My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1173: Extra chapter, her presence sets off him

Chapter 1174: Extra chapter, her presence sets off him

Jirou came with high hopes, thinking that she must help the two cute little guys find their eldest brother, but the people at the service center told her that the only owner here named Qin was Qin Yinze, and there was no other one.

Would you say you are disappointed?

The beautiful staff member said patiently and politely: "Miss Ji, even if you ask me a hundred times, I will still answer this. There is only one owner named Qin in the Xishan Villa area, and there is no owner named Simon Qin."

"Are you sure it's true?" Jirou stared at the young and beautiful staff member and suddenly thought of something, "Oh... did the owner ask you to keep it secret and not disclose it?"

Ji Rou thought that she would be out as soon as she came out, and the service staff was very helpless: "Miss Ji, it's not that we deliberately embarrass you, it's because there really is no Simon Qin here."

"Yes, yes... If you say there isn't one here, then there isn't one." They want to keep the owner secret, but Jirou can still understand their work, "You don't have to tell me, but can you quietly tell the owner named Simon Qin By the way, two of his younger brothers have run away from home behind their parents’ backs to look for him. If they can’t find him again, they will be very anxious.”

Having been pestered by Ji Rou for a long time, the staff still maintained a polite attitude: "Miss Ji, there really is no Simon Qin here. We don't know where to spread this. There is a child running away from home. I think the best way to call the police is to call the police." The most effective way.”

"Okay... you said no, maybe it really isn't." Jirou has been pestering the staff for nearly an hour, but the staff still insists that it's not, maybe it's really not.

It's just that the two little guys are definitely sure that their eldest brother lives here. Could it be that they remembered it wrong? Or maybe their eldest brother registered in a name other than his own?

Alas, why can't I figure it out? Ji Rou drooped her head. She couldn't accept this reality. What was she going to tell the two little guys in a while?

If she told them that she didn't find their eldest brother, the two of them would be very disappointed, and they would also be disappointed in her.

She didn't want to leave a bad impression in the minds of the two little guys at all. She wanted to be a hero and be a famous hero that they could admire.

Jingle Bell--

Who is so annoying? Calling at this time, annoying or not, Jirou didn't even look at it, put her hand in her pocket and hung up the phone: "No one is bothering me at this time!"

Not long after hanging up, the phone rang again. Ji Rou's head was almost buzzing. She was trying to figure out how to explain to the two little guys. How could she care about others.

But the ringing of the phone was really annoying. Jirou didn't want to be disturbed, so she had to take out her phone and saw that it was Qin Yinze calling. She felt as if she had seen a savior and was full of energy for an instant: "Young Master Qin, you The call came at the right time, and I want to ask you a question."

After calling her once, she didn't answer the phone. Qin Yinze thought she was in a mood again. He didn't expect that she was so happy to answer the phone. His voice unconsciously rose a little: "Tell me, what's the problem?"

Ji Rou said briefly: "Today I met two children looking for their relatives, but they couldn't contact their relatives and they didn't know where their relatives lived. How do you think I can help them?"

Qin Yinze: "Call the police and ask the police to help them find it."

Jirou waved her hand: "You can't call the police. You can think of another way for me."

"Then ask them if they have any photos of their relatives. Post the photos online and ask netizens to help you find them." Jirou said she couldn't call the police. Qin Yinze didn't ask why and immediately gave him a second plan. Anyway, she doesn't need a reason to do things, she just does what she likes.

"Yes, this method is simple, convenient and effective, but why didn't I think of it?" Young Master Qin is Young Master Qin. He is indeed better at thinking of solutions than she is. Let him be her think tank in the future.

Qin Yinze smiled softly: "Ji Xiaorou, when you think about things, you have to think with your [brain], not your [stomach]."

Jirou curled her lips: "Qin Yinze, you just dislike me for eating too much. If you dislike me for eating too much and can't support me, tell me clearly, don't hurt me."

Qin Yinze smiled again: "How could I dislike you eating too much? I accidentally discovered that you finally have some advantages that are good for me."

Ji Rou ignored his previous words that hurt her and remembered the word "advantage": "Tell me, what are the advantages?"

Qin Yinze's deep laughter came: "Your advantage is that you are stupid. You use your stupidity to show how smart I am."

"Qin Yinze, let me tell you, people like you are going to be single. I wish you the best and you will never be able to marry a wife in the next life." Jirou didn't want to quarrel with him, but his words were really annoying. Angry, she didn't scold him, but he thought she was easy to bully.

Her advantage is that she is stupid, and her stupidity brings out his intelligence. He is such a self-righteous man, and it is annoying no matter how you look at him.

I really want to step on him to death.

"Just kidding, don't be angry. It's noon time. Remember to have lunch." Although Ji Rou never forgets to eat, Qin Yinze still called in advance to remind her. He wanted to tell her that although he was not in Minluo City, he always cared about her.

"I don't have time for you to tease me. I still have my own things to do. Don't bother me by calling me if you have nothing to do!" Ji Rou was only thinking about how to help the two little guys find their brother, so she had no intention of talking to Qin Yin. Ze was wasting time here and hung up the phone without even saying goodbye.

Qin Yinze on the other end of the phone heard the beeping busy tone from the phone. He called to care about the woman. The woman actually told him not to bother her by calling her when he had nothing to do, and hung up the phone like this... Stupid woman, it seems It’s time to clean up again!

"Sir, this is the information you want." Su Qingyang knocked on the door and came in, handed the information to Qin Yinze, and said, "Mr. Ma has arrived at the hotel, and the afternoon negotiations can be carried out on time."

Qin Yinze raised his hand and looked at the time: "Advance the negotiation time with Mr. Ma to one o'clock in the afternoon. Arrange tomorrow's meeting for this afternoon."

"But sir, can your body handle such an intensive work arrangement?" Su Qingyang knew that Qin Yinze worked hard. He often worked for dozens of hours in a row, but after he had Ji Rou, this kind of Isn't the situation much better? Why do you suddenly have to work overtime again?

"Can't you handle this little work?" Qin Yinze gave Su Qingyang a half-smiling look. Su Qingyang had nothing to say and hurriedly went to arrange the work.

As soon as Su Qingyang left, Qin Yinze thought about a certain woman and smiled silently. The stupid woman was so brave. He had only been out for a day and she dared to go to Fang Tiwa.

She dared to dislike him, she dared to hang up on him. He had to finish his work in advance and return to Minluo City to take care of that little woman who needed to be taken care of.

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