My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1180 Extra chapter, I can only bully others

Chapter 1181: Extra chapter, I can only bully others

"You are such a big man, how could I not see you?" Qin Yinze pressed her into his arms and began to ask for his rights, "It's just who made you find me annoying."

"Qin Yinze, just talk and don't move your hands." Ji Rou grabbed his moving hand, "I'm telling you, let's have a good chat today to avoid misunderstandings in the future."

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" She promised well. One of Qin Yinze's hands was grabbed by her, and the other hand started to move again. Anyway, his wife was in her arms, so he had to take advantage of it.

"You know more or less about my family situation." Ji Rou feels that if Qin Yinze wants to be honest with her, she must also be honest with him. She is always on guard against him, so naturally he can't tell her everything. Relationships are all mutual.

"Yeah, I know." Jirou suddenly mentioned family, her expression was quite serious, Qin Yinze didn't mess around anymore, he lay next to her and listened to her carefully.

"You heard all that from others. I'll tell you today myself." Jirou moved her body slightly so that she could look at him levelly. "My parents gave birth to a child. I just gave birth to a child." They have placed high hopes on me since I was born. My father is Ji Houkun, the founder of Qianshui Company. Qianshui Company has been his lifelong endeavor. He regards Qianshui Company as important as his own life. He works hard to manage Qianshui Company. After ten or twenty years of hard work, Qianshui Company finally gained some fame and status in Minluo City."

Qin Yinze knows Qianshui Company very well, even better than Ji Rou. He understands how Ji Houkun made his fortune, the operating conditions of Qianshui Company over the years, and even who Ji Houkun is as a person.

To be honest, after Ji Houkun's death, Ji Chendong was able to bring Qianshui Company to a halt in such a short period of time, which had a lot to do with Qianshui Company's original poor business model.

Jirou added: "My dad is not only a good boss, he is also a good father. He devotes himself to his work during working hours and takes good care of my mother and me when he comes home. My mother started a business with my father back then. Later, because of I was so tired that I stretched my body, so I rested at home.”

"Well." Qin Yinze didn't interrupt, and reached out to hold Ji Rou's hand to show that he was by her side.

"A few months ago, my father was framed by Ji Chendong's gang of idiots and died in a car accident. Those idiots wanted to swallow up Qianshui Company, but they also attacked me..." Ji Rou rubbed herself in Qin Yinze's arms. He said, "You are involved in the rest of the matter, so I won't say more."

Regarding the fact that her father was framed and died in a car accident, Ji Rou spoke calmly, but Qin Yinze knew that she was not as relaxed as she seemed. She would still be sad when she thought of her father's death, but as she grew up, she gradually learned To hide one's emotions.

Qin Yinze still didn't say anything, but just slightly increased the strength of his arms to let her know that he was by her side and that he was a strong chest that she could rely on in the future.

"You should know very well about me. I am what you see. I can eat, sleep, jump, fight, and scold... Anyway, in my life, I can only bully others, and I cannot let others bully me. Who can If he offends me, I will blow up his ancestral graves." Ji Rou glared at Qin Yinze, "Including you!"

Yes, she was just such a stupid girl who could eat, sleep, dance, hit, and scold...she seemed to have no redeeming qualities, but it was precisely this kind of her that made him get stuck in it and couldn't extricate himself.

"Then I have to tell you that I happen to be such a person. In my life, I can only bully others, and it will never be others' turn to bully me." Qin Yinze pinched her face, "You... …"exception!

Qin Yinze didn't say the word "exception". Ji Rou naturally couldn't hear it. She raised her fist and punched him in the chest: "Qin Yinze, let's wait and see who bullies whom."

Jirou hit him. Instead of being angry, Qin Yinze grabbed her little fist and kissed it: "Classmate Ji Xiaorou, do you want to compete now to see who bullies whom?"

"Beast!" His eyes were extremely evil, and Jirou knew what he meant by bullying at a glance. "I told you all about my situation, and now it's your turn to tell me."

Jirou talked about things at home, but did not mention Xiang Lingfeng. That immature relationship has become a thing of the past. She feels that let the past things go, and they should all look forward to the future.

But she didn't know that Qin Yinze had known Xiang Lingfeng for a long time and had interacted with him.

"My family has more members than yours." Qin Yinze rubbed her head, "If you tell me carefully, I might not be able to finish it in one night. Are you sure you won't doze off?"

"You just said that I wouldn't doze off for two nights." He never seriously mentioned to her who there were in his family, which made Ji Rou, who had always been curious about who "Mr. Qin" was, full of curiosity. , how could she doze off.

Qin Yinze said: "My family has grandparents, mom and dad, my aunt's family of three, and my younger brothers and sisters. My younger sister is more than one year older than you, and my younger brother is the little brother you have met."

"Qin Yinze, your sister is older than me. You are really an old cow eating young grass. You have to be nicer to me in the future, otherwise I won't take care of you when you get old." That's what he said, but In her heart, Ji Rou envies Qin Yinze for having so many brothers and sisters.

When she was a child, she really wanted to have a younger sibling, but she heard that her mother was in poor health and it was difficult to get pregnant, so she was never able to give her a younger sibling, and she became the only child in the family.

"Jirou, I'm telling you this, is this the conclusion you've come to?" Who is this woman? She must be filled with mud instead of brains.

"Am I wrong?" Although she really envied him for having younger brothers and sisters, she didn't want to tell him, otherwise he would show off in front of her in the future. This man is so shameless, she knows it.

Qin Yinze: "..."

I don’t want to talk to her anymore.

Ji Rou hugged his arm and shook: "Young Master Qin, please tell me about your father, Mr. Qin. I want to know about the Qin who became the number one man in Minluo City in just three years. Sir, does he have three heads and six arms?"

The "Mr. Qin" she wanted to ask about was lying next to her. She could take a closer look to see if he had three heads and six arms... But Qin Yinze just didn't want to clarify. If she wanted to misunderstand, just let her continue to misunderstand. .

Jirou acts coquettishly and cutely: "Young Master Qin, don't be angry. Tell me quickly."

Qin Yinze glanced at her: "My father doesn't have three heads and six arms, but he is definitely a wizard in the business world. No one can break the various investment records he broke in the business world."

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