My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1161 Extra chapter, taking the initiative to arrange a woman for the BOSS

Chapter 1162: Extra chapter, taking the initiative to arrange a woman for the BOSS

Upon hearing the words "Mr. Qin", all the men who were fierce just now were like deflated rubber balls, and even their eyes became docile.

The man who had just spoken to Jirou was still a little unwilling to give up, and asked again: "Boss Zhang, are you sure this woman is really Mr. Qin's?"

Boss Zhang nodded: "Boss Peng is here, is there still a holiday?"

After hearing Boss Zhang's affirmative reply, everyone in the room shuddered, and everyone was glad that they didn't do anything to this woman.

When they heard someone on the phone who said it was Mr. Qin, they didn't believe it. They didn't touch the woman, just worried about what might happen. They didn't expect that she was really Mr. Qin's woman.

"Brothers, hurry up and untie Miss Dai and hand her over to Boss Peng." The man immediately put on a smile and said, "Boss Peng, if we had known that Miss Dai was Mr. Qin's woman, we would have given us ten thousand courages." Don’t dare touch even a hair of hers.”

Pengshan didn't know either. If he had known earlier, he would never have let these people touch his husband's woman: "What have you done to her?"

The man nodded and bowed: "Boss Peng, we haven't had time to do anything to her, so you guys are coming to find someone. This matter is a misunderstanding. Please explain it clearly to us in front of Mr. Qin."

"As long as she hasn't been touched yet. This matter is indeed a misunderstanding. I will definitely explain it clearly to my husband." Pengshan smiled and then told the waitress, "You two take the person."

Pengshan didn't dare to pick up Dai Li himself. If this woman named Dai Li is really the woman that the big boss likes, he will probably be missing something if he touches her when the big boss finds out.

Since she was the boss's new favorite woman, Pengshan didn't dare to neglect Dai Li at all. He took it upon himself to ask two waitresses to send Dai Li to the special room reserved for Qin Yinze by Charming.

The two waitresses took Dai Li to Qin Yinze's special room. They turned around and asked Pengshan who was following them: "Mr. Peng, where should we put the person?"

Dai Li smelled of alcohol and had just been tied up and thrown to the ground by those people. She was dirty and messy. Even if her husband had a strong taste, he probably wouldn't be able to eat it.

In order to make the master "eat" happily, Pengshan made a decision: "You two help Miss Dai take a bath, wash her clean and then send her to the husband's bed."

"Hot... so hot..." Dai Li, who was suffering from the effects of the medicine, couldn't bear the heat. She began to pull off her clothes. Because she didn't have much to wear, she pulled them casually, and she was already having sex.

Pengshan immediately turned away and told the two waitresses: "Hurry, don't waste time. She is so hot that she can only wait for our husband to come and relieve her."

The woman that the husband fell in love with was drugged, and Pengshan was glad that more serious consequences had not occurred, otherwise he would really have to walk around without food.

Pengshan has been with Qin Yinze for three years. The three years are neither long nor short. He knows that Qin Yinze is definitely the king at work.

That's why Qin Yinze's company dominated Minluo City in just three years, and its business has grown bigger and bigger, and now it has expanded to neighboring countries.

But Pengshan doesn't know much about Qin Yinze's private life, who is in his family, or what else he cares about besides work.

No woman has been seen around Qin Yinze in three years. Ji Rou is the first woman to appear next to Qin Yinze in the past three years. Her appearance has changed Qin Yinze.

Seeing Qin Yinze's love for Ji Rou, their subordinates thought that his master would recognize that woman in this life, but they didn't expect that another one named Dai Li would make trouble today.

Thinking of Ji Rou and Dai Li, Pengshan shook his head helplessly. He originally thought that their master was a special being and would never mess around with men and women like other men.

But today it seems that their master is no different from other men. He is also a man eating from the bowl and thinking about the pot.

"Qin Yinze, who did you call? Is it really useful to call him?" On the way to Charm, Ji Rou was worried all the way and asked Qin Yinze from time to time.

Qin Yinze hates that Ji Rou focuses on people other than him: "If something happens to Dai Li, can I pay you with my life?"

"Young Master Qin, don't say such angry words. How could I be willing to risk your life?" Ji Rou reached out and took Qin Yinze's hand. "Dai Li doesn't have many friends, and her parents are not around. She's going out today." After such a big thing, she definitely needs a shoulder to lean on. I am her only friend. It is my honor that she can think of me when she is in danger. I hope I can help her and save her. Water and fire. If one day I am in danger of the same thing, I also hope that someone will show up in time to save me."

"You won't be in danger. Even if there is, you should hope that the person who appears next to you is me." Qin Yinze suddenly turned the steering wheel and parked the car firmly on the right, "We're here."

"Are we here?" Ji Rou was still a little confused, and then she followed Qin Yinze out of the car, rushed up and hugged his arm, "Master Qin, thank you!"

Ji Rou knows that Qin Yinze, a man like this, sometimes has a childish temper. If you say nice things to him and coax him, everything will be easier to say.

Qin Yinze didn't say a word and didn't need her to thank her. She was his wife and her affairs were his affairs, so he had to rescue Dai Li if something happened to her.

"Sir, you, you are here!" Pengshan was somewhat surprised to see Qin Yinze with Ji Rou. Their boss was really awesome, and he could even take his "major wife" with him when he was a lover.

"Where are the people?" Qin Yinze asked.

Pengshan glanced at Ji Rou, but saw no jealous expression on the little girl's face, and then said: "Miss Dai Li drank wine and was tied up again... so I asked someone to freshen her up first and send it to you. Room went."

Hearing what Pengshan said, Qin Yinze frowned slightly, dissatisfied that Pengshan threw people into his room, but thinking about it again, he had not spent the night in Charming since he and Jirou were together, and that room was also There is no need to keep it for him.

Qin Yinze didn't even hear the other meaning in Pengshan's words, and Ji Rou couldn't hear it either. All she could think about was Dai Li's safety.

She followed Qin Yinze to a luxurious suite on the eighth floor. Jirou was stunned as soon as she entered the room. The room was fragrant and the lighting was very ambiguous. It didn't look like she was here to save people, but like she was here. A lover.

Seeing the master coming, the two waitresses were very understanding: "Sir, Miss Dai has been waiting for you in the room for a long time. Let's go down first."

This sounds ambiguous, but Ji Rou doesn't want to think too much about it, and she doesn't believe that Qin Yinze can have anything to do with Dai Li.

"Hot...I'm so hot...Help me..." Dai Li's unclear voice suddenly came from the room, and Ji Rou rushed to the room immediately after hearing it.

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