My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1158 Extra chapter, bought a box of condoms

Chapter 1159: Extra chapter, bought a box of condoms

Although Qin Yinze takes care of Ji Rou's daily accommodation, food, transportation, and so on, and she spends a lot of his money, this blood jade is the first time he has given her a real gift.

Ji Rou carefully puts the blood jade into her pocket, holds Qin Yinze's arm and smiles at him: "Young Master Qin, thank you for giving me the gift!"

"I'm your man, thank you!" Qin Yinze was very happy that Jirou liked the gift he gave him so much. He pulled Jirou into his arms and held her, "but if you really want to thank me, I won't I’m sorry to refuse, now you accompany me to buy what I want to buy.”

"Master Qin, you have someone who has prepared everything for you. What else do you want to buy?" Ji Rou doesn't think Qin Yinze really has anything to buy. He may be stingy. He went shopping with her, so he wants to buy it. Let her go back with you.

However, Young Master Qin soon told Ji Rou with practical actions that he really had something to buy, and this kind of thing was a "necessity" in their life as a couple.

Qin Yinze drove Ji Rou around several streets, and finally came to a local chain pharmacy: "This is my destination."

The destination is a pharmacy. Is there something wrong with him?

Ji Rou reached out to Qin Yinze's forehead almost immediately: "Qin Yinze, it's a bit cold today. Do you have a cold?"

This man's body looks strong because he has old injuries, but when the weather changes, especially windy and rainy weather, it may cause old diseases.

The weather is a bit cold today. I wonder if he has an old illness?

Seeing that she was worried about him, Qin Yinze was very happy. He grabbed her hand and said with a smile: "Your husband is not uncomfortable. He is here to make you more comfortable."

Ji Rou was worried that he was worried, but he looked carefree, which made people angry: "Let go of my hand and let me explore your forehead."

"I really don't feel uncomfortable." Qin Yinze lowered his head and rubbed his forehead against hers. His temperature was about the same as hers. "You should believe me now."

Jirou asked: "Then why did you take me to the pharmacy?"

Qin Yinze smiled and did not answer. Instead, he pointed at a certain brand of condoms on the shelf and said to the salesperson in the drugstore: "Pack up a box of your brand's large condoms for me and send it to the car."

Jirou: "..."

Does this man need to be so exaggerated?

There are ten of these things in a small box, and ten small boxes form a large box, and ten large boxes are combined into one box.

In other words, there are a thousand condoms in this box. Even if you use them every day, it will take two or three years to use them all. What's more, no one has enough energy to use it every day.

Seeing the scrutinizing look from the salesperson, Ji Rou was so embarrassed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground to hide for a while.

It's all the fault of the culprit next to her. If he hadn't acted recklessly, would others have looked at her like this?

Ji Rou was so angry that she pinched him hard and warned him not to be so embarrassed. Who knew that this man had no self-consciousness at all, and even asked the salesperson to put a box of condoms in his car.

Jirou has lived for twenty years and has always been known for her thick skin and fearlessness. Today is the only time in her life that she is so ashamed that she can't even lift her head.

On the way home, Qin Yinze concentrated on driving. Ji Rou, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kept staring at him, thinking of many things in his mind.

They usually failed to conceive a child without using contraceptive measures. He also bought so many condoms at one time. He really didn't want her to be pregnant with his child.

Ji Rou is a very straight-hearted person. When she had this question in her mind, she asked: "Qin Yinze, do you really hope that I don't get pregnant with your child?"

She didn't really want to be pregnant with his child, but the sourness in her heart was really uncomfortable when she thought of him working so hard to avoid pregnancy.

"What are you thinking about again? Who doesn't want you to be pregnant with my child?" This stupid woman doesn't think about things she should think about, but she is quite good at thinking about things she shouldn't think about.

Ji Rou said dullly: "Then why did you buy so many condoms? You didn't want to tell me that you didn't buy them to use with me, but to use them with other women."

"Wait two more years until you graduate from college and we will have children." Qin Yinze originally wanted Jirou to be pregnant with his child, but her body is not suitable for pregnancy at the moment, so she must not let Jirou get pregnant until her body is well adjusted. She was pregnant in case something happened and she got hurt.

Jirou doesn't quite believe it: "You don't want children, are you really thinking about me?"

Qin Yinze held her hand: "otherwise? Do you think I can find someone else to give birth to my child?"

Jirou: "How dare you!"

nail bell——

While she was talking, Ji Rou's cell phone suddenly rang, and she glared at Qin Yinze: "Qin Yinze, let me tell you, you'd better not lie to me about anything, or I will make you regret coming to this world."

Upon hearing Ji Rou's warning, Qin Yinze's eyes dimmed and he couldn't say anything.

Ji Rou took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Dai Li calling: "Dai Li, it's easy to have no friends if you make random calls at this time. Do you know?"

"Ji Rou, it's me, it's me... I'm Dai Li..." Dai Li's voice sounded strange, as if she was drunk and in a trance.

Could something have happened to Dai Li? Ji Rou was shocked and said anxiously: "Dai Li, I know it's you. Has something happened to you?"

"Jirou, didn't you say you are my good friend? I need help now. You are my good friend, so come and help me." Dai Li's trance-like voice came from the phone receiver again. In Jirou's ears.

"Dai Li, where are you?" There was some yelling and yelling coming from the phone receiver, but because it was too noisy, Ji Rou couldn't hear clearly who was yelling at whom.

"I'm in a nightclub!" Dai Li said and suddenly laughed again, "There are so many handsome guys in the nightclub, so many... Jirou, come here quickly, I'll introduce a few to you."

"Bitch, I asked you to find someone to get money. Why are you talking so much nonsense!" An angry male voice suddenly sounded, almost deafening Ji Rou's ears.

"I'm looking, I'm looking for my good friend...ah..." Dai Li suddenly screamed, and then her fearful voice came again, "Jirou, they drugged me and threatened me to force me, Come and save me, I don’t know who else I can look for except you.”

Judging from the voice, Dai Li must have been beaten just now. Ji Rou was so worried that her heart tightened: "Dai Li, tell me, where are you? I'll go find you right away."

"I'm...where am I?" Dai Li, who was in a trance because she was drugged, could not remember where she was or how she got into trouble. She just I knew that someone was pulling my hair, and it really hurt. It hurt so much that it felt like the whole scalp was no longer my own.

"Are you this woman's friend?" A man's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone. He must have snatched Dai Li's mobile phone.

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