My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1174 Extra chapter, beautiful but brainless

Chapter 1175: Extra chapter, beautiful but brainless

Ask the two little guys to hand over the photo of their eldest brother, and then send the photo to Minluo City's missing person website to search for him. As long as their eldest brother is in Minluo City, he will be able to find him.

Jirou was happily planning this matter in her mind as she rushed home. However, because she was running too fast and her attention was not on her feet, she tripped over something and stumbled, falling violently on the ground. This fall was even worse than that of the previous thief.

"Holy crap! Who did my aunt provoke?" Looking at the scratches on her elbows and her bitten lip, Ji Rou really wanted to cry.

She just wanted to help the two handsome guys find their relatives quickly. What did she do wrong? Is God going to punish her like this?

"Miss Ji, what are you doing?" Ji Rou happened to fall in her yard. Aunt Qiao rushed over immediately. Seeing the scratches on Ji Rou's body, Aunt Qiao was so worried that she burst into tears, "Hurry up and come in the house. Sit down, I'll call Dr. Tong to come over."

"Aunt Qiao, don't call me Dr. Tong. Just find some scratch medicine for this small injury and rub it for me." Although Dr. Tong seems to be knowledgeable, gentle and generous, Ji Rou always feels that she looks at Qin Yinze The look in her eyes was wrong, she didn't like Dr. Tong.

"Miss Ji, look at the skin on your elbow being worn off, can it still be a minor injury?" Aunt Qiao couldn't ignore this matter. For the first time, she ignored Ji Rou's objections and picked up the phone to call Dr. Tong.

Jirou didn't say much. No matter how unwilling she was to see Dr. Tong, she still had to see the wound. If the wound was infected or something, how could she help the two handsome boys find their elder brother.

Dr. Tong was as fast as usual, and he arrived in a few minutes carrying a medicine box.

While helping Ji Rou deal with the wounds, she said: "Miss Ji, these wounds are all skin injuries. Your wounds have a very good automatic recovery function when you are young. Scars will appear in two days, so the wounds will heal naturally. Of course, the premise is Don’t touch the water, you can’t get infected, otherwise your life may be in danger.”

"Yes, I remember." No matter how much she dislikes Dr. Tong in her heart, Jirou still has to be polite on the surface, "Doctor Tong, I'm troubling you again."

Dr. Tong said: "Ms. Ji, I think you may have misunderstood. I help you treat your wounds. I am not obligated to help you. I only receive my husband's salary and I just use the money to do things. There is no need for trouble."

"You're right. You get his salary. I'm his, so you should help me treat my wounds." Although Dr. Tong's words were quite impersonal, Ji Rou admitted that this was indeed the case, and she also I readily accepted it.

Unexpectedly, when Dr. Tong was applying medicine to Jirou, he suddenly pressed heavily on her wound, which made Jirou hiss in pain.

Before Ji Rou spoke, Dr. Tong spoke first: "Miss Ji, until the wound is completely healed, you'd better be safe these days and don't injure the wound like just now."

What did she do just now? Why doesn't she know?

Ji Rou looks at Dr. Tong. This woman has a gentle smile on her face, but this smile makes people feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it was her misunderstanding. Because she had a prejudice against Dr. Tong, she felt that Dr. Tong was not kind to her.

In the past, Jirou would have expressed her dissatisfaction with Dr. Tong, but after experiencing so many things, she was also learning to control her temper and learn to be patient.

"Aunt Qiao, my husband is not at home. You have to take good care of this home and don't cause anything to happen. It won't be you who will be unlucky then, and others will not be responsible." Before leaving, Dr. Tong also said this to Aunt Qiao. talk.

Jirou knew that Dr. Tong's words were deliberately told to her. It seemed that not only did she regard Dr. Tong as an imaginary enemy, but Dr. Tong also regarded her as an imaginary enemy.

But Ji Rou has no time to pay attention to Dr. Tong now. She is concerned about the two little guys at home who are looking for their eldest brother: "Aunt Qiao, I'll go up and see the two little guys."

Aunt Qiao warned: "Miss Ji, please slow down and don't bump into anything again."

Ji Rou smiled: "Aunt Qiao, don't worry, I can't do it anymore."

Maybe they were really tired of looking for their eldest brother. The two little guys were sleeping soundly on the bed. Someone sneaked into the room quietly without them noticing.

Zhan Limo's sleeping posture was similar to his usual personality, lying flat on the bed, as if this bed was mine and no one could snatch it from me.

"Little guy, you are so cute." Ji Rou pinched Zhan Limo's little face, "You are so cute, I really want to hide you two and raise them myself."

Ji Rou looks at Qin Yinjian again. Qin Yinjian's sleeping posture is upright, just like his cold appearance when he is awake, but his expression is much softer, especially his face is red, which makes him look particularly cute.

When he was awake, Jirou didn't have the courage to pinch his face. Now that he was asleep, Jirou had the courage to reach out and pinch his face.

This face is very elastic, just like QQ candy, and feels great... But, before Ji Rou let go of her hand, Qin Yinjian slowly opened his eyes and looked at the strange person in front of him indifferently. elder sister.

"Oh... Xiao Jane, you're awake!" Ji Rou quickly let go of her hand and pretended that nothing happened just now.

"Are you injured?" Qin Yinjian not only did not pursue Jirou for pinching his face, but also took the initiative to care about Jirou's injury. This was the first time in his young age that he cared about someone he had only met twice and was not considered acquaintance. stranger.

"I just accidentally scratched my skin a little bit, it's no big deal." Jirou's heart was so soft after being cared about by the cold and handsome boy. It is estimated that she will not refuse no matter what Qin Yinze asks now.

However, saying it's no big deal, Ji Rou really doesn't comfort Qin Yinjian. She has been fighting with others since she was a child. The more fights she gets, the more injuries she gets. Gradually, her skin becomes thicker, and a little flesh injury is not enough for her. Nothing.

Qin Yinjian didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, Xiao Jian, do you have a photo of your eldest brother?" As soon as she asked, she saw Qin Yinjian's defensive eyes. Ji Rou hurriedly explained, "Xiao Jian, that's it. My sister just went to the property management department. I asked there. They said that there was no one I was looking for in the Xishan Villa area, and our family was the only one with the surname Qin. There was no other family, so I thought of sending your eldest brother’s photo to Minluo City. Go online and let netizens help us find it, it should be faster.”

"Neither Qin Xiaozhan nor I have a photo of my eldest brother..." If he gave her his photo, he would be betrayed immediately, and he wouldn't be so stupid.

However, he felt that the beautiful young lady in front of him, who was almost praised to the heavens by Zhan Limo, also had the shortcomings that many women have - she is pretty but has no brains.

The staff at the service office told him that there was only one owner named Qin in the Xishan Villa area, and he and Zhan Limo's aliases were also named Qin, but she didn't even have any doubts.

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