My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1175 Extra chapter, too stupid to bear to be bullied

Chapter 1176: Extra chapter, too stupid to bear to be bullied

But, coming back to it, although this beautiful young lady is not smart enough, she is still quite lovable due to her stupidity.

If it weren't for her, they wouldn't have known that their eldest brother lived here so quickly.

Jirou, who didn't know that the little guy had despised her deeply in her heart, was still trying to express herself: "Xiao Jian, can you tell sister what your eldest brother looks like? Sister probably knows what he looks like. , I’ll find a skilled painter to draw him, and then issue a missing person notice.”

"My eldest brother..." Qin Yinjian thought for a while and gave the answer, "My eldest brother is as good-looking as me."

Qin Yinjian has learned painting from his mother since he was a child. In addition, he is talented and intelligent and can learn everything quickly. He is not yet twelve years old and has already painted various portraits with style.

Among portraits, he is especially good at painting the portrait of his eldest brother Qin Yinze.

Because there were too few photos of his eldest brother at home, he had to draw them by himself when he missed his eldest brother. The more he drew, the better he drew, but he couldn't tell Jirou these things.

He previously learned from Qiao Aunt's words that Qiao Aunt had been working here for more than three years and she didn't even know about his existence. It seemed that the eldest brother had never mentioned him to outsiders.

The eldest brother has not mentioned his younger brother to outsiders, and it is very likely that he will not be willing to admit him...

Thinking that his eldest brother might not want to see him, Qin Yinjian was very sad, but he still didn't want to embarrass his eldest brother. He planned to wait until he saw his eldest brother to see what he said before he decided whether to reveal his identity to Ji Rou, so now he had to first He used a perfunctory answer to deal with Jirou.

After hearing this, Ji Rou not only had no doubts, but also looked like she suddenly realized: "Yes, your eldest brother must look somewhat similar to us. How could I be so stupid and not think of it?"

She had this reaction... Qin Yinjian said silently in his heart that she was indeed a naive and stupid sister. He couldn't bear to deceive her anymore.

Jirou added: "Xiao Jian, can sister take a photo of you?"

"Sister, he doesn't look good in photos, so you can take photos of me." Zhan Limo woke up at some point and rolled into Jirou's arms, holding Jirou in his arms, "My eldest brother looks more like me. "

"Sister, let me take pictures of both of you." Ji Rou wants to take pictures of them, not just to find a big brother for them. She also wants to leave two pictures. She and Qin Yinze will take these pictures when they create people in the future. Come, the child born will be beautiful.

"Okay, okay..." Zhan Limo tugged on Qin Yinjian's sleeves, "Let's take a group photo."

Qin Yinjian was not very willing to take pictures, but he did not refuse. He cooperated obediently with Zhan Limo. The two of them took a group photo and then took a single photo respectively.

After getting the photo of the little guy, Ji Rou used photo software to process it, and processed the photo of Zhan Limo into a man in his twenties. Not to mention that this guy looks good when he grows up.

Jirou uses communication software to send the processed photos to the prince, and asks the prince to help her send them online to find people.

"Boss, even if you say that you are a good young mistress, you still take on all these bad things every day. Do you think you are a saint?" The prince promised to help Jirou, but he did not forget to nag a few words.

Ji Rou said: "What do you know? Find someone for me and don't talk so much nonsense."

The prince said: "You should be a good person, and I will do the hard work. You can't let me complain anymore."

Ji Rou said, "You can vomit if you want. I'm hanging up."

Prince: "Wait a minute! When I help you find someone, you can treat me to a drink."

"Forget it about drinking. I'll treat you to a big dinner. It's up to you to choose the restaurant in Minluocheng." Ji Rou didn't forget to promise Qin Yinze not to drink anymore. If she breaks the habit again, he probably won't let her off lightly.

The prince was dissatisfied: "He is really a guy who values ​​sex over friends."

"Do your job well, and if you keep being wordy, I'll cut off your tongue." After threatening the prince, Jirou hung up the phone. When she turned around, she saw two little guys looking at her with wide eyes behind her.

Damn it! Damn it! She is a gentle and beautiful big sister in front of the two little guys, but they must not let them hear her being so fierce: "Xiao Zhan, Xiao Jian, you..."

Zhan Limo is such an elf. He can tell what she is worried about at a glance. He resolves Jirou's embarrassment with one sentence: "Sister, I want to watch a movie. Can you watch the movie with me?"

"Okay, okay..." It seems that they didn't hear what they shouldn't have heard. Jirou patted her chest quietly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the two of them, they were only eleven or twelve years old. Ji Rou found a cartoon. While watching the movie, Ji Rou watched it with gusto, but the two little guys had no interest at all.

They have already seen such childish movies, and they now prefer the genre of science fiction adventure.

But the two little guys were sensible and didn't say anything to anyone. They watched the whole movie with Ji Rou.

Coming out of the home theater, Zhan Limo took Ji Rou's hand and said, "Sister, we have watched the movie. Can you agree to my pursuit?"

Qin Yinjian glanced over, and it seemed that someone was not afraid of death and started to commit suicide.

Ji Rou pinched his face: "Little guy, can you think of something you should think about at your age?"

Zhan Limo puffed out his chest: "Qin Xiaobao said that boys should consider finding a girlfriend early, otherwise all the good girls will be snatched away by others."

Ji Rou was amused by him and laughed: "Yes, yes... that's the truth, but..."

Before Ji Rou finished speaking, Zhan Limo took her hand and rubbed it on her face: "Sister, you like me, I like you, we even watched a movie together, I thought we were already boyfriend and girlfriend It’s over.”

Ji Rou pinched his face and cooperated: "Okay, okay, then we are boyfriend and girlfriend."

Qin Yinjian coughed lightly and reminded the child not to be too presumptuous, otherwise he would not know how his butt blossomed.

Accompanied by two handsome boys, Ji Rou felt that the day passed very quickly, and it felt like it was dinner time in the blink of an eye.

Jirou asked the two little guys what they liked to eat. Unexpectedly, their tastes were very similar to Qin Yinze's. This was convenient for Aunt Qiao, who asked her to cook some of their husband's favorite dishes.

At the dinner table, Qin Yinjian sat alone, and Zhan Limo squeezed in next to Ji Rou, saying that he wanted to take care of his girlfriend.

Just when they were having a good time, Qin Yinze, who had finished his work ahead of schedule, arrived home.

In order to punish Ji Rou, he told no one about his return. When she saw him entering the house, Aunt Qiao knew that he was back: "First, sir... you are back."

"What happened?" Seeing Aunt Qiao's surprise, Qin Yinze instinctively thought of Ji Rou, "Ji Rou is in trouble again?"

"No, no..." Aunt Qiao didn't know whether taking in two handsome boys was considered causing trouble. She pointed to the restaurant, "Miss Ji is still eating."

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