My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1160 Extra chapter, Mr. Qin’s reputation

Chapter 1161: Extra chapter, Mr. Qin’s reputation

The person on the other side of the phone was Pengshan. Hearing that Qin Yinze was looking for Dai Li, he hurriedly said: "Sir, we have a woman named Dai Li, but I don't know if she is the person you are looking for."

A name like Dai Li should be a common name on the street, but it would not be a coincidence that two women named Dai Li would cause trouble at the Charming Nightclub at the same time.

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Pengshan added: "Boss Zhang took a fancy to Dai Li, who was drinking alone in the wine pool, and gave her a gift, which she accepted... When Boss Zhang wanted to ask for a favor, Dai Li refused to obey and even hurt Boss Zhang. . Boss Zhang had Dai Li tied up in a rage. "

Qin Yinze said again: "Pengshan, I will leave Charming to you. On Charming's territory, you will let those people force a woman?"

Pengshan hurriedly explained: "Sir, if Dai Li didn't accept Boss Zhang's gift, then we definitely wouldn't let this happen in Charming. The key to the problem is that Dai Li accepted Boss Zhang's gift but was unwilling to let it go. It’s her fault that she took advantage of others and ended up hurting them first.”

Charming Nightclub is the most famous nightclub in Minluo City. It is a gathering place for the nightlife of dignitaries and dignitaries. It is also an industry under Qin Yinze's name.

A very serious fight and injury occurred here a month or two ago, but fortunately Qin Yinze was powerful enough to suppress the matter. In the end, he asked his men to actively cooperate with the police investigation, allowing the police to investigate in the shortest possible time. The case was closed within a matter of time.

The police were able to quickly close the case, which is inseparable from the staff of Charming who actively cooperated with their work. Therefore, Charming Nightclub was not only not punished, but was also notified and praised by the police.

As expected by Qin Yinze, after the bloody fight, Charming Nightclub became the final winner.

After the incident, under Qin Yinze's instruction, Pengshan formulated several new rules and regulations, that is, no guest is allowed to violate the wishes of other guests. Whenever this happens, Charming will stand up and take charge.

In today's matter, if Dai Li did not accept gifts from others, then the other party forced her. No matter how she resisted or hurt others, Charming would be on her side.

The crux of the problem is that Dai Li first accepted Boss Zhang's gift, but then refused in the end, so Pengshan, who was responsible for the charm, had no position to protect her.

To be honest, Qin Yinze doesn't want to save Dai Li at all, but that woman is Jirou's friend now. If something happens to her, Jirou will definitely feel sad and blame herself.

The last thing Qin Yinze wanted to happen was to see Ji Rou feel sad and blame herself. He added, "Ask Boss Zhang if there is anything else he wants. I will give it to him."

As soon as Qin Yinze said these words, Pengshan knew what he meant. He was willing to exchange Dai Li for something else.

And that other thing is likely to be a huge sum of money, or it may be a house... Anyway, as long as Boss Zhang asks for it, they will give it. Their husband lost a lot of money to save Dai Li.

"Sir, do we really want to do this?" Pengshan didn't understand. He didn't understand why their big boss suddenly took care of a woman like Dai Li?

Could it be that this woman is also attracted by their husband?

It shouldn’t be!

Pengshan had seen with his own eyes how much his husband dotes on the little girl from the Ji family. He wouldn't fall in love so quickly.

Pengshan thought about Dai Li's appearance. That woman was pretty and completely different from Ji Rou. It was very likely that their husband had been eating light food for a long time and wanted to change to a heavier taste.

Qin Yinze said: "If she loses a hair, you can do it yourself."

The big boss attaches great importance to that woman. It seems that the relationship between them must be unusual. Pengshan said urgently: "I will bring her back right away."

After ending the call, Pengshan walked out of the room and walked through the corridor to another room. He knocked on the door and heard the people inside asking him to come in. He just pushed the door open and entered: "Boss Zhang..."

Boss Zhang saw it was Pengshan and stood up to greet him: "Boss Peng, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, yes..." Pengshan responded to Boss Zhang, but looked around. Oops, Dai Li was not seen in the room. She must have been dealt with by them.

Boss Zhang asked: "What are Boss Peng looking for? Is there any treasure in my room?"

Pengshan smiled: "I heard that Boss Zhang has a beauty hidden here. I wanted to come and see... where is she?"

Boss Zhang said: "I, Mr. Zhang, have never seen any kind of woman. A woman who doesn't know how to praise her. I have plenty of ways to deal with her."

"No..." If something went wrong with what the master had told him, Pengshan couldn't explain it to his master. He said anxiously, "Boss Zhang, where did you take that woman?"

Boss Zhang looked at Pengshan, and it was rare to see some anxiety in this man's eyes: "What? Boss Peng, are you reluctant to let go of that woman?"

Pengshan said: "It's not that I can't bear to part with her, that's the person my husband named. If anything happens to her, I won't be able to bear it and carry her around."

When Boss Zhang heard that Dai Li was the one his husband wanted, the hand he had just stretched out to hold the teacup trembled slightly: "Boss Peng, is that woman the one Mr. Qin wants?"

Pengshan nodded: "Yes. My husband just called. He said that as long as you, Boss Zhang, let Dai Li go, he can compensate you."

Upon hearing this, Boss Zhang's heart skipped a beat. He would not dare to ask for compensation from Mr. Qin unless he no longer wanted to live.

Boss Zhang waved his hands repeatedly: "Since that woman is the woman Mr. Qin wants, you can go and take her away. I, Mr. Zhang, have dealt with Mr. Qin several times, how can I have the nerve to ask for compensation from Mr. Qin. "

Pengshan asked: "Where are the people?"

"Boss Peng, come with me." Boss Zhang led Pengshan out, walking very fast, as if he was worried that if he took a step too late, it would be too late.

They came to another private room together. Boss Zhang kicked the door open, causing the noisy people in the room to stop immediately. All the people turned back to look at the door. They all looked fierce, and when they saw When two people appeared at the door, no one dared to say a word.

Boss Zhang shouted: "Where is that woman?"

Pengshan didn't ask questions, his eyes had already been searching everywhere. When he saw Dai Li tied up like a rice dumpling in the corner of the room, he breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Fortunately, these people did not dare to mess around in Charming. Fortunately, Dai Li was only tied up. Fortunately, no more serious conflicts have occurred yet.

The man who just called Ji Rou stood up and pointed to the corner: "Boss Zhang, she is over there. I'm just waiting for your word on what to do with her."

Boss Zhang glanced at the man: "Let this woman go."

The man jumped up in anxiety: "Boss, let me go?"

Boss Zhang asked, "Do you have any objections?"

The man said: "No, Boss Zhang, this woman hurt you. If you don't deal with her properly, you will have to swallow this feeling in your heart."

Boss Zhang said: "This is the person Mr. Qin wants."

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