My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1164: Extra chapter, once you have loved, it hurts only if you lose it

Chapter 1165: Extra chapter, once you have loved, it hurts only if you lose it

Ji Rou could feel that Dai Li was scared. She reached out and held Dai Li's hand tightly: "Dai Li, don't be afraid! Tell us and we will find a way to solve the problem, otherwise we will continue to be afraid."

Dai Li sighed: "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid anymore. I just feel that my life is as sad as a joke, no, more sad than a joke."

Jirou doesn't understand.

Dai Li smiled and said: "Last night, as usual, I went to Charming to drink, hoping to find a diamond king Lao Wu who I liked. But before I had two drinks, someone forced a bag of stuff into my eyes. In my arms, I was taken away by a group of men."

Dai Li said it easily, but Ji Rou was nervous when she heard it. She clenched her fists hard. If she had been there at that time, she would not have let those people kidnap Dai Li.

"The leading old man said that I accepted his gift and would be his tonight." Dai Li sneered, "If the man was handsome, I might not say anything. The key is that he is old and beautiful." It was ugly and had yellow teeth, which was really disgusting. Of course I refused to obey, so they gave me medicine and ended up in the hospital.”

Ji Rou said seriously: "Dai Li, if that old man wasn't ugly, would you really be willing to obey him?"

Dai Li: "I..."

Jirou interrupts her: "I know you will never do it. You are using this method to numb yourself and make yourself inferior. I warn you not to insult yourself again in the future."

Dai Li smiled and said, "Little girl, the longer you stay with your Mr. Qin, the more domineering you become."

"Don't talk about anything else and continue the topic." Jirou knocked on the table, "Listening to what you said, I think someone deliberately caused trouble for you tonight."

Dai Li nodded: "At first I thought it was an accident, but then I saw a person. The person who kidnapped me had a familiar face, someone I had met several times before."

Ji Rou was shocked: "Dai Li, if you think about it carefully, have you offended anyone?"

Dai Li shook her head and nodded: "I must have offended you... I can't escape in this life anyway. My fate has been determined. I am destined to die alone."

"Is that person the one you loved?" From Dai Li's pretended to be strong eyes, Ji Rou was almost certain that among the people who harmed people tonight, there must be someone Dai Li cares about.

"Haha..." Dai Li didn't answer, she smiled until she burst into tears.

yes! It’s because I once had love that it hurts so much when I lose my heart!

"Dai Li, you said people who don't care about you won't feel sorry for you, so stop torturing yourself for him. No matter how you torture yourself, he won't care." Ji Rou learned these truths from Dai Li It sounds like she used it on Dai Li today.

Dai Li smiled charmingly: "Who does it for him? I don't do it for him. I just want to find a sponsor for myself, so I don't have to work so hard in the future."

"You..." Dai Li was unwilling to take off her mask. Ji Rou said it was useless. She patted Dai Li and said, "If you want to drink from now on, just go to Liu Diandian's place. Don't go to Charming. That kind of place is not for us." Ordinary people can afford it.”

"Yeah, that kind of place is either rich or high-ranking officials... It's definitely not something we ordinary people can afford." Dai Li sighed. She had never been that person's opponent and couldn't beat him. It was him who suddenly appeared there. Being around her gave her fantasy, and it was his sudden departure that made her lose her heart.

They both know each other's existence, and both want the other to come back to them, but they are so stubborn that no one is willing to bow their head and admit defeat first. They are using their own methods to try to make the other surrender, but they don't know that this will only hurt both sides.

Haha, what are you thinking about? If you keep thinking about it, you will have insomnia again tonight. Dai Li shook her head to get rid of the ridiculous thoughts in her mind, and don't place thoughts on things that cannot be delusional.

It was already very late when I came out of the hospital.

Walking out of the hospital gate, Ji Rou looked up and saw Qin Yinze leaning on the car to smoke. She walked over and took off the cigarette for him: "Qin Yinze, you told me that drinking is harmful to my body and I am not allowed to drink. Then tell me I, does smoking harm your body?”

Qin Yinze rubbed her head and said with a smile, "silly girl, you actually know how to care about me."

"Who cares about you?" With someone seeing through her mind, Jirou's face turned red and she said harshly, "If you smoke next to me, I will inhale your second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke is more harmful to the body. I am older I don’t want to be poisoned by you.”

Precisely because he knew the dangers of second-hand smoke, he never smoked in front of her. He just didn't notice her coming and didn't put out the cigarette butt in time.

This girl is tough-talking and clearly cares about him, but she just doesn't want to admit it. Qin Yinze hugs her and says, "Well, in order not to poison you, I won't smoke anymore."

"Qin Yinze!" Ji Rou looked up at him and said very seriously, "Will you always be by my side? Will you suddenly leave me and run away one day?"

I didn't have such an omnipotent man around me before, and my life was pretty good. Now I have such a person around me, and I'm used to his care and omnipotence. If he suddenly disappears from his life, She would be very uncomfortable with it.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about?" Qin Yinze rubbed her head, "I haven't tortured you enough, how could I leave you behind."

"Hmph... I knew you didn't have good intentions for me!" She said this to him, but she smiled and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

What happened to Dai Li today would have been really tragic if he hadn't helped. Fortunately, he was here, otherwise not only would she not be able to save Dai Li today, but she might also get herself involved.

Now that she has Qin Yinze's super backer, she can be appropriately weak and be a little woman and let him protect her.

Seeing her bright and moving smile, Qin Yinze's Adam's apple twitched and he couldn't help but lower his head to kiss her. However, as soon as he got close, she pushed her away: "You have the smell of cigarettes in your mouth, so don't kiss me."

It really smelled like smoke, so Qin Yinze had to give up.

Seeing his disappointed eyes, Jirou felt that she had gone too far, and leaned into his arms again: "You can't kiss me, but you are allowed to hug me."

Qin Yinze hugged her and patted her back gently: "Okay, let's hug her. Let's go home first."

However, Jirou in his arms did not respond to him. He looked down and saw that Jirou had fallen asleep in his arms in such a short period of time: "Silly girl, you have been busy running around for others for most of the night. You said you are... It’s not stupid.”

She said that she had been busy for other people for most of the night, so why not him? He dislikes Dai Li very much. He has been busy with Ji Rou until now, and he doesn't have any complaints in his heart.

"Young Master Qin..." Ji Rou nestled in Qin Yinze's arms, nuzzled her like a kitten, and murmured, "You will always be by my side and be my big supporter."

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