My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1181: Extra chapter, getting to know each other

Chapter 1182: Extra chapter, friendship with each other

"Business wizard, this word is used well." Ji Rou said excitedly, "Master Qin, let me tell you, in just three years, he became the number one figure in Minluo City. This is something we have never had in Minluo City. You My father, Mr. Qin, is really amazing.”

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think the Mr. Qin rumored in Minluo City is great?"

Jirou: "Didn't I make it obvious enough to make you think of someone else?"

Qin Yinze: "No, you made it very clear."

Ji Rou thought of another thing, "Qin Yinze, you told me that your father loves your mother very much... Then I think your father is not as perverted as the legend says."

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "Only a child with no IQ like you would believe any rumors."

"Are you uncomfortable if you don't make me worthless?" Ji Rou glared at him and said, "Mr. Qin is not as perverted as the rumors say, so why don't you go out and clarify?"

Although she hasn't met the legendary Mr. Qin yet, Ji Rou has already met Mr. Qin's two sons. With such an outstanding son, the father shouldn't be a wretched person, otherwise how can he educate such outstanding children? Woolen cloth.

When Ji Rou first heard the rumors about Mr. Qin, she was very disgusted with this man. Now that she knows a little about Mr. Qin, she is about to become Mr. Qin's little crush: "Young Master Qin, please follow me more quickly. Tell me something and let me know how your family is doing.”

"Do you want to hear about my family's situation, or do you just want to hear about Mr. Qin?" Although he knew that the Mr. Qin Ji Rou was calling was him, Qin Yinze was still a little jealous.

"You are more stingy than me. It's not all because of you that I care about them. If they had nothing to do with you, I wouldn't bother to care about them." Ji Rou blurted out these words without thinking, not knowing what was happening to her. How shocked Qin Yinze was to his ears.

Qin Yinze also expressed his shock in the most direct way, lowering his head and kissing her lips.

His kiss came quickly and overbearingly, as if he wanted to suck away Jirou's soul. Jirou struggled at first, but soon she collapsed in his arms and could only let him hold her and nibble on her.

I don't know how long it took, but Ji Rou felt that it had been a lifetime before Qin Yinze finally let her go.

After getting "relief", Jirou gasped for air and finally managed to catch her breath. She was hugged by Qin Yinze again, which scared her so much that she yelled: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Yinze smiled harmlessly: "Aren't you asking me why Mr. Qin didn't clarify?"

Jirou: "Then you should speak carefully and don't mess around."

"The more you clarify some things, the more enthusiastic the rumor makers will be. If you ignore them, few people will pay attention to them when the popularity subsides." In fact, this is not the real reason why Qin Yinze does not clarify. Regarding Mr. Qin being old and perverted, It was he who had people spread the rumors. The purpose was to drive away those Yingying Yanyan and not cause trouble to his private life. How could he clarify it.

"That's right." Jirou nodded in agreement, believing it to be true.

"My family is very good. My father is in business and the business has always been good. My mother has her own studio and is running it well. My sister is married, my brother is still young, and my grandfather is taking care of himself at home...only my grandmother passed away a few months ago. " Qin Yinze still feels distressed when he mentions his grandma. He regrets that he let Ji Rou run away and failed to fulfill the old man's last wish before his death. But the matter has passed, and Qin Yinze will not talk to Ji Rou in advance, not wanting her to feel guilty.

"Your grandma should love you very much." From his tone, Jirou could feel that he missed her grandma.

"Yes, grandma loves me very much." Qin Yinze held Jirou's hand and touched the jade bracelet she wore on her wrist. "Grandma hoped that I would get married soon, but I couldn't wear it before she died. The wife went back to see her... This jade bracelet was a gift from grandma to her granddaughter-in-law. "

"Grandma gave this to me... Really, why didn't you tell me earlier?" It was because he didn't tell her that she always thought this jade bracelet was too ugly and wanted to sell it every day.

Qin Yinze asked: "Do you like it?"

"Of course I like the gift my grandma gave me." Jirou held up the jade bracelet and looked at it carefully. She thought it was ugly no matter how she looked at it before, but now she knows it was a gift from Qin Yinze's deceased grandma to her grandson's wife. No matter how she looked at it, she thought it was ugly. It looks good, "Fortunately I didn't sell it."

Qin Yinze: "Have you ever thought about selling it?"

"I just thought about it, but I didn't dare." She knew that he would deal with it if she sold it, so she only thought about it and didn't dare to take action for several months. Now she's glad she didn't sell it, otherwise she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Jirou, come home with me during your winter vacation and Spring Festival." After all, he said these words. The time for her to agree was obviously very short, but he felt it was so long.

"Qin Yinze, are you sure you want to take me back to see your family?" For her, taking her back to see her family means that he truly regards her as his own family, which is better than the marriage book they both received. The certificate is even more meaningful.

"you are not willing?"

"How could it be?" She was already his wife, how could she not want to go home with him.

He wanted to meet his family and hope they would accept her and like her.

Listen to her promise. Qin Yinze changed the topic: "If you want to go back with me, you should behave better in the past few months and don't cause trouble, otherwise..."

Ji Rou cried out: "Qin Yinze, I'm wrong, you invited me back to your home to have a look. Why does it seem like I'm begging you to take me back to your home now?"

Qin Yinze: "What's the difference between the two?"

Ji Rou: "Of course it's different."

Qin Yinze: "What's the difference?"

"Just...ummm...what are you doing? Don't kiss me if you don't agree with me, okay?" After finally pushing him away, Ji Rou glared at him fiercely, "Qin Yinze, don't mess around when I'm talking about business. Come, or I'll be rude to you."

"what do you want to say?"

"Do you still have our marriage certificate?" He was about to take her home, and she couldn't do nothing.

"What? You still want to tear up the marriage certificate for fun?"

"Who wants to tear up the marriage certificate with you?" Ji Rou rolled her eyes at him, "Do you still have one? It's the legal and valid one."

"Ji Xiaorou, what do you want to do?" Of course, but he had to guard against this girl in case she went crazy again and tore up the marriage certificate for fun.

"Give it to me tomorrow morning. I can use it."

"What's the use?"

"It's useful. Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I don't trust you."

"You said that husband and wife should trust each other, and you said you don't trust me."

"I'll trust you for once."

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