My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1176 Extra chapter, the three brothers meet each other

Chapter 1177: Extra chapter, three brothers meet each other

"Well, go and do your business. I didn't tell you not to come over." After explaining to Aunt Qiao, Qin Yinze strode to the restaurant. He couldn't wait to "take care of" the stupid woman who thought he was troublesome.

"Sister, you look so thin. You should eat more and make yourself fat. That way you will be more popular."

"Haha...who taught you these words?"

A short distance away from the restaurant, a childish voice chatting with Ji Rou came out and reached Qin Yinze's ears. Qin Yinze was shocked when he heard: "Xiao Limo?"

No, it's impossible. He shook his head and shook away the thoughts in his mind. How could that little thing at the end of Zhan Liming appear in his home? He must have been thinking too much recently and had auditory hallucinations.

Although he knew that the possibility of Zhan Limo showing up at his home was zero, Qin Yinze still walked quickly to the restaurant without sleeping.

He came to the restaurant in a few steps, stood at the door and took a look inside. At this glance, he once again thought that he was dazzled. People eating in the restaurant were not only Zhan Limo but also the man who was as tall as his father at a young age. Cold little Yinjian.

Are they really these two little guys? Was it really them or was he mistaken? Qin Yinze was worried that he was dreaming, so he reached out and pinched his thigh childishly.

It hurts!

It meant that he was not dreaming, the two little guys were really in front of him.

It's them! Those two adorable little guys!

At this moment, three people in the restaurant noticed the person who appeared at the door of the restaurant, and they looked over at the same time.

Seeing that it was Qin Yinze, Ji Rou smiled slightly. Just as she was about to say something, she saw two small figures flying towards Qin Yinze like two unstringed arrows: "Brother..."

The two little guys rushed to Qin Yinze's side, each holding his arm and hanging on Qin Yinze's body like two little bears: "Brother, we miss you so much!"

Qin Yinjian was originally worried that his eldest brother would not want to see him, and planned to wait until his eldest brother came back to see his face before deciding whether to reveal his identity. However, when he saw his eldest brother, all those thoughts were thrown out of his mind. He just wanted to invest in In the arms of his elder brother, let him hug him, just like he did when he was a child.

"Brother, big brother..." He hung on Qin Yinze's body and shouted excitedly. Where could he see the shadow of aloofness? At this moment, he was just a child. A brother who liked him would act coquettishly and cutely. child.

Qin Yinze was surprised and happy at the sudden visit of the two little guys. He hugged the two little ones and turned around: "Little guys, tell big brother, why are you two here?"

"Because I missed my eldest brother, I came to see him." Zhan Limo wanted to speak, but Qin Yinjian, who had always been described as cold and cold, took away the right to speak, which made Zhan Limo look dissatisfied.

After saying that, Qin Yinjian still rubbed hard in Qin Yinze's arms: "Brother, I want you to hug me and hold me in circles like you did when you were a child."

"How's that going? Now that you two are almost as tall as the eldest brother, the eldest brother may not be able to hold you." That's what Qin Yinze said, but Qin Yinze didn't stop. He held one in each hand and held the two little ones in his arms. The guy picked them up and turned them around a few times, just like he did when he was a child. Even if they grew taller, he could still hold them without any effort.

For a moment, Qin Yinze only felt that he was having a dream. The dream went back to a few years ago, when he returned home to a good time when two little kids of slightly older age pestered him every day.

When Qin Yinjian and Zhan Limo were born one year apart, Qin Yinze was already a boy of sixteen or seventeen.

Qin Yinjian has been particularly attached to his elder brother since he could walk. When he was a child, he often clamored to sleep with him.

As the elder brother in the family, Qin Yinze has always played his identity very well. Taking care of his younger brothers and sisters after studying and working is also part of his life. He teaches them reading and literacy, teaches them martial arts, and takes them to play together...

Therefore, the two younger brothers who grew up with him especially admired him. In the little guy's heart, he always felt that his elder brother was an omnipotent giant. At one time, his elder brother surpassed his father's status in his heart.

"Brother, I miss you the most." Zhan Limo never wanted to be the one ignored, especially in front of his eldest brother. He didn't want Qin Yinjian to steal the limelight.

"Well, eldest brother knows." Qin Yinze put the two of them down and pinched their faces respectively. "First tell eldest brother honestly, how did you get here?"

"Brother, I..." Qin Yinjian, who has always been smart, calm and cold, shed two tears in her red eyes, "I just miss you so much, so I came out to find you behind my parents' back."

When Qin Yinze ran away from home, Qin Yinjian was actually the saddest one. However, the little guy was restrained in his emotions and did not express his sadness.

Now I finally see the brother I have admired since childhood. He is really happy. This happiness seems to have broken a certain string in his heart. The little guy who rarely sheds tears actually sheds tears and looks at Qin pitifully. Yinze: "Brother, can you stop leaving me alone?"

"Little guy, how come big brother doesn't care about you?" Qin Yinze gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Qin Yinjian's eyes, hugged him into his arms, "big brother will always be your big brother."

He never wanted to leave the little guy alone, but the things that happened in the past made him have no courage to stay in the Qin family anymore... He also wanted to prove himself that he could live a good life without the Qin family.

Facts have proved that his career has developed very well after leaving the Qin family, but he knows that every night in the dead of night, he will miss that family, what the people in that family are doing, and whether they will miss him...

"Really?" Qin Yinjian shed tears, but smiled in surprise, "Brother, you really won't leave me alone? I can come over to see you as long as I want you?"

"Of course!" Qin Yinze rubbed his little head, "Big brother's home is your home, you can come at any time."

"But brother..." Brother, why didn't you tell others about our existence? Qin Yinjian wanted to ask this question, but he swallowed it back in his stomach. As long as the eldest brother is still his eldest brother, as long as he misses him anytime in the future. Everyone can come to see Big Brother, and other things are not important at all.

"Wow..." Zhan Limo, who was ignored by his elder brother, suddenly cried at the top of his voice, "Brother, you only want him and you don't care about me. I'm so sad, I'm so sad."

Qin Yinze said in a deep voice: "At the end of the war, if you play again, I will throw you out!"

At the end of the war, his crying stopped suddenly, and he looked at Qin Yinze with wide eyes and aggrieved face: "Brother, who told you to ignore me!"

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