My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1177 Extra chapter, ignored by the three brothers

Chapter 1178: Extra chapter, ignored by the three brothers

Qin Yinze poked his little head and chuckled: "You, you are still reasonable."

At the end of the war, he flattened his mouth and said aggrievedly: "Qin Yinjian cried, and you wiped his eyes gently for him. Not only did you not help me wipe my tears when I cried, but you were also cruel to me,, you don't love me."

Qin Yinze smiled and said, "You can shed tears, and my elder brother will help you wipe them away."

At the end of the war: "..."

He was pretending to cry, but of course there were no tears.

If his eldest brother hadn't ignored him, why would he have faked crying? He pretended to cry because he wanted to get more attention, and didn't want Qin Yinjian, the scheming little guy, to steal his limelight, but he failed in his performance, which was so sad.

"You, what did you learn from your mother all day long?" Qin Yinze shook his head. He was convinced by his little aunt, and he didn't know what thoughts she instilled in her children all day long.

"Wow...Brother, you also think Qin Xiaobao won't learn well in one day. Hehe, I think so too, and so does Old Man Zhan." Zhan Limo was very happy when he thought that there was another person standing in their formation. Jumping around.

Qin Yinjian, who has always been talkative, also wanted to express himself well in front of his elder brother: "Brother, I studied hard, practiced Taekwondo seriously, and practiced calligraphy seriously... As long as my elder brother taught me, I didn't fall behind in anything. "

Qin Yinze said with satisfaction: "Our Xiaojian has always been so good and never made people worry... But Xiaojian, have fun when it's time to play, relax occasionally, and don't put too much pressure on yourself, you know?" "

The children of the Qin family have inherited their father's high IQ, and learning has never been a problem for them. They often skip grades. The young Qin Yinjian has now completed high school.

Just because you are so good, if you make a small mistake one day, the psychological gap will be particularly large.

Qin Yinze doesn't want his younger brother to carry too much burden, and hopes that he will have a happy childhood of his own.

Qin Yinjian nodded cutely: "I will listen to whatever the elder brother says."

"Brother, I also study hard. I can't make much progress this year..." Zhan Li is smart, but he no longer focuses on studying and often fails exams. This is very different from Qin Yinjian, but the Qin family and The Zhan family doesn't think that only good academic performance of their children means they are outstanding. They give their children enough freedom to make their own choices.

If you like to study, they will provide the best learning conditions. If he likes to play, they will let him have fun too. Healthy and happy growth is their pursuit.

Qin Yinze nodded: "Well, our Xiao Limo is also great!"

Qin Yinze praised Zhan Limo, but Qin Yinjian was very unconvinced: "Zhan Limo, are you sure you have studied hard? I think you are learning how to pick up young ladies."

At the end of Zhan Li's life, his face flushed with anxiety: "Qin Yinjian, you are talking nonsense, I..."

Qin Yinze interrupted them: "Okay, okay... don't talk about each other. The two brothers should get along well. Let's go to eat. When we are full, the eldest brother will have a good chat with you."

Seeing the two little guys, Qin Yinze was in a good mood, so good that he forgot the main purpose of coming back today.

"Okay." It was rare for the two little guys to be so united and responded together. They stood on the left and right sides of Qin Yinze, holding his arm with one hand and walking how he walked.

Qin Yinze sat down, and they sat on his left and right sides respectively, like two dog-skin plasters attached to his body, which could not be shaken off. Of course, Qin Yinze was reluctant to get rid of them.

The three brothers sat down and were about to eat. Then they noticed that there was a fourth person on the table, who was forgotten by the three brothers - classmate Ji Xiaorou.

Classmate Ji Xiaorou glared at the chicken drumstick in her hand fiercely: "Huh huh, no matter how big or small, are indeed animals that cannot be trusted. They may say sweet words, but then turn around and forget them."

Thinking of these three people meeting, she forgot about her. She greeted Qin Yinze, and Qin Yinze didn't ignore her. She felt so sad and wronged... She was the one who should cry the most today. OK?

Things that make Ji Rou even more sad and aggrieved are yet to come. She has expressed her dissatisfaction in words. Everyone should care about her.

But...but no, no one paid attention to her. The three brothers should be eating and chatting. It was as if she was transparent in front of them and no one could see her existence.

"Brother, you eat this."

Ji Rou saw Qin Xiaojian, who was so aloof in front of her and unwilling to say a word, gave Qin Yinze a piece of food, not to mention how cute he looked.

"Brother, you eat this, this one is more delicious."

When Ji Rou sees Qin Xiaozhan, who has been surrounding her and keeps saying that he will chase her when he grows up, he also picks up vegetables for Qin Yinze, one after another.

She has not enjoyed these "benefits", why should Qin Yinze enjoy them exclusively?

In order to help these two little guys find their big brother today, she was thinking of ways here and there, running here and there, and even injured herself... She tried so hard to please the two little guys, but the little guys were in their way. As soon as the big brother appeared, she completely forgot about her efforts.

Big brother?

Qin Yinze is their eldest brother?

Jirou, who had been dazed for a day by the beauty of the two little guys, finally woke up. This means that it is very likely that the two little guys knew where their eldest brother was when they heard the name Qin Yinze. But they didn't tell her and made her run around trying to find Big Brother for them.

Woohoo...she is so pitiful, she was tricked by two baby dolls.

"I won't eat!" Jirou was very angry. She had to express her dissatisfaction, but the three brothers still ignored her. They took the food to each other and ate happily.

It seems that she is really the redundant one. Jirou puts down her chopsticks and returns to her room in frustration. She feels as bored as she wants in her heart. It feels so uncomfortable to be ignored.

She picked up the phone and called the prince: "Prince, have you posted the post you were asked to post today?"

The prince said: "Boss, you don't believe in my ability to do things. When have I ever delayed in doing the things you asked me to do?"

Ji Rou said dullly: "Then delete the post. The person has been found."

The prince added: "It seems that the netizens of our Minluo City Person Searching Network are really powerful. They found the person not long after my post was posted."

The prince misunderstood, and Jirou didn't explain, and she couldn't explain. She didn't want to admit that she was fooled by two children. In front of the prince, she had to pay more attention to her status as "boss".

After hanging up the phone, Ji Rou went to the bathroom and wanted to take a bath, but the abrasions on her body couldn't touch the water... Sigh... Ji Rou was even sadder when she saw these wounds on her body.

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