My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1163 Extra chapter, a woman disguised as a villain

Chapter 1164: Extra chapter, a woman disguised as a follow-up

"Hey, little girl, look at your attitude today, you want to teach me a lesson." Dai Li blinked and smiled naughtily at Jirou.

Ji Rou snatched the water glass from Dai Li's hand and said seriously: "I'm talking to you seriously. Don't think you can get away with it by playing haha ​​with me."

Dai Li shrugged: "Little girl, our situations are different. Just like cold medicine, it can't save other seriously ill patients."

Jirou asked: "What's the difference? Is it because you are a few years older than me? Is it because you have more social experience than me? So you carry everything by yourself, disguise yourself as an extremely mean woman, and let everyone People look down on you."

"Don't mention your age, okay? Don't you know that women of my age are most afraid of mentioning their age?" Dai Li raised her hand and looked at the bright red nail polish on her fingernails, "Besides, I'm not pretending. , I am originally a vain woman, whoever is rich is my biological father. "

Ji Rou hates Dai Li for slandering herself so much, and hates that she doesn't value herself: "Dai Li, you are going to make me mad!"

Dai Li patted Ji Rou on the back: "Baby, don't be angry, don't be angry. If you are mad at me, no one will be willing to be friends with me. Really, there are still people who are willing to be friends with a woman like me." It’s not easy to make friends.”

Ji Rou slapped Dai Li's hand away and said angrily: "You know you have no friends and you still make me angry. You deserve to be alone for the rest of your life."

"It's too late for me to love you, how can I be angry with you." Dai Li responded to Ji Rou's words casually, found her phone, and turned on the selfie function of the camera. When she saw her face in the camera, she screamed in fright. "ah……"

This piercing scream scared Jirou to the point of trembling with fear. After she was frightened, she still wanted to care about the unreliable Dai Li: "Dai Li, what's wrong?"

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Dai Li reached out and touched her face, as if to confirm something, "No, no, no... the woman in the camera is definitely not me."

The woman pictured in the camera had messy hair and smudged makeup... She looked as ugly as a female ghost. How could this person be her? She would definitely not be the one who always wanted to stay glamorous.

Ji Rou reached out and grabbed the mobile phone in Dai Li's hand and threw it aside, saying seriously: "Dai Li! I'm warning you, don't pretend to be crazy or stupid with me!"

"Who are you pretending to be crazy?" Dai Li turned over and wanted to get out of bed. She had to go clean and dress herself up immediately, otherwise what would happen if others saw her like this?

Regarding Dai Li's attitude of wanting beauty over life, Ji Rou was speechless: "Dai Li, is beauty more important than everything else in your eyes?"

"Of course. Do you have any questions about this?" Dai Li said as she walked to the bathroom, "Little girl, find me my makeup bag."

Jirou stared at her.

Seeing Jirou's inaction, Dai Li added: "When I clean up my image, I will tell you everything you want to know."

Ji Rou is usually not such an obedient child. Today, because Dai Li was bullied, she could only let Dai Li, who made her her friend.

Ji Rou finds a cosmetic bag for Dai Li, then goes back to the ward to wait for her. She waits until Ji Rou falls asleep and then waits for Dai Li to come out.

Jirou rubbed her eyes and yawned: "Miss Dai, how long have you been wearing makeup?"

"It won't be long, just over half an hour." Compared with the time Dai Li usually spends putting on makeup, tonight's half hour is indeed not that long.

Ji Rou rolled her eyes: "Half an hour is not long? Then how long do you think it is?"

"You are still young. Your face is so pink that you can pinch water. You can look beautiful even without makeup. Of course, you don't have to spend time on makeup." Dai Li took a look in the mirror, and she still looked like herself after makeup. Good-looking, "Unlike a busy woman like me, my skin ages and wrinkles appear. I really don't dare to go out without makeup."

"Don't be so exaggerated. You are beautiful. People who don't know your age will never think you are over twenty-five years old." Ji Rou looked at Dai Li. Dai Li, who was wearing makeup, was much more energetic. Her exquisite makeup covered Despite the few blemishes on her face, she is truly a beautiful woman, with the charm that men like about her.

Hearing Ji Rou's praise, Dai Li smiled confidently: "How about it? Will you fall in love with me when you see me so mature and beautiful?"

Jirou rolled her eyes again: "You have it, and so do I. What is it about you that makes me fall in love with you?"

Dai Li deliberately puffed up her chest: "I have it. Are you sure you have what I have?"

Ji Rou grabbed a pillow and threw it at Dai Li: "Dai Li, you don't hit people like this. I tell you, I'm still young, and I will grow up when I get to this age."

"That's true. With the help of Young Master Qin, it is really possible for you to grow again." Dai Li smiled and said, "But even if you are not like me, Young Master Qin doesn't mind it."

"Don't talk about your affairs." Dai Li doesn't face the problem seriously and always talks about it. Ji Rou has to take the initiative to bring the matter back. Tonight's matter must be solved at the root, otherwise Dai Li may still be in trouble in the future. Accidents will happen.

"What do I have to say?" Dai Li didn't want to mention it. There were some things that she would be afraid of for the rest of her life after experiencing them once. She didn't want to mention them again.

Ji Rou said: "Dai Li, I have no other meaning in asking you about what happened tonight. I just want to tell you that you are no longer alone, and you still have me as a friend. You have difficulties and need help." Don’t hold it on yourself anymore, you can always come to me.”

"Of course, if I encounter danger tonight, why don't I ask you to rescue me?" Dai Li still didn't want to say, and Ji Rou didn't want to ask any more questions. Maybe Dai Li had her own reasons, "Dai Li, what about you?" Rest, I’ll go back first.”

Seeing that Jirou was about to leave, Dai Li grabbed Jirou's hand: "Xiaorou, when I told you those words before, I also made a premise. The premise is that there is someone by your side who is willing to pamper you and love you. Only when you are weak can you act coquettishly. If you don't have this premise, then you have no qualifications for being weak, so you must have pity on the person who loves you, and never do anything you regret. "

"Dai Li, I know what to do, but what about you? Are you really not going to tell me what happened tonight?" Ji Rou gave her one last chance. If Dai Li didn't tell her, she would never ask again.

"I'm telling you, I'm telling you everything." Dai Li blinked, took a deep breath, controlled her emotions and then said slowly, "I thought I was dead tonight, I thought I would never see you again, I thought I would never see him again..." It was the person Xiao Xin lost.

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