My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1183 Extra chapter, JI ROU, I LOVE Y...

Chapter 1184: Extra chapter, JI ROU, I LOVE Y...

The envelope contained an unsealed photo. In the photo, the girl sitting under the grapevine and basking in the sun was Ji Rou.

Ji Rou never remembered taking such a photo, but she looked quite good-looking in the photo. She was wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, with her long hair tied into a high ponytail. The golden sunlight shone on her body and she looked pretty. It has a somewhat literary and fresh style.

The more Jirou looks at it, the more she likes it. When she is about to put the photo back in the envelope, she realizes that there are two lines of words written on the back of the photo - In my heart, you can shine with the sun and the moon. JIROU, ILOVEYOU!

"Small, you have made me worthless every day. Now I am not willing to praise you." Jirou put the photo on her chest, as happy as if she had fallen into a honey pot, "Why don't I love you?" You, Young Master Qin, can write such disgusting words. Huh... do you think you can coax me into thinking with these two sweet words?

Although she said she wouldn't accept Young Master Qin's behavior, Ji Rou was already thinking about whether to send a card to Young Master Qin as well. He has confessed his love to her, she should express her love to him.

Forget it, he didn't tell her that he liked her in person, he just sent her a photo and it made her dizzy. How excited would she be if he confessed to her in person in the future.

From beginning to end, Ji Rou never seriously thought about what if this photo was not given to her by Master Qin.

"Boss, what did you get?" The prince and the monkey who bought water came back.

"There's nothing." Jirou put the envelope in her bag and said, "Prince, Monkey, you two can play ball. I have something else to do and I have to go back first."

"Boss, have you reconciled with Young Master Qin?" Their boss is a typical guy who values ​​sex over friends. As soon as Young Master Qin appears, he will let them go.

"Young Master Qin and I are very close." Ji Rou dropped her words and left, leaving the prince and the monkey behind. You look at me, and I look at you. "It seems that our boss has been eaten to death by Young Master Qin." Dead."

The monkey said: "If you can eat our boss to death, that proves that Young Master Qin is very powerful."

The prince was worried: "The relationship between the boss and Young Master Qin is getting better and better, but recently there are rumors about Senior Feng in the school. Do you think this will affect their relationship?"

Monkey also had the same worry: "Then let's find a way not to let this news reach the boss's ears."

The prince said: "Paper cannot cover the fire. The boss will know sooner or later."

Ji Rou had never quarreled with Young Master Qin, so there was no way to reconcile. It was just that she was anxious to do something she had planned last night and didn't want to waste another minute.

Returning home as quickly as possible, Jirou gave her mother a big hug: "Mom, I love you so much."

Ji's mother also hugged Ji Rou and said gently: "Well, mother loves you too!"

"Mom, sit down, I have something to tell you!" Ji Rou pushed Ji's mother to sit on the sofa, "Mom, this thing is a bit sudden for you, you must not be frightened by me. "

"What's the matter?" Seeing Ji Rou being so serious, but unable to hide the joy in her eyes, Ji's mother probably guessed what Ji Rou wanted to say, but she still pretended to have no clue.

Jirou scratched her head: "Mom, I should have discussed this matter with you in advance, but for some reasons, I took care of it before I had time to discuss it with you."

Marriage is a major event in life. Her parents gave birth to her and raised her. This matter should be discussed with her parents first. Now she directly told her mother the result, which was really unfilial.

"Baby, don't whet your mother's appetite, tell me quickly." Hearing what Ji Rou said, Ji's mother went from guessing to being sure, but she still had to pretend not to know anything. To be honest, her acting skills are good enough for acting.

"Mom, I've registered my marriage." Ji Rou put two red books in front of Ji's mother, "Mom, I didn't ask you about such a big thing as getting married. I know I'm unfilial, but I still want to ask you. Please forgive me and please bless us, okay?"

Ji Rou asked cautiously, fearing that her mother would object and she wouldn't know what to do.

"Silly boy, you can find a good home. Mom is not happy enough, so how can she blame you?" Looking at the two red books, Ji's mother felt indescribably excited. After waiting for so long, she finally waited until her daughter was willing to follow her. She confessed about it.

"Mom, aren't you surprised at all? Don't you blame me at all?" She thought her mother would find it difficult to accept it for a while, but her mother didn't blame her at all.

"My baby girl can find a good home, why should I blame you?" Ji's mother pinched Jirou's face, "Xiaorou, mother knows that you are not an easy child. You told your mother today that you must do a good job." Prepared.”

Yes, it took her several months of inner struggle before she decided to tell her mother about it. It seemed that the person who knew her best was her mother.

Mother Ji said softly: "My Xiaorou is no longer a child who doesn't understand anything. My Xiaorou has grown up. My Xiaorou can support her father's company and take good care of her mother. Of course I believe in her." She can also open her eyes and find her own happiness.”

"Mom, you..." The more Ji's mother said nothing, the more Ji Rou was moved. She was so moved that she burst into tears. "How many lifetimes have I been blessed to be able to love me so much?" Love my mom.”

"Look at your sweet mouth." Ji's mother smiled and rubbed Jirou's head, "Xiaorou, let's tell your dad about this."

"Yes." Ji Rou nodded and went to the place where her father's memorial tablet was enshrined with her mother. Ji's mother put the two marriage certificates on the stage, "Old Ji, today we, mother and daughter, bring you good news. .”

"Mom, let me talk to dad, okay?" Jirou wanted to tell her father personally about such a big thing as getting married.

"Old Ji, please prick up your ears now and be sure to hear clearly." Ji's mother took a step back and pushed Ji Rou forward, "Child, tell your dad loudly."

Jirou said: "Dad, your Xiaorou is an adult now, and she has also found the other half she wants to live with. That person is Qin Yinze, and he is very good to Xiaorou. Xiaorou will take good care of Qin Yinze in the future. The water company will take good care of my mother, so you can rest assured.”

She thought, because she couldn't worry about the mother and daughter, her father must still be guarding them somewhere they couldn't see, and he would only leave with peace of mind when another person could take his place in guarding them.

But now that this person has appeared, my father can definitely feel at ease.

Ji's mother then said, "Old Ji, our son-in-law is very good to Xiaorou. Don't worry, leave your daughter to him. He will take good care of our daughter for you."

"Yes, yes." Jirou nodded desperately, "I will bring him back to have dinner with my mother another day. I think you will like him."

As long as Jirou likes it, the two elders will definitely like it, just because she is their only baby daughter, she is everything to them, and her preferences are their preferences.

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