat for a month, she went without meat for a month.

Qin Yinze said again: "Tell me what you want."

"Follow me." Ji Rou pulled Qin Yinze around two streets and came to a remote corner. There was a grocery store in the corner.

Ji Rou introduced the grocery store to Qin Yinze: "This grocery store has a history of hundreds of years. It has a very special place in the hearts of us Minluo people."

"What's so special?" Qin Yinze has been in Minluo City for three years, but he has never heard of such a store in this city. After entering the store, he looked at it carefully.

The grocery store is very special because the items sold in the store are really diverse. At a glance, it seems that everything is sold, and every item seems to have a long history and has been baptized by the years.

Looking at every hanging item displayed in the store, it seems that they have a story of their own.

What's even more special is that there are no clerks guarding this store. There is a sign on the counter at the door with two lines of words on it - you can take it away as long as you like it. The price is up to you. You can decide how much it is worth. How much money to keep.

It seems that the boss is a smart and bold owner. This business model is currently not feasible in many countries. Unexpectedly, this store has a history of a hundred years in Minluo City.

Qin Yinze looked around the grocery store and returned his eyes to Ji Rou: "This grocery store is indeed different from other stores. The items are very unique and the decoration is also very good. Its boss probably makes a lot of money." Quite a few.”

Qin Yinze is a businessman. The most instinctive way for a businessman to look at something is to estimate its commercial value, whether it can make money, and how much money it can make.

"Qin Yinze, are you tacky? The boss didn't open this store just for money, okay?" Ji Rou is not a businessman yet. Many times her thoughts are relatively simple, "What if the boss opened this store just to make money?" In this store, he can set a high price, there is no need to let customers set their own prices.”

Qin Yinze added: "Why are you so sure that the boss is not trying to make money? Do you know the owner of this store?"

"No one has ever met the owner of this store. How can I know him?" When it comes to the owner of the grocery store, Jirou has something to say, "There are many rumors about the owner of this store. Some people say He is a declining aristocrat, and some say he is a prosperous beggar... We can't tell exactly what his identity is, but this store can indeed buy everything you want, assuming you come here this time. No, just leave what you want in this guestbook and you can find what you want to buy next time you come.”

"This marketing model is good." Qin Yinze nodded in appreciation. After listening to Ji Rou's introduction, he took a closer look at the store again. The things here are indeed very unique and there are many varieties. number to meet the needs of many customers.

"Qin Yinze, come with me." Ji Rou took Qin Yinze's hand and dragged him to a small cabinet in the shop, pointing to a blood-red jade inside, "You buy this blood jade and give it to me." give it to me."

"Okay." Qin Yinze would buy her what she wanted without hesitation, but he would also be curious about what was so special about this piece of blood jade, so that this stupid girl who had never asked him for anything unexpectedly Asking him, "What's the meaning of this piece of blood jade?"

"Qin Yinze, I asked you to buy it, just buy it for me. Why do you ask so many questions? Let me tell you, not only talkative women are not liked, but talkative men are also not liked." This is a secret in her heart, and she won't tell him until the time is right.

Ji Rou didn't want to say anything, and Qin Yinze didn't ask any more questions. He smiled and said, "How much do you think is appropriate for buying this piece of blood jade?"

Ji Rou said: "You spend money on this. Of course you set the price, don't ask me."

Qin Yinze: "I didn't bring any money."

"It doesn't matter!" Ji Rou glanced at him and pointed to the bank account number posted on the counter, "You don't need to pay cash now, you just need to transfer money via mobile phone. If you keep saying that your mobile phone can't transfer money, I think I might hit you. .”

"Of course there won't be any more accidents." Qin Yinze quickly took his mobile phone to transfer the money. Ji Rou came over to see how much he transferred, but he raised the phone high to avoid her sight: "This is a secret."

Ji Rou rolled her eyes at him: "Master Qin, are you so stingy that you only transferred one dollar?"

Qin Yinze smiled: "It's very possible."

What a dollar? Is he such a stingy person?

Even if that piece of blood jade is not valuable, as long as she likes it, it will definitely be priceless.

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