My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1165: Extra chapter, beating him into a panda

Chapter 1166: Extra chapter, beating him into a panda

Qin Yinze enjoys being trusted and relied on by Jirou. When he hears her murmuring, it is him who calls him, and he subconsciously becomes much gentler when he puts her in the back seat of the car.

Putting her in the back seat of the car and lying down, Qin Yinze pinched her rosy and pink face: "Stupid woman, if you are obedient and don't cause trouble, don't make me unhappy and don't think about other men anymore." ...Then, I can consider being your supporter for the rest of my life and never let anyone hurt a hair of your head."

Maybe his hand was too heavy and it hurt Jirou a little. She frowned and raised her hand to pat his hand: "You bastard, you hurt me!"

Qin Yinze leaned close to her, bit her earlobe and whispered ambiguously: "Ji Xiaorou, tell me, who is the person who hurts you?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Ji Rou, who had been asleep, suddenly opened her eyes.

She stared at him with big watery eyes and asked softly and cutely: "Qin Yinze, do you have your own dedicated room in Charming?"

"Yes." Qin Yinze was stunned by the soft and cute voice of this crazy girl. Before he could figure out what she wanted to know, he nodded instinctively.

Hearing Qin Yinze's affirmative answer, Jirou sat up, grabbed his shirt collar, changed her cute image, gritted her teeth and said, "bastard, why do you have a dedicated room in a place like Charming? "

This stupid woman was so soft and cute just now, and now she suddenly transformed into a powerful little tigress.

Qin Yinze explained: "I used to go there occasionally to sit, and the person in charge of Charming left a room for me to rest."

Jirou grabbed his collar and asked fiercely: "If you go there to sit, do you need to reserve a special room for you? Do you think the charming room is free or something?"

Seeing this little woman like a little tigress who only wanted to eat people, Qin Yinze raised his lips and laughed in a low voice. Who knew that just as he laughed, Ji Rou hit her with a fist.

Ji Rou's attack was so cruel that as soon as she stopped her hand, Qin Yinze's right eye turned into a panda eye: "I'm asking you, why are you smiling? What's so funny? It's reserved for you over there. In the room, Pengshan also cleaned the woman and sent it to your bed..."

Thinking of this, Ji Rou felt that punching him would not relieve her anger, so she raised her hand and punched him in the chest again: "Qin Yinze, you bastard! You liar! You're so fucking dirty!"

After the two of them had sex for the first time, he told her that it was also his first time. Damn, he often went to places like Enchantment. His men also cleaned women and sent them to his bed. This man could still be clean. ?

Just thinking about it makes me angry!

If she could, she would throw this man into a frying pan and fry him before eating him, so that he would never become a man again and never harm women again.

Qin Yinze grabbed her hand and took her into his arms: "Jirou, stop making trouble! Be quiet and listen to me tell you what's going on."

Jirou struggles: "I don't listen. I don't listen. I don't listen to your sweet words. I won't be deceived by your sweet words again."

"You have to listen, and you have to listen if you don't." Qin Yinze grabbed her shoulders and asked her to look at him, "I used to sleep there alone and never found a woman. And Pengshan used to He has never sent a woman to my bed, last night was the first time.”

Ji Roucai didn't believe him: "Huh... you met me for the first time? So am I honored? Or maybe the ones I didn't meet before don't count?"

Qin Yinze's face darkened: "Ji Rou, calm down and think about it! If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. I don't need to lie to you."

"Qin Yinze, you really didn't lie to me?" Jirou sniffed. It was obvious that she was angry with him, and she was the one who beat him, but she pretended to be wronged by being bullied.

"No." Qin Yinze hugged her, "Jirou, if you don't believe it, I can show you all the previous surveillance."

Ji Rou hesitated and said: "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm..." She was afraid, afraid that one day he would suddenly get tired of her, afraid that he would disappear from her side without a sound.

"Jirou, I am your husband, you are my wife, and we are husband and wife. You should know that trust and loyalty between husband and wife are both important." Qin Yinze likes this stupid woman and is jealous, but her little volcano erupts They beat and scolded him and refused to let him get close, which was really overwhelming.

"I'm sorry!" When she hit him just now, Ji Rou was angry and hit him hard. Now that the anger has subsided, she felt really distressed when she saw the injury on his eyes. She reached out to touch him: "It hurts. "

Qin Yinze slapped her hand away: "If you let me punch you, you will know whether it hurts or not."

Ji Rou said dullly: "I'll ask Dr. Tong to wait at home. When I get back, I'll ask her to give you some medicine."

Although she doesn't like the way Dr. Tong looks at Qin Yinze, and she doesn't want Dr. Tong to take advantage of the opportunity to treat Qin Yinze to get close to him, but compared with these, Qin Yinze's injury is still the first priority, in case he There are three advantages and two disadvantages, and she will really become a little widow.

Before going home, Qin Yinze took the time to call Pengshan: "You stay in the icehouse for me, and you are not allowed to come out until I let you out."

Pengshan: "..."

What kind of trouble are you going to make, sir?

Didn't he already face the wall in the icehouse for two hours as punishment? Do you think punishing him is not enough?

Pengshan plucked up the courage to ask, but before the words came out, the person over there hung up the phone, so Pengshan, who had just come out of the icehouse not long ago, walked back to the icehouse.

Oh my God! O earth! Who can take pity on him?

Don’t ordinary men hope that their men will be smarter and send beautiful women to their beds? Why is his husband so different?

"Sir, this is..." I guessed that their husband was beaten, but Dr. Tong didn't dare to tell the truth.

While she was preparing the medicine, she was thinking about who had the guts to hit their husband.

Ji Rou came to Dr. Tong and asked, "Doctor Tong, is his injury serious?"

Dr. Tong said: "If it is any heavier, the eyeballs will be blown out. Isn't it serious... But don't worry, Miss Ji, I will use the best medicine for my husband."

"Doctor Tong, don't scare her." Qin Yinze, the injured person, spoke, "Just prepare the medicine and give it to her, and then tell her how to use it."

Dr. Tong: "No... sir, I am a professional doctor, it is up to me..."

"I said let her come." Qin Yinze emphasized that his injuries this time were caused by Ji Rou, a girl. He didn't let her treat his wounds. How could he deserve the injuries on his eyes.

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