My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1184: Extra chapter, the old illness was a gunshot wound three years ago

Chapter 1185: Extra chapter, the old illness was a gunshot wound three years ago

Due to its special geographical location, the weather in Minluo City in early November is unpredictable. The sun is shining brightly during the day, and you won't feel cold even if you wear short-sleeved shorts. The temperature drops sharply at night, and you can freeze like a dog even if you wear a thick coat.

The temperature change tonight was the strangest. It was just after nine o'clock in the evening and strong winds started blowing. The cold wind blew on people's faces, like a knife cutting their faces. It was extremely painful.

In the past, after nine o'clock in the evening, the shopping plaza outside the community was bustling with people coming and going. Today, as the temperature dropped, everyone stayed at home and stopped going shopping.

Therefore, Jirou stands out at the gate alone. Occasionally, acquaintances pass by and greet her worriedly: "Xiaorou, it's so cold today, why are you standing here? Go home quickly, don't let her Your mother is worried."

"Yeah, I'll go back in a minute." If you could go home, who would want to stand here and blow the cold wind? Didn't Jirou ask her mother to kick her out?

She wanted to stay at home and sleep with her mother for one night, but her mother said that she was newlywed and could not leave her husband alone, so she kicked her out of the house. The weather was fine when we first went out, but it turned out to be very cold and windy soon after we came out.

It was difficult to take a taxi back to Xishan Villa this late at night, so Ji Rou had to call Qin Yinze and ask him to pick her up. No, after waiting for almost half an hour, Master Qin hadn't arrived yet.

Ji Rou is sure that if she is made to wait for another half hour, Master Qin will have no choice but to carry her frozen body back when he arrives. Of course, this metaphor is exaggerated, but it can prove from the side how cold the wind is.

"Ah ah... I'm almost freezing to death. Qin Yinze, bastard, do you want me to freeze to death here, so you can marry someone else." Jirou wrapped her coat tightly and stretched her neck to look around. , wishing that Qin Yinze would suddenly appear in front of her in a car, but after watching for a while, she still didn't see anything.

Jirou wrapped her clothes tightly but still wasn't warm enough, so she jumped up and down on the roadside, trying to keep warm in this way. Just as she was jumping vigorously, Qin Yinze finally arrived in his car.

Qin Yinze stopped the car, got out of the car immediately, took off his coat as he walked, walked to her and put it on her immediately: "Jirou, do you think you are stupid? It's late at night, you don't know how to do it Find a place to take shelter from the wind?”

"You're stupid." While he was putting a coat on her, Ji Rou threw herself into Qin Yinze's arms and hugged his waist tightly. "Qin Yinze, I'm dying of cold, please give me a hug." Me, hold me tight and give me some warmth.”

She crawled into his arms like a child and clung to him tightly... This action seemed casual, but it actually reflected her inner dependence and trust on him.

Qin Yinze also felt it. He hugged her tightly and could not say any words of blame. He just wanted to hold her in his arms and quietly feel her heartbeat.

After a while, Ji Rou looked up from his arms: "Qin Yinze, please promise me something."

Qin Yinze: "Let's talk and listen."

"From now on, you have to be nicer to me. You can't be angry with me every time. You can't bully me all the time, and you can't even think about killing me." She introduced him to her parents, and she recognized him for the rest of her life. , if he dared to treat her badly again, she would definitely skin him.

"Get in the car first." The weather was so cold, Qin Yinze was worried that she would catch a cold.

Ji Rou insists: "Promise me first, otherwise I won't get in the car."

Qin Yinze: "As long as you are obedient and don't make me angry, I will naturally not be angry with you or bully you."

Jirou pursed her lips: "You are a man, so you have to be more generous. For example, if I accidentally make you angry occasionally, you have to give in to me."

Qin Yinze: "Can't you get in the car?"

Ji Rou: "You haven't promised me yet."

Qin Yinze: "If you promise not to cause trouble or make me angry, I will naturally promise you."

"Stingy man!" How could there be such a stingy man who wouldn't give in to her? She must be blind to think that this guy is good to her.

Look at him like this, not giving her a step, how could he be so good to her?

She would think that he was so good to her because he accidentally drank the ecstasy soup he fed her.

"You really don't want to get in the car?" he asked. Before he got a reply from her, he left her and turned around to get in the car.

Jirou: "..."

She is really blind!

The weather suddenly turned cold. Ji Rou, who had been blowing cold wind for half an hour, didn't catch a cold. She was still active, able to eat, sleep and drink. However, Master Qin, who had old injuries, fell ill again as expected.

The fever reached 39.9 degrees, which made him groggy. Jirou and the two little ones were so worried that they were restless. The three of them gathered around his bed and looked at him with worried faces. Dr. Tong who gives anti-fever injections.

In Qin Yinjian's memory, Qin Yinze has always been in good health. Even if he has a cold, he does not need to take medicine. After drinking two glasses of boiled water and sleeping, he is still the strong big brother.

In the little guy's memory, the eldest brother only had one experience of being bedridden. That was three years ago when the eldest brother suffered a gunshot wound while trying to save his sister. He slept for several months without waking up.

During that time, he quietly waited and prayed every day, hoping that his eldest brother would wake up soon. If he wants his eldest brother to wake up, he is willing to let him get sick.

Maybe his prayer was heard by God. Later, he heard that his eldest brother had woken up. After hearing the news that his eldest brother had regained consciousness, he went to the hospital with his family to see him, but all he saw was a letter left by his eldest brother, not even his shadow.

He was sad for a long time when his eldest brother left. Later, he thought about when his eldest brother would come home to see him every day. He waited and waited for three years, and finally waited until his eldest brother came home. However, his eldest brother only stayed for a few days, and left after seeing his grandma off and attending his sister's wedding.

The eldest brother has been busy since he returned home. He was so busy that he couldn't find a chance to have a good chat with him, and he didn't know that his health had become so bad.

I just heard from sister Jirou that my eldest brother has an old disease, which may cause fever when the weather changes.

You may develop a high fever when the weather changes. Do you still need a fever-reducing injection?

How bad is this body?

And could the old illness that caused the eldest brother's poor health be the gunshot wound three years ago?

When he thought of it, Qin Yinjian asked: "Doctor Tong, is the old disease that caused this high fever the gunshot wound on his body?"

The little guy is young, but his tone of questioning is very much like an adult. Even Dr. Tong, who doesn't know his identity yet, dare not neglect him: "Yes. Sir, he had a gunshot wound before, and the gunshot wound has not been completely cured." , which gave him the root of the disease, so when the weather changes, he may have a cold, fever, or other more serious reactions. "

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